
Why did it become like this?

"Bang... bang bang..."

The sound of rolling rubble and rubble resounded in the collapsed cave like an endless stream.

Olga Marie stared blankly at this scene, watched Matthew fall into it, and even watched the collapsed pothole being buried, her complexion turned pale for a while.


It wasn't until a long time later that Olga Marie finally made a move, ran out of the building frantically, and ran towards the collapsed pit.

"F! F!"

Fufu also ran to the edge of the still-collapsing pothole and kept calling, as if she was calling the owner's name.

"Mash! Mash!"

Standing in front of the smoke-filled pothole, Olga Marie kept shouting.

Of course, no one would respond to Olga Marie's call.


At that moment, Olga Marie sat slumped on the ground, looking a little dull.

In his heart, he was completely enveloped by a sense of despair.

"How to do how to do…"

Olga Marie murmured blankly.

"Lorelai... Matthew..."

These two hard-won companions are now reduced to the end of life and death, and Olga Marie has returned to the state of being alone again.


Fufu didn't seem to give up. When she saw that the pothole was filled and she couldn't find Matthew at all, she turned around and ran in another direction.

There is the direction of Luo Zhen who was beaten into the air.

However, Olga Marie did not go to look for Rozen like Fufu did.

Because, Olga Marie knew that it was impossible for Erozen to survive a head-on blow from Berserker with his physique worse than that of ordinary people.

"What to do... what to do..."

Faced with this situation, the director of Chaldea completely lost his sense of proportion, and showed the fragile side of his heart.

At this moment, Olga Marie is just an ordinary girl.

But at this moment...

"Yo, is this little girl you're looking for?"

Under a somewhat unrestrained laughter, Olga Marie jumped up like a frightened rabbit.

However, in the next second, Olga Marie let out another cry of surprise.


I saw that Matthew, who was supposed to fall into the ground with Berserker, was actually held in the hands of a sage-like magician and fell from midair.

"It really makes people sweat. If I hadn't rushed over in time, you would have been lost, little girl."

Saying this, the sage let out a hearty laugh.

"You... who are you!?"

Olga Marie immediately questioned the other party.

The other party didn't hide anything.

"Caster's servants, well, they're not your enemies, so don't be too wary of me."

Saying so, Caster put down Mash in his hand.

However, Matthew's condition is not very good. Not only is her body covered in mud, she looks very embarrassed, but also tears are streaming down her face, making her look pitiful.

Such a Matthew, as soon as he landed on the ground, immediately ran forward without caring about anything else.

"Senior! Senior!"

Matthew then rushed towards the direction Fufu ran just now.

"Wait! Matthew!"

Olga Marie called Matthew first, then glared at Caster. While guarding against this sudden follower, she approached Matthew.

"It seems that I am hated."

Caster shrugged. He didn't feel troubled by the situation at all. Instead, he followed everyone's footsteps with a relaxed expression.

Not long after, everyone came to the ruins where Luo Zhen was.

"Fu! Fuwu!"

Fufu yelled at the ruins.

That scene was very similar to the situation when Luo Zhen found Matthew when the Chaldea control room exploded.

It's just that at that time, Fufu yelled at Matthew who was crushed under the concrete block, and now she yelled at Luo Zhen who was crushed under the ruins.

But unlike Matthew who was dying at the time, when everyone came here and saw the situation in the ruins, they couldn't help being stunned.

There is no other reason.

In the ruins, what was buried was not the bloody human body as everyone had imagined, but a huge shell.

"Kacha...Kacha Kacha..."

There is an extremely obvious ferocious mark on the shell, causing the entire shell to crack slowly, turning into pieces bit by bit.

And in the cracked shell, Luo Zhen was lying in it with a pale face.


Matthew was suddenly surprised and delighted.

"You...you didn't die, did you?"

Olga Marie was also a little overjoyed.

"Hoo hoo..."

Even Caster clicked his tongue in admiration.

"So that's it. You have summoned the familiar for protection in advance, just in case?"


Just in case, before the battle started, Luo Zhen had already summoned this familiar to protect himself.

——— <Big Shell Call>.

This is the last type of magic Luo Zhen learned that can summon mid-level familiars.

It can summon a shell with extremely strong defensive power, and when the summoner is attacked, it will swallow the summoner into the shell for protection.

Before the battle started, just in case, Luo Zhen summoned it and hid it underground in case of emergency.

This move finally saved Luo Zhen's life.

When Berserker dealt a fatal blow, the huge shell standing by under his feet broke through the ground on the spot, swallowed Luo Zhen into his stomach, and protected him.

In other words, Berserker's blow hit this hard shell, not Rozen.

However, looking at the slowly shattering shells, Luo Zhen also had lingering fears in his heart.

"It was just one blow, but it was actually smashed into pieces. What a monster..."

You must know that the defensive power of the shell summoned by Luo Zhen may not be as good as Mash's shield, but it is also enough to make most of the superior demons fall in the dust.

Luo Zhen is quite confident that this familiar has no ability to fight, nor any other abilities. It only has the ability to protect its master. Its defense is so high.

I didn't expect that my confident method could only withstand the next blow.

"Can that kind of monster really be defeated?"

Luo Zhen just smiled wryly.

The one who answered this question was none other than Caster.

"Don't worry, you have indeed defeated Berserker, that little girl's last blow has shattered his spiritual core."

Caster grinned and said so.

"Of course, you only killed him once. If it wasn't because Saber had knocked him down long ago and exhausted his treasures, you would have absolutely no chance of defeating him."

This sentence made many people present hear the deep meaning.

"Just kill once?"

Olga Marie is a little confused.

"Saber knocked him down long ago?"

Matthew who helped Luo Zhen out of the shell was also startled.

"Exhausted the treasure?"

Luo Zhen frowned even more.

Seeing this, Caster looked at everyone.

"This is not a place to talk, let's change places."

With such a sentence, everyone left the battlefield and walked slowly towards the hiding place where they could stay.

Days, gradually dark down.

That's what I said, but when Luo Zhen's group of Lingzi transferred to this era, the sky was always dark, as if being swallowed by an invisible force, it seemed extremely depressed.

But now, the sky seemed to be getting darker, which made the sense of oppression even stronger.

Under such circumstances, Luo Zhen and his party found a hiding place.

It was a church in a remote location.

"Among the enemies, there is that troublesome guy who can snipe from several kilometers away. Talking in a place with a wide field of vision is simply courting death, so let's go in here."

Caster, who suggested so, walked into the church first, causing Luo Zhen and his party to look at each other in dismay, and could only keep up.

After entering the church, everyone came to the chapel with messy tables and chairs.

"Ah~~ I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

With a relaxed tone, Caster sat directly on a bench, leaned on it, and even threw the staff aside.

"Senior, please sit here."

On the other hand, Matthew helped Luo Zhen, who was completely weak, to sit on another bench, as if he didn't want to leave Luo Zhen for half a step, holding the shield tightly, guarding Luo Zhen's side.

Looking at this scene, while feeling the weakness caused by the exhaustion of magic power, Luo Zhen felt helpless in his heart.

Watching Luo Zhen suffer a fatal blow abruptly in order to save himself, this incident seems to make Matthew still have some lingering fears.

Therefore, Mash's clinginess has almost increased exponentially, and she doesn't want to leave Luo Zhen for half a step, and has always stayed by Luo Zhen's side.

(With this girl's personality, she should be worried about the fact that she can't protect me, right?)

When Luo Zhen thought so, and began to try his best to activate the magic circuit, transform the vitality, and generate new magic power, Olga Marie seemed to have recovered her calm, and regained the demeanor that Chaldea's director should have.

"You are one of the servants of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, Caster, right?"

Olga Marie said these words aggressively.

This caused Caster to spread his hands, completely ignoring Olga Marie's aggression, and spoke with great ease.

"Well, don't be so wary of me, haven't you said, at least, I'm not your enemy?"

This Servant has carried out his style from the time of appearance until now, acting frivolously.

This appearance made Olga Marie feel extremely unhappy, and she glared at Luo Zhen, which made Luo Zhen feel inexplicable for a while.

Is this guy having menopause again?

Rozen, who was so maliciously speculating, didn't know that the reason why Olga Marie behaved like this was entirely because Caster's behavior was somewhat similar to him.

Although Luo Zhen doesn't act as frivolously as Caster, but the sense of laxity and his own way of doing things are somewhat similar to Luo Zhen.

Olga Marie did not say this, but snorted coldly.

"Whether it is an enemy or not is not for you to decide, but for us to judge." Olga Marie said unceremoniously to Caster: "We have been attacked by followers since we came to Fuyuki City. Assault, since you are also a Servant, we cannot be careless to you."

After all, Luo Zhen also said that the servants in Fuyuki City probably attacked them because of the Holy Grail War.

In order to win the Holy Grail War, the masters and servants must fight until the last group is left, and then they will focus on Rozen and Mash who are also masters and servants.

Since the person in front of him is also a follower, it is very likely that he will attack this side because of the same situation.

Carelessly, that is absolutely impossible.

However, just when Olga Marie thought so...

"This follower should be fine."

The complexion recovered slightly, but Luo Zhen, who was still weak, suddenly said this.

"no problem?"

Olga Marie was slightly taken aback.

Even Mash didn't care about Fufu standing on her shoulders, and got up a little confused.

"Oh?" Caster seemed interested in this, and asked Luo Zhen: "Although I said it myself, why do you think that I have no problem and am not an enemy?"

This question is very simple.

"So far, the Archer and Berserker who attacked us have some inexplicable black lines on their bodies, right?" Luo Zhen looked at Caster while generating magic power, and said bluntly: "The two different cavalry came from The other person actually has the same characteristics. At first, I thought it was something formed because of the unique summoning system of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, but you don't have it. From this point of view, there is obviously another reason. "

That being the case, Caster, who didn't have that kind of pattern on his body, was obviously different from the followers who attacked his group.

"Based on this alone, it can be considered that you are at least different from those guys." Luo Zhen said very calmly: "Although it cannot be asserted that you are not an enemy, you should not be a friend of those guys. I have confirmed this point , then it is worthwhile for us to talk to you."

Hearing this, Matthew and Olga Marie looked at each other and fell silent.

Obviously, both women recognized Luo Zhen's judgment.

And Caster grinned.

"So that's how it is. Calm-headed yet bold in action, no wonder that guy Archer didn't hesitate to lure Berserker out and let him attack you. When you entered the battle, he was secretly preparing to attack you."

Caster revealed the news to everyone in a shocking way, causing everyone to look shocked.

It turned out that the tricky Berserker was actually attracted by Archer?

Moreover, that archer is still hiding in the dark, ready to make a move while he is waiting for others to fight?

Thinking of the scene of Archer's arrows flying towards that powerful Berserker, even Rozen couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear.

But since it didn't happen, it proves...

"The one who stopped Archer is you, right? Caster?"

Luo Zhen asserted so.

"I'm just telling the idlers not to spoil the situation." Caster said nonchalantly, "It would be a pity if someone else spoils such a wonderful battle."

This sentence should be the truth, right?

Although Caster definitely didn't just make the move for such a reason, everyone could still hear a sincere taste from his tone.

In view of this, everyone understands.

The person in front of him is a true hero.

and not hesitate to be in the dark

Unlike the Berserker, who was sneaking up on the ground, Archer possessed the honor, dignity, and faith of being a Heroic Spirit.

This made everyone gradually begin to have a sense of trust in Caster.


"One yard is one yard." Luo Zhen did not give up asking because of this, but looked directly at the past, and said to Caster: "Since you are a follower of the Holy Grail War, please explain to us why Fuyuki City Will it become like this?"

This is the problem that needs to be solved the most at present. It is related to the abnormality that Fuyuki City was burned down, and it is also related to the emergence of the singularity, which led to the destruction of human history.

Only this problem, no matter what, has to be solved before all the puzzles can be solved.


"I have no idea."

Caster's straightforward answer stunned everyone.