
Magical Curse

In the thrilling world of Takumi Nagato, Takumi Nagato is a young man stripped of everything he held dear. When his life seems hopeless, he meets Haruki Kazuki, a member of the investigation committee, who reveals to him a startling secret. In this world, there are people with supernatural powers - magic.

Konnov · Fantasy
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20 Chs

A sleepy nightmare

* Embankment. Haruki and Kohei.*

- Kohei. Don't keep attacking. Think about it, avoid $ 7 billion in losses. And the Carnival doesn't even need to do anything!

"Shut up Haruki, consider me taking my revenge on you."

"You're just a walkingprick, Kohei.

"YOU BASTARD! Magic: Supersonic: Speed.

Kohei quickly disappeared from sight.

"Still, you're pretty fast, Kohei.

"Really?" Kohei shouted loudly from behind Haruka and pointed his foot in the direction of Haruka's face.

Haruki flew into the wall of a nearby building with great speed.

— Haruki!!! Takumi shouted.

— AAH! Magic: Cell Kinesis: Vampire. - Takumi uses magic for the first time.

- what? A vampire? Cell kinesis? Hahah, made me laugh, pathetic baby die. Magic: Supersonic: Speed.

Once again, Kohei wasout of sight.

"Most likely, the blow will be with zade as with Haruki," Takumi thought.

Takumi turned around and already saw Kohei swinging, but at the last moment, a surprise appeared in Kohei's eyes. Takumi released the bats from his body and disappeared.

"Make a new memberof the Committee, Kohei. Haruki said as soon as he got out of the wreckage. — I knew that from the beginning.

— Wh-what?" Will it make me? Aha don't talk nonsense, Haruki.

"Turn around," Haruki said menacingly.

Kohei turned around and at the same time, venomoustwisted spikes flew into his stomach. His eyes began to darken and the last thing he saw was a porcupine.

"You're doing great, Takumi," Haruki said.

"S-thank you. But why couldn't you stop his aura, you could?

"I could have. But you needed to save me, so you didn't, hehe.

"Damn you! Stop. What should I do with it now?

"Leave him and follow me, we need to get back to headquarters and get organized by tomorrow night."

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

*Investigation Committee Headquarters*

Haruki and Takumi stepped out of the elevator.

— You're back. How's the negotiation going, Haruki?" Kazuto asked.

- Well, Takumi knocked her out and we didn't really agree on anything.

— Wh-WHAT?" SO YOU MADE IT EVEN WORSE? Yukio was angry.

"Yu-ki-oh, don't be mad. Besides, I don't really think they'll attack our headquarters at night while we're on thefence.

"It sounds like a fairy tale." Now our headquarters is definitely screwed! Ryouma was nervous.

- Think more optimistically, damn it! Haruki said calmly.

— All the documents, all the files and all the investigations, everything can be stolen, burned and sold by these carnival people! And you're so calm! Are you okay, Haruki? Yukio was saying irritably.

- All that you said is impossible! I moved everything yesterday, heh

-heh. All documents and then on?

"That's right!

"You're an idiot, Haruki..."

"Why, Yukio?"

"Because I could have told you before, that's all.

"Haruki, what's the new talent?" Did you find out something? Kazuto asked.

As I thought, it can change cells, which means it can transform into anything.

- Cool! Hey, you're new, you're so lucky! You're so useful to us.

"Thank you." Takumi thanked him.

- "Tink-tink" — the phone rings.

"Oh, sorry, the special patrol is calling," Yukio said.

"Yukio. Our special forces soldiers will be waiting for you at night in your parking lot. Hiroki relayed the information.

- so. We will have the special forces of the Patrol in the parking lot at night, there is no unique information.

"P-on-yat-no, Yukio. How boring before a night like this. Haruki complains.

— You're always bored, Haruki. Ryouma said.

— And you always wonder, Ryouma— Haruki answered.

- Ryouma, here I am, as I understandit, just a member of the committee, I don't have any specialty, and you are an investigator, what cases have you already solved? And how did you get on the committee in the first place? I'm just curious. Takumi asked.

"Oh, okay. I don't like to talk about it out of duty. So be it. Ryouma agreed.

I went from being an ordinary 15-year-old child to an ordinary family. My father worked on a construction site, and my mother worked as a school secretary. However, in one mysterious moment, my life changed. I began to notice that my eyes were able to see through walls. Inn'achala, not understanding what kind of magic it is, I decided not to share it with anyone and just enjoy these new abilities. It was fun to watch my classmates go to the bathroom while I was sitting at my desk. But that all changed when the chief investigator of the time found me and offered me a job just like yours. Withthe announcement of the offer, I started my career in this unusual field from a very young age – only 16 years old. My mission was to create elaborate traps and traps to lure criminals into the trap. I have always been at thecenter of various cases that I have never talked about, but I can share one of the most significant cases in my work. Oh, once I had to deal with a criminal with a special kind of magic. He could create mirrors and attack his opponents with beams of energy from them. To catch him, I devised a complex plan and led him into a trap I set up inthe sewer system. I had driven him into a corner with my sharp actions and perseverance, and as a result, the criminal almost drowned. Although such an attempt did not lead to his death, he is now incarcerated, held in a cubic prison, where he is unspeakably lonely. Something like that, Takumi. Everyone on the Committee has gone through an incredibly difficult path. Don't underestimateour potential.

"Ahah, Ryouma, do you remember who devised the plan for this trap?" Yukio laughed.

"Yes, it was you.

"That's it!

Suddenly, the elevator doors opened in the center of the headquarters and Takao Hiroshi stepped out.

— I have some bad news for you.

"Tellme, don't tomi," Haruki said.

— I got the poison queens ' data, they've already planted explosives in the chemical plant, it's just a plan to trap us. Takao said.

"What bitches these queens are! Coming up with a new plan again! Yukio's voice was insulting.

— So that's how they wanted to kill us, okay?" Haruki asked happily.

Everyone immediately started looking at Haruki as if he was crazy.

"What's fun, Haruki?" Takumi asked.

— The fun is that they won't kill us, and their plan has failed again. Takao you are our savior! With that, Haruki also hugged Takao.

"Hey, Haruki, that's enough, that's enough! Takao asked.

"I love you, Ta-ka-o-Haruki hugged Takao.

"What do we do now, Yukio?" Takumi asked.

— We'll get there ahead of schedule and defuse the explosives, simple as that.

The Committee of Inquiry began to prepare for the night, and they had a heavy task ahead of them, dealing with the disposalof explosive devices.

"Takumi, get the tear gas. Ryouma said.

"Haruki, take the gun with a loaded clip instead of the usual one. Yukio asked.

"Ho-ro-sho, Yukio.

— We're almost ready, Committee!" his speech was interrupted by the sound of the elevator doors opening.

But no one came out of the elevator, because something fell out of it. After that, there was a small explosion and everyone in the headquarters fell asleep.

"Girls. The Committee has been defused. Completely. I'll kill them in their sleep as usual. Miyuka relayed the information.

"Nice work, Miyuka. Now our teract will take place. Make sure to get their documents back. Sakura ordered. "Over and out."

-Well, pathetic Committee by killing you in your sleep, I will kill your moral part, which means that I will not leave you with endless suicidal desires, you will become a pathetic mass and a reflection of your inhumanity. Miyuka gloated.

"Who are you, girl?" a stern voice came from the next room.

Masao, who came out of the room, was shocked by what was happening. All the members of his Committee were lying on the floor, unconscious.

- The smell of sleepy extract. Aren't you one of the poison queens?" You look like you're 6 years old. Masao asked.

"Shut up, you boorish bastard! I'm not 6 anymore, I'm 9! It's insulting! With that, Miyuka threw a sleepy look at Masao's face.

— You're using your knowledge pretty well." Masao said behind Miyuki's back.

"Hey, your pawns won't wake up any time soon, I can get into their dreams if I want to, I can destroy their moral envelope and they'll want to die on their own. And you're going to fuck with me. You old bastard! Miyuka began toshake her head.

"Stop it, girl. Give me all the weapons you have and I'll let you go, so be it.

"You probably don't understand." Magic: Snokosmo: Entering someone else's dream.

Miyuka was sprayed out in an instant, and the dust that she scattered on flew intoHarukey's head.

"Damn it! Masao asked angrily.

"Excellent! The chemical plant explosion will turn Yukisaka into a walking cloud of toxins. From now on, this city will not be a place for holding terrible organizations, all sorts of Committees and Carnivals. Quite a chuchut left until the end. No one is nothing anymore it won't stop you! Sakura laughed and rejoiced at her success.

* Son Haruki*

- Pizza, no sushi! Or maybe better burgers? CAN I DO IT ALL AT ONCE? Haruki stood looking at what he should buy on the shop floor.

"This jerk has a weird dream universe.

"Weird, huh, baby?" Haruki whispered behind Miyako's back.

— From where?" Wh-what? Where are you freak! Miyako shouted.

"Oh, yes. Cool. Do not forget. This is my dream. My lucid dream, " Haruki said from the sky.

"Impossible! How did you get into a lucid dream? I poisoned you with sleeping extract. This isn't real!

"I had time to hold my breath unlike the others, I heard the sound of the elevator and expected an unexpected attack from the queens, so I was ready.

— I'll find your moral charmand destroy it, you'll lose the meaning of everything, you bastard!"

— This is my dream, which I control and understand, so you don't stand a chance. By the way, question of the day: If I kill you in a dream, will you die in reality?

"Ah! What is he driving at? I don't understand whyadults are so weird, " Miyako mused.

- no. I won't die. Miyako replied confidently.

- Oh, what a pity that 9-year-olds don't know how to lie. Your lies can be detected a couple of miles away. But I don't want to kill such a cute girl. Haruki abruptly appeared in front of glazami Miyako with a wrench. — How about pulling your teeth out, or pouring gasoline on them?" What do you say, bumblebee?" 9-year-old Shmara is already shaking with fear. You shouldn't have gotten into my dream.

"I'm a fool! You fool! A nightmare! The nightmare that awaits me! " thought Miyako.

— Well, let's get started.

"AHHHHH!! Save me!!

— All right, then. I'm kind today. You'll tell me where the queens planted the explosives, the exact locations, and you'll stay alive – you won't tell me, the outcome is obvious.

— All right. I'll tell you everything. Please don't kill me! Ahh! Miyako cried.

— One of the explosives is fixed in the waste compartment. Another one is in the control building. That's all I know, really!

— All right. I believe. As soon as I wake up, you have to walk slowly to the elevator or I'll put a bullet in my head.

"Got it!"

"Oh, Masao, good morning!

"Ah, Haruki, so you fell asleep on your own.

" Haruki smiled.

Dust flew out of Haruka's head and turned into Miyako.

— I swear one day we will win inerh!" Miyako held her teeth as she said this and left for the elevator.

"Masao, we need to wake up the others. Haruki said.

— My life experience shows that it is almost impossible to wake people up after a sleepy extract.

— And my life experience says that all we need is a tincture of chamomile. And I have her cop-ta-te got a giggle.

* Chemical plant "CheMexpert", 22: 00*

- You working mutts, on your knees in front of the queens, you are held hostage, - Sakura said threateningly.

"Miyuki's plan failed, damn 9-year — old fool," Yuuka put her hand on her face.

"Nothing, Yuka. All is not lost yet. Control over the chemical plant is ours. If they try to enter – we'll kill them.

"Who are you?" One of the hostages of the workers who had worked so hard here spoke with an anxious, scrupulous lump that tightly painted over the folds of his throat.

— Hahaha. Die, worm. With a shocking, merciless laugh permeating the air, Sakura said in a threatening tone.

- *Tysch — tysch * - Without a flinch of her face, Sakura lethally accurate shot from her pistol split the worker's skull, piercing his brain to the very center.

— Anyone else want to start asking questions?" With a smile covered in traces of spilled blood, Sakura rhetorically addressed the rest of the audience.

- Sakura. I planted 4 more explosives in different locations. One at the reactor. The second one is in the lab. The third is in a chemical warehouse. The fourth is on the distillery tower. Yuka shared her information.

* Parking of the Investigative Committee*

A crack of light suddenly broke through the closed doors of the elevator as it passed through the bottomless depths of the mysterious cave. The blinding beams parted, and the special Patrol's special forces saw a vivid picture-the stylish outlines of armedfollowers marching majestically into the world of open doors. They were the best of the best, selected members of the Investigative Committee, surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery and poignant intrigue. Their arrival sent an adrenaline rush through the veins of every member of the SWATteam, who were already running high with the anticipation of adventure.

"Finally. You've arrived. We've been waiting. - said the commander of the special forces squad.

"Hey, rookie! How many fighters are there? Kazuto asked as he stepped out of the elevator.

— You were promised a hundred." There are two hundred here. the commander replied.— There is still a lot of time before completing the task, where are you going? "

There's no more time." Moving out now. Haruki said while standing near the elevator doors.

— W-how do we move out now?" We were told at night. The commander replied in a demurring tone.

Kazuto heard this, frowned and went to the special forces commander, Kazuto grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up, saying:

— If you don't come with us now, I'll put a stun grenade in your mouth, okay?"

"P-got it!" That's right! We will perform! the commander gasped. - Fighters on cars! Let's go! — Stop it! " he ordered at the same time.

Kazuto lowered the commander and looked at him and patted his shoulder. The rest of the Committee members got into their cars. All the cars from the parking lot moved in the direction of the chemical plant.