
Magical Curse

In the thrilling world of Takumi Nagato, Takumi Nagato is a young man stripped of everything he held dear. When his life seems hopeless, he meets Haruki Kazuki, a member of the investigation committee, who reveals to him a startling secret. In this world, there are people with supernatural powers - magic.

Konnov · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Under the gun: Mission impossible

* Blood Carnival Tip*

- Long time no see, Sora, I see you changed your clothing style. Kohei Ichimura, a special fighter and member of the Carnival council, said as he sat down at a chair.

"Yeah, Kohei, I haven't seen you in two months, and you've missed me so much. Sora, the head of the Blood Carnival Council, replied.

"I'm also very happy to see you again, dear Board members," said Kanto Kobayashi, the Carnival's chief financial officer, sitting at the back of the room.

— Yes, yes, you can start now, I'm very bored. - Naomi Tanaka, special fighter and Carnival board member.

"Naomi, you've changed the color of your nail polish, how beautiful! Kohei was saying with a smile.

"All the council members are here. Great. Mr. Riku To will be arriving soon. Sora informed him.

"Here he is. Kohei said as he looked into the distance of the Carnival Council Hall and saw a silhouette smoothly appearing.

"Rikuto Yamada, have a seat!" Sora prepared a chair for Rikuto.

"Thank you, Sora, but I'll sit here." Good evening, dear colleagues. As we know, at the moment the Committee is weakened due to the Poison Queens, so it's time to pay a visit to the headquarters and pick up the securities from there. Rikuto Yamada, the head of the Blood Carnival organization, spoke in a calm and low tone.

"How are they weakened, Mr. Rikuto?" Naomi asked.

- The Poison Queens organized a terrorist attack on one of the chemical plants. The Committee is currently working on this. Rikuto said.

"I see. They're always meddling in their own affairs. That's why they suffer the most. Naomi said.

"Naomi." According to my calculations, this terrorist attack will cost us $ 12 billion. Kanta said.

— You were wrong. Haruki said at the meeting that it would only cost us 7 billion. - shared Kohei.

"Did Haruki ever tell you the truth?" Kanta said mockingly.

"Damn it! Kohei muttered.

— Despite the potential for significant losses, we must not forget the value of the documents and intelligence that the Committee has on our organization. Their value exceeds several billion dollars. Rikuto interjected.

— And what did you say to Rikuto?" Break into their headquarters and just steal everything? Kohei asked.

— What else can we do?" You need to take the chance of fate to steal everything. Leave the committee undocumented, essentially naked. Sora said.

"Mr. Rikuto, what's the plan?" I already want to sleep out of boredom." Naomi asked.

— The plan is very simple. I do not think that council members should be involved in this task. Let's send Kotaro Kawaguchi to this task.

- Send Kotaro there, well, you can, a special Carnival fighter is required to complete this task. Kohei said.

"Wow, Kotarou! Ah, it's boring again. "Naomi was dying of boredom.

"Then it's settled. We'll send it to the Koutarou Committee headquarters. The Carnival council is over. Sora said loudly and sarcastically.

* Investigation Committee Headquarters*

— Yes, they are doing great, *yum-yum*, it turns out. Yukio said as he sat in a chair eating chips and watched the cameras showing the committee members being sent to the chemical plant.

- *Ding — ding * - the elevator doors in the headquarters opened abruptly and unexpectedly.

— Has anyone returned yet?" Yukio thought.

"Hey, hi, where are you?" Yukio walked out of the hall. - Hmm, no one is here, maybe the elevator has failed? — he thought and went further to observe.

- *Rustling* - the sounds of papers rustling could be heard from the committee library.

"Did someone break into the headquarters?" Yukio thought as he sat watching the cameras and thought about the sounds coming from the library. Yukio took out a pistol from a drawer and carefully entered the library.

"Who's there?" Yukio said loudly as he entered the library. — What's going on here?" Yukio said when he saw the documents lying on the floor.

"I'll sit here for a while," Yukio decided.

Yukio, who was sitting in the closed library, suddenly heard the sound of footsteps bouncing off the walls and floors. His heart beat faster as he took the gun in his hands and directed his gaze at the documents scattered on the floor in front of him. His mind is full of thoughts about what is happening and who is setting foot on the headquarters grounds. A rush of adrenaline was flooding through Yukio when suddenly the door of the room slammed shut with the click of a lock. Fear and distrust of the alien presence permeated the air. Suppressed rustles and regular sniffs surrounded him, evoking vague forebodings. Abruptly, there was the sound of an elevator, the elevator jerked up and the doors of its cabin suddenly slammed shut. Yukio couldn't contain his emotions and shouted in the direction of the elevator in the closed library.

"Hey! Who's there? I'll shoot you!" Stop it! Yukio's voice was a cry of helpless rage, mixed with a hint of anger and alarm.

However, there was no response, no noise. Silence hung in the air, dead and uninvited. Yukio felt a chill of terror run down his spine. His mind plunged into a struggle with the unknown, searching for an explanation for this otherworldly event.

— How?" Who was here? Why didn't I see it? Yukio was looking for excuses for his actions. "Maybe I'm hallucinating and I'm crazy."

*Blood Carnival Tip*

- Rikuto, why are you confident about Kotaro's success in this mission? Naomi said from boredom in her chair.

"You must have forgotten his magic." Kotaro can become invisible. Rikuto said in a calm and gloating voice.

* Chemical plant "KhiMexpert", 1: 00*

- Takumi! Takumi! How are you, my friend?" Ryouma shouted as he ran over.

"Takumi passed out due to pain shock, hihi," Haruki said as Ryouma and Kazuto ran over.

"Ahah! Pain shock? Cool, probably would like to try it on yourself! Kazuto, smiling with a light laugh, thought about the possibility of experiencing a pain shock.

"Yes, Kazuto. Takumi might die now, I envy him, " Haruki said.

— Then my pain shock plans are canceled!"

— What are we going to do, Haruki?" Ryouma asked.

"Bes-pon-yatia! Haruki replied happily. — This is the first time we've been cornered in tu-pik!" Hehe, " he added.

My magic doesn't find the explosives planted here! Ryouma said.

"Stop!" What did you say? Haruki abruptly stood up and grabbed Ryouma.

"Well, my magic doesn't find explosives here," Ryouma said again, a little alarmed.

"Ah, then I see! Haruki said with relief.

Stop the Poison Queens, you cocky bastards! What freaks men are! A woman's voice shouted from the back of the factory.

"Who's that?" Haruki? Kazuto asked.

— I understand that. This is another terrorist.

"Another one?" How many of them are there? Kazuto said in an exasperated voice.

"That's her. Ami Araki. A terrorist without magic. Haruki said.

"Shall we have some fun, woodpeckers?" Ami, a 19-year-old Poison Queen terrorist, said when she arrived.

- Ami, you haven't changed a bit. Standing up, Haruki noticed that Ami hadn't changed even a gram

— Keep your mouth shut. Be happy that you still have teeth. The freak. Ami pointed out threateningly.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid! Why don't you put the machine gun on the ground? Before it's too late, " Haruki said amicably, trying to lighten the situation.

"Son of a bitch! Well, hold on! Ami opened fire with her submachine gun on the Committee members.

"We're hiding!" Take cover! Haruki shouted as he ran away from the bullets of the submachine gun.

The committee members hid behind boxes.

"What are these boxes?" Kazuto asked.

"Written with chemical elements, uh-oh," was the last thing Haruki said.

"*Bang-bang, pow-pow*, " Ami continued to shoot.* - the boxes behind which the committee members were sitting exploded.

— Hahaha! Learn to hide, you dumbasses! Ami shouted with a laugh.

The committee members were sprawled out on opposite sides of each other.

"T-Takumi.. Haruki said before losing consciousness.

"Takumi?" Who is it? Ami walked over to Haruki and placed her foot on his face. Ami was preparing to pull the trigger of her submachine gun to shoot Haruki.

Sharply. Takumi took out his gun from his pocket and shot Ami's arm.

"Ah! Ouch! What the hell? "Don

't you dare kill anyone, you terrorist!" Takumi shouted as he approached Ami.

Takumi shoved Ami to the ground and knocked the submachine gun out of her hand, which was bleeding profusely.

"Who the hell are you, baby?" Ami asked angrily.

"Me?" New member of the committee. Takumi replied.

— I was sure you were dead just lying there." So you were just unconscious. What a freak! Ami exclaimed.

— I used magic, I restored the cells where the poison was going and dissolved it, I didn't even know I could do that!" Takumi shared.

— So you can do magic, too, you annoying little brat!" With that, Ami dropped Takumi on the floor and ran away towards the front of the factory.

— How are you guys?" Takumi asked as he got up from the fall.

"Nor-mal-no! Kazuto replied and somehow raised his finger to the top.

— We don't have much time!" It's already 1: 30, we need to defuse the bombs! Takumi spoke optimistically.

"You're aww, Takumi! Hehe! Haruki got up very quickly.

"W-what's that?" Checking again? Takumi said, not surprised.

"Exactly! You should have spared us again! Whoo-hoo-hoo! Haruki replied. "But they were seriously hurt," Haruki added, looking at Ryouma and Kazuto.

— There are 30 minutes left before the explosion, and we need to defuse some explosives!" What to do? Takumi asked anxiously.

"Come on, Takumi. Haruki said in a cold voice.

— What about them?" Takumi asked excitedly.

— We're bro-sa-eating them, heh-heh-heh!" Haruki said and grabbed Takumi's hand and carried him, " WAIT, YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" ahh! Takumi shouted.

"M-o-w-n-o! Heheh! Haruki laughed.

Takumi and Haruki came to one of the reactors of the chemical plant.

Haruki pointed at the heat exchanger and the process control equipment.

Takumi and Haruki started searching.

"It's empty! Haruki and Takumi said at the same time. — We still have 15 minutes left, exciting! Haruki said easily.

— No,no! Takumi shouted in frustration. — We're all going to die!" "

Shut up already." Takumi! Haruki slapped Takumi right across the face.

— There are always ways to go in difficult times. Desire and correct actions will help a person survive. Modern society has forgotten this simple truth. Stop whining, Takumi. Haruki said confidently.

"Ah! Ah-ah-ah! Takumi lowered his head down.

- Let's go to the storage rooms, most likely we will find one explosive there. Haruki asked. "Let's go," Takumi agreed.

Takumi and Haruki walked down the stairs to the storage areas where chemical components are stored.

— You said that the motivation of the Poison Queens is to reduce the human population, do all those who are involved in this terrorism really think so? Takumi asked sharply.

- no. Naturally, there are also sensible people there. They do this for the sake of some kind of revenge on society, for example, Sakura, she was bullied by adults, she was raped. Psychologically speaking, it takes revenge on them. Haruki said.

Takumi felt a pang of compassion for Sakura.

— We're here!" Haruki informed.

"So! Let's see everything here! Haruki was about to step further when suddenly:

"Stop, Haruki! Takumi abruptly grabbed Haruki's hood and pulled him away.

"You see? Takumi pointed to the farthest corner, where there were explosives with dynamite and a timer.

"We need to disarm it as soon as possible. Haruki said and ran towards her.

"Yes, my God," Takumi said reluctantly.

"Look at this. See the wires? They are trying to confuse us, there is a white wire, blue and purple, what is the mode? Haruki asked.

"Ah-ah-ah! Don't ask me that! Takumi said emphatically.

"I see! Then I cut purple! Haruki said and tore off the purple wire with his bare hands. "Hmm." Nothing happened. Strange. Haruki was surprised.

"We need to hurry, Haruki! 7 minutes to go before the explosion! Takumi was feeling surprisingly excited.

— I understand. Haruki stopped him. - But. There is one problem. Haruki added.

— What the fuck but? Takumi asked excitedly.

— This factory doesn't have any real explosives. It's all a sham. Haruki said calmly.

— Wh-what?"? Takumi asked, surprised.

I realized this a long time ago. But I was wondering, why aren't there any explosives? Suddenly, just as Haruki was about to finish, he was interrupted by the sound of footsteps and footsteps coming down the stairs. They clearly felt the unmistakable sound of shoes hitting the stairs.

"How did you guess, smartass Haruki! For your sharp mind, I both love and hate you at the same time, " Sakura's voice came out. Simultaneously, two familiar silhouettes began to appear.

"Sakura-Sakura, where are the bombs?" Haruki asked loudly.

— In the other end of the city, in another industrial zone, at the chemical plant "Khimritm", and in 5 minutes there will be an explosion. Sakura said villainously and started laughing loudly at the entire warehouse.