
Magical Brothel in Marvel (Bl, R18)

Bell woke up in a strangely decorated room. Just having been hit by Truck-kun, his memories were fuzzy. Till a serious voice spoke in his head. Follow Bell's perverted story as he opens a magical Brothel, needing to "Convince" different dimensional creatures to work for him any means possible.

PinkButterflyQueen · Movies
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17 Chs

Apology and chapter

Sorry for being away for so long without notice. I had a bad writers block and got maybe a bit addicted to playing some computer games and forgot about this little project of mine. (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ Anyway i will start to write again and continue this story. Though there might be a lack of nsfw chapters, since my brain currently is full with others stuff.

I am also split in two, how serious i want the story to be. Or if the Marvel universe is maybe a bit too much for me to take on. After all i mostly wanted to write casually and add a big amount of smut as 'plot'.

As for my other Story? Eh..... well i will probably not continue writing it. I mean i am a introvert and never was really part of any chat group. Even when i am part of one, i may only look inside it once per week and not write anything. Naturally i reply if i get pinged or get a message privately. So creating fluid chat messages is too awkward for me.

Though there might be another story later on, i have ideas, but no real plan.

Anyway here is another chapter after a long time. (⁠☞゚⁠∀゚⁠)⁠☞

Bell woke up and decided to finally look for the next employee, he knows that it was time to take this all more serious. He really was easy going with everything at first, but it were his employees who suffered because of it. So he stood up and as he left the room he saw Apocalypse already waiting. "So you wanna go recruit another employee?" He asked and Bell was confused how he would know.

"This idiot bought a talent to read surface thoughts, so he can understand you better. It had cost him all the points he amassed." Cherry said as he walked out of his room, with a toothbrush in his mouth. "Also Apocalypse will be the only one going with you this time. I won't let Tenten stay here alone by himself." he said with a responsible voice. Bell nodded and looked at Apocalypse, "Then let's go!" he said and both walked through the empty rooms door.

Cherry just rolled his eyes and went to wake up TenTen, "This Dragon didn't need to threaten me, just so he could have some alone time with Bell." he muttered and sighed.

Bell and Apocalypse landed next to a lake, near what's seems like a village. "Can you guess where we are?" Bell asked Apocalypse who looked around, while scratching his head. "Nope, was never here before, but maybe that Village over there has a map or something." He stated and pointed at the Village. Sighing Bell and Apocalypse walked over to the Village, only to realize how everything seemed rather shoddy.

"This Village seem to have suffered." Bell said as he looked at the slightly damaged roofs from wear and tear and dirty, thin looking Villagers, who all looked to be Human. "Such sights are common in most Human populated lands. The Rich suck the poor dry, till they can only sell themselves as slaves to survive." Apocalypse said with disdain. Some Villagers saw us and instantly scurry inside Thier homes, or run away.

"Why are they running away?" Bell asked and Apocalypse shook his head "I didn't use any illusions magic on us, since we are in a magical world. They probably saw us as monsters, since in some kingdoms demi humans and demons are classified as such." Bell looked a bit sad, since it was the first time people had ran away and treated him like a Monster.

Apocalypse noticed Bells sadness and he patted his head. "It doesn't seem like we would find an employee here, so let's just fly around look for some other villages or maybe demi humans." He said and lead Bell put of the Village and transformed into his full dragon form. Apocalypse looked similar to Death wing, but more red in color. "Hop on!" The Huge dragon said and Bell climbed up on Apocalypses head. A bit excited he held himself on one of the Dragons horns and Apocalypse took off.

Bell enjoyed the Flight and looked down upon the Ground. They passed different Villages similar to the first one. It was till Apocalypse suddenly flew down, that Bell almost had let go from shock. As they landed Apocalypse turned to his human form and ended up with Bell in his arms. Bell a bit embarrassed fought Apocalypse to let him go and successfully won after using puppy eyes.

"So why did you stop?" Bell asked and Apocalypse turned Bells head to the side. What he saw shocked him, as he saw what looked like a Minotaur pulling a carriage. The Minotaur was clearly looking ragged and abused, with scars from whipping all over him and golden chains restraining him. "He looks like someone we could recruit and save at the same time." Apocalypse said and Bell nodded.

"Who would do something so cruel?" Bell muttered and Apocalypse just said "Human nobles, just look at the Carriage and you would know. Thanks to the Insignia on it i know where we are." "Crena, a Kingdom ruled by Humans and deeply racist to anything that is non human." he said these words with hate. "So how are we gonna do it?" Bell asked, unsure how to free the Minotaur.

"Simple" Apocalypse smiled and summed a fireball and threw it at the Carriage. The Carriage exploded when the Fireball hit it and the chains that bound the Minotaur became loose. "That's how!" Apocalypse said with a proud look. "You just killed people!" Bell stomped on Apocalypse dragon like feet. "They can't be called people after what they had done..." Apocalypse responded with Anger. "Ugh!" Bell couldn't refute, even more he knew that this and the Marvel worlds rules were different than his past one.

Killing is probably not a big thing for both Cherry or Apocalypse. "Hey big guy, we saved you and will give you a fair place to work at. We won't whip or torture you and treat you fairly, i swear on my honor of a Dragon." If Cherry was here, he might say that Dragons don't really have something like honor, just horny. "Dragon? though your kind was far away from here. Same goes for you succubus." The Minotaur said and got rid of the chains.

"So work you say? I will accept the Invitation, but you should be warned that i was branded a slave by magic and my owners will be able to tell my position from it." The Minotaur showed a blood red tattoo on the side of

his chest. "No worries, there will be ways for you to earn a way to erase it and no master of you will be able to track where we will be going. Since we are under the Goddess of lust Protection and my master here is the Apostle of the Goddess." Apocalypse said and pointed to Bell.

The Minotaur raised a brow, but didn't say anything. Bell came over and put his hand on the Minotaurs chest and asked "Are you willing to work for me?" and the Minotaur agreed "I am willing" With a white light all three were teleported away back to the Brothel. The Minotaur didn't took on a more human looking form, but some of the scars vanished, though many still remained.

"I now can understand your noble goal, to spread the Domain of the Goddess of lust to this world. I will do my best to accomplish your goal. Also my name is Biron, a name put together out of bull and iron." The Minotaur stated as he bowed down towards Bell. "No need to Bow down! You are no longer a slave and should not bow down to anyone any longer!" Bell said hastily and was a bit red in his face.

The Minotaur understood and stopped bowing. Cherry came up and had an understanding look as he saw Biron. "The new employee i guess? Hi i am Cherry, i think it's for the best, if i help you get cleaned up a bit first and then i will explain a bit more about this world okay?" Cherry looked cheerful and Biron agreed. Bell felt a bit bad about Cherry, since he seemed to have taken the Role of a Manager. Taking care of the Brothel and the Employees, a job he should have done.

"System, i am finally ready to learn. Can you teach me the Functions of the Brothel, the rooms and all the Functions they have? I don't want to be the clueless one anymore." Bell said and the System responded.

[Sure Host......]