
Magical Brothel in Marvel (Bl, R18)

Bell woke up in a strangely decorated room. Just having been hit by Truck-kun, his memories were fuzzy. Till a serious voice spoke in his head. Follow Bell's perverted story as he opens a magical Brothel, needing to "Convince" different dimensional creatures to work for him any means possible.

PinkButterflyQueen · Movies
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17 Chs

Encyclopedia of Races, just some Basic info (Not a real Chapter!)

???: Hello Marionette here, a character you have yet to meet in the Story, maybe a bit of a spoiler! Anyway i am here to explain a bit more of the Fantasy races of current Brothel employees and in the future, future ones and some races they might encounter. First i would like to start with Apocalypse!

Marionette: Apocalypse is a Dragon, more precise a Fire Dragon. Though Dragon may seem like a majestic race, they really aren't as majestic as you might think. Dragons have four main characteristics, that may vary per element they represent. First, Dragons are natural masters of Illusion Magic and the Magical element they represent. Second, Dragons are proud, but also quite the loners because of it. Never wanting to stoop to a lesser race level, a reason why they live isolated from any other Race. Three, Dragons are possessive, what's Thiers is Thiers, same goes with all Thier possessions, including Thier Mate. Four, speaking of Mates, Dragon see people they have first sex with as mate (Yes Apocalypse sees Bell as Mate!). Thier Motto for mates is, everything the Mates owns is Thiers. So using a mates things is quite normal!

Marionette: Next we will look at a more sadistic employee, Cherry!

For this i will first explain how Cherry's Race was even created! We will call Cherry's Race Pink Medusa for now. First is the Father half, since it's the fastest to explain. His father is a Incubus, a sex demon from a sub plane called hell. Thier role is to charm victims and made them commit the Sin of Lust. Though the Race seems evil, they themselves are a kind of victim. They have hard time giving birth to children or impregnating other races. So much that there are almost no natural born Incubus around. Incubus are mostly now created out of souls stained with the Sin of Lust. A reason why they need to curupt others, so they do not die out.

Next comes to the Mother's side, first of all Medusa is not a normal race, they themselves are a mix of two races the Lamia and the Basilisk, both snake like monsters. Lamias are half human like snake, a main trait that defines the appearance of a Medusa. While the Basilisk is a pure snake like monster, that gives Medusa the Eyes that allow them to turn others to stone and deadly poisonous fangs. Though since they are only half basilisk, they have a hard time controlling this power and turn others to stone unwillingly. Leading to Medusa to hide her eyes mostly.

The Pink Medusa lost the stone turning ability from the basilisk, instead it turned into a stunning gaze. Same as the deadly poison turned into a potent aphrodisiac. They are natural in illusion, Lust, Earth,Water and charm magic, though it would be hard mastering every magic in a lifetime.

Marionette: Next is the newest addition to the Crew, TenTen.

Tentacle monsters, are a peaceful race. They mostly live in swamps or near rivers, they act as natural water filter and even purifies mana while doing so! Male Tentacle monsters like TenTen have nutritional cum, thanks to Thier filter like body. Though dirty rumors and stories exist, none of them are true. Tentacle monsters do not sexually assault others or lay Thier eggs inside of you. Thier Reproduktion is similar to fish, as the female lays eggs in the water and the Male nuts all over them to fertilize it.

Marionette: These were all current employees. I will appear now and then to explain more about certain races later and the Chapters will be titled Marionettes guide to Monsters and races for Dummy's! as for my race? well i will give a hint, my name is close to what i am and I am not made out of flesh and blood! See ya next time Horny Apes! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧