
Magical Curse

In the thrilling world of Takumi Nagato, Takumi Nagato is a young man stripped of everything he held dear. When his life seems hopeless, he meets Haruki Kazuki, a member of the investigation committee, who reveals to him a startling secret. In this world, there are people with supernatural powers - magic.

Konnov · Fantasy
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20 Chs

It's a pity that we are considered terrorists

* Chemical plant "KhiMexpert", rear side of the plant, 00: 00*

The committee and special forces car drove up to the chemical plant. All the special forces were divided into groups.

"Yukio, what's the plan?" He placed his hand on the earpiece in Haruka's ear.

- so. Special forces must provide support fire. Enter the chemical plant by using the emergency exit. Yukio relayed the information on his plan from the headquarters.

"Accepted!" Haruki said and removed his hand from the earpiece.

"Let's move out." Takumi, you're working on the left side of the stairs after we go in, Ryouma you're on the right, Kazuthen you're centrally checking the stairs. I stand by the door and fire up the SWAT team. Is everything clear?" Haruki ordered.

"I see," said all the committee members.

Haruki carefully opened the emergency door and walked in, constantly holding a gun and exploring the area.

- There are no mines or traps. Security cameras are turned off Takao. You can go in now. Haruki said while holding the gun on the stairs.

Takumi, Kazuto, and Ryouma went in and took up their positions that Haruki had assigned. Special forces soldiers came in a little at a time.

"Ryouma, use your magic andscout the area," Haruki said as he let the SWAT team in.

"Ah, good! Magic: X-ray: Exploration! Ryouma began to carefully inspect every corner of the terrain at the top. "I don't see anyone!" Everything in the area is clean! — he said while he continued to inspect everything in the area.

At one point, Ryouma stopped. And his magic was gone, it could be seen when his magic was used, it could be seen that his eyes were turning green. It disappeared after Ryouma stopped.

"All the special forces have entered," said the commander frompetsnaz.

- Great! Kazuto throw a smoke and light grenade at the exit of the stairs. Haruki asked.

- Magic: Dymovukha and svetukha! Two grenades appeared in Kazuto's hands and he threw them at the exit of the stairs. - Magic: Gun! A Beretta M9 pistol appeared in Kazuto's handsBeretta M9.

"So his magic allows him to create grenadesand weapons whenever he wants. Amazing, Takumi thought.

"Special forces coming up," Haruki said.

The special forces began to rise quickly and pass on various information in their own jargon.

"All clear!" You can go up, " said one of the prisoners of the special forces.

All the committee members rose.

— Here we are at the chemical plant. Haruki pointed out.

— So what do we do next?" Takumi asked.

"We need to do some scouting, defuse the explosives, and finish off the terrorists, it's simple," Haruki explained easily.

"Isn't he worried at all? Why doesn't anyone bother? What kind of people, Takumi thought in his head.

Abruptly, some crystals were visible in the sky that flew at the special forces soldiers.

— What is it?" The special forces commander shouted.

"We need to lo-live, hehe," Haruki said with a laugh.

Crystals flew into one of the SWAT teams and there was a loud explosion.

— * Bang* - S on the left side, where the SWAT team was located, there was an eerie rumble. The sudden shockwave knocked Takumi off his feet, and when he regained consciousness, he saw a horrifying sight. His head filled with horror as he saw the lifeless bodies of the SWAT team members lyingin pools of blood. The floor revealed a small hole, like a yawning abyss.

"W-What happened? Where did the explosion come from?"

— Haha, the pathetic committee brought along the special patrol's special forces, I'm already trembling with fear, ahaha, how nice to mock you. The distant rumble of a woman's voice reverberated across the tile floor, creating an eerie melody.

In the distance, from under the smoke after the explosion, a slender female silhouette began to appear, long dark red hair, a black jacket, threatening laughter was heard from this silhouette.

"It's a pity that we are considered terrorists when all we are doing is reducing the human population to ensure that there is still room on earth for those who remain," the girl said as she emerged from the smoke.

- You are reducing the population of people, znachit, this is terrorism! Pathetic terrorist! Takumi shouted angrily as he got up from the explosion.

"Oh, come on! Really? It's your right to think so. — No, " she said.

— I want to remember your name." Because I'll kill you. Stupid terrorist! Takumi said.

"My name is Sakura. Do you really think you can beat me?

— We will defeat you all together! You'll be arrested! You'll rot in jail!

- Oooh, Sakura, it's been a long time, Sakurishka, and you haven't aged yet, do you still dye your gray hair? HaRuki said as he looked at the corpses of the SWAT team.

"Ahah, and you're here, Haruki. You will not be able to stop the explosion. This will not happen fortunately.

— Why not?" Sakura.

— Because I won't let you disarm the explosives and stop us." The explosion is already 2 hours away.

— We stillhave about two hours. Thank you for giving us the time. How kind you queens are. Haruki laughed.

- Yes, magic! - abruptly, a crystal began to appear in Sakura's hands and she sent it flying towards Haruka.

Haruki placed his hand on the crystal and spoke.

"Magic. Alight blue light appeared in front of Haruka's hand, and the crystal that was flying at it disappeared.

— Well, yes. I couldn't have expected anything else from you. Haruki. Sakura laughed.

"Hey, Sakura. I see our guests have arrived. Yuka said, coming up to the meeting point. — Oh, so there are special forces of the patrol here, fine-Yuka smiled.

— Well, let's get started. - said Sakura-Magic! - Sakura started to get crystals in her hands and sent them flying towards the committee and the special forces.

"Fire!" The special forces commander shouted. Special forces of the special patrol of the otkdug fire.

Sakura and Yuka started dodging the bullets.

- Magic: RPG-An RPG appeared in Kazuto's hands and he fired a rocket towards Sakura.

- *Boom* - the missile has reached its target.

Sakura laughed as she continued to send explosive crystals flying towardsthe enemy.

- Magic: Aura suppression. - Haruki destroyed the aura of Sakura's magic and thus destroyed the crystals-Move to her, break her arm, po-sting-uysta-happily asked Haruki.

"Break your arm?" I'm good at it. Kazuto and Takumi ran towards Sakura and Yuki.

- Magic: X-Ray: Ray Attack-Ryouma used his hand to attack Sakura and Yuki while supporting the SWAT team's fire and helping Haruki. - Come on guys! Catch them! Ryouma shouted.

Kazuto and Takumi were running after Sakura and Yuki, who were dodging bullets.

— Не уйдеthose bitches! - said Kazuto, - Magic: Shrapnel and smoke grenade-in the hands of Kazuto appeared two grenades that he threw on the path of escape of Sakura and Yuki.

The grenades exploded. Yuka received a shrapnel wound.

"Yuka! Heck! Sakura said, lifting Yuki up to nogi.

"Here you are!" Takumi said as he approached them.

"Stay back, you filthy boy! Magic: Poison: Stinging Nettle-some dark green liquid splashed out of Yuki's hand, Takumi immediately tried to dodge the hit, but the liquid seemed tofly straight at his neck.

Oh, shit! How sticky! Takumi tried to peel off the already congealed poison.

Takumi! Don't touch your neck! You idiot! Haruki shouted.

- Now your whole body will start to burn with hellish pain, you will feel like you are in the cauldron of hell, a weakchild. Yuka dictated.

Kazuto ran up to Takumi and asked him—

" Are you okay?"

Takumi took Kazuto's hand and looked into his eyes, slowly raising his head as he said, " I don't know.

"It starts baking my neck and arms." I can feel my throat starting to ache. AHHH! How painful! Takumi screamed in pain.

"Get up, Yuka. I must go. Sakura picked up Yuki and they went to another part of the factory.

Haruki ran to help Takumi.

"You fool! Yuki's magic allows you to throw out any poison. I don't know why she didn't kill you. Haruki said as he approached Takumi.

"AHHH! Save me! Please! Ahh! I'm burning up! Takumi continued to yell in pain.

"Kazuto and Ryouma. Catch up with them, defuse the explosives. I'll stay with Takumi. Haruki said.


"Go on!" There's no time! Haruki chidedKazuto.

Kazuto and Ryouma went after Sakura and Yuki.

"Takumi." The poison is unstoppable. So you need to be patient.

— Aah! Haruki I'm begging you! Help me!

— I can't help you.

— AAH! I'm grieving!

"SWAT teams, go after Kazuto and Ryouma," Haruki shouted.

КKyouzuto and Ryouma, panting from running, penetrated deeper into the chaos of the factory, trying to find the hidden Sakura and Yuki. Their hearts were beating faster, adapting to the adrenaline and tension of the moment. Every step, every turn, became more important, not a single detail, not a single shadow escaped their eyes. The flickering red lighting of the corridors created an ominous atmosphere, as if they were in the midst of a nightmare. The factory equipment hummed, making strange noises, as if the machines were undergoing excruciating tests. Each step created an echo in their ears.

«Kazuto mentally asked himself as he prowled through the maze of corridors. Ryouma, who was burning with zeal, kept up despite his fatigue. They knew that time was working against them. Suddenly, Kazuto froze. He could hear laughter filtering through the desolation of the factory. With quick steps, Ryouma approached him, clearly feeling that they had found a trail. The laughter was repeated, as if mocking their efforts. Following the sound, they entered a room that was layered with empty crates and recently used equipment. Their eyes fell on the shadows moving in the back of the room. Immediately drawing their weapons, they quickly blocked the path with their unyielding resolute air.

"You did find me, so why are you so persistent?" Sakura hissed, barely able to contain the smile on her face. Yuka, resting on the table, looked at them with impatience. Ryouma and Kazuto both felt that this was a trap, but they were also imbued with the charm that radiated from them.

"Hey, setting up traps, my hobby! Ryouma said outrageously.

"We warned you, Sakura. Finish your game and give up. Kazuto moved closer unobtrusively, keeping his guard up. He hadn't forgotten the danger that Yuka and her poisonous magic posed. But Sakura just burst out laughing, ignoring their words.

"The game is just beginning, boys. I'm not going to say goodbye to you prematurely. her voice was mocking, full of contempt and defiance. "Magic!

Explosive crystals flickered in Sakura's hands,materializing out of nowhere. She threw them at Kazuto and Ryouma, intending to stop them. Yuka jumped up, her hands already filled with deadly poison. She threw them with masterful precision, aiming to kill Kazuto and Ryomuin one move. The two guys reacted quickly, dodging the crystals and poison. Kazuto and Ryouma then counterattacked with their weapons. Kazuto threw his grenades in a wide arc, while Ryouma released a barrage of X-rays that swept through the air.

"Not bad, boys. Not bad. Sakura was praising Kazuto and Ryouma. — But, we don't have time to have fun, - Sakura smashed the window with a chemicalnut.

Yuuka jumped after Sakura through the broken window.

"Whew! Rem, use your magic to find the explosives. Kazuto asked.

"Aha! Now! Magic: X-ray: Exploration! Rem's eyes turned green again. — I can't see anything in the nearest100 meters.

— It can't be! Rem, are you kidding?

- no. I'm serious.

— Could it be?"

— They probably put the explosives in my bones, and I can't see through the bones, so I can't see through the bones."

"These bitches are smart. Well, we went to search manually.

"Takumi." The poison is slowly coming out. Can you talk?" Haruki was squatting on the ground.

"Haruki, who are these bitches?" I'm still burning, it hurts like hell. Takumi asked, feeling terrible pain.

ThePoison Queens are an organization that was once known as the "Kings and Queens of Terrorism" because of its brutal and cold-blooded actions. However, after an internal conflict that occurred 90 years ago, only women remained in the organization. Thisconflict was a turning point in the history of the organization and made it known under a new name. «Poison Queens don't kill people for personal gain or revenge. Their motivation is deeper and lies in reducing the population of our planet for the benefit of future generations. They aim to create a world where resources are more evenly distributed and nature is renewed without human intervention. Theorganization is headed and led by Rin Hanada, a woman who came to power 30 years ago and changed the organization's name. Her nickname "The Venomous Ones" came from her past addiction to killing her victims using poisons. This nickname became a symbol of her coolness and skill in the use of chemicals. Theorganization "Poison Queens" does not limit its activities only to terrorist attacks. They also actively arrange destruction in chemical warehouses, as a result of which many people suffer and die. Their unhealthy love of chemicals and poisonsis an integral part of their character and methods of action. ВLast year, the Poison Queens, according to the Committee's estimates, committed about 16 thousand murders with the help of their terrorist attacks. It is important to note that these deaths did not occur instantly, as it would seem, as a result of explosions. The organization skillfully plans its actionsto cause the maximum amount of destruction and sacrifice.