
Magic Prince

In the kingdom of Avalora, there was a young prince named Lucas Asquith, a charming boy. But his normal life takes an unexpected turn when recurring nightmares haunt his slumber, revealing a world engulfed in chaos and danger. Each dream leaves him with vivid memories of a heroic figure battling demons from another realm.

The_King09 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


(Winston's pov)

I am the personal butler of Lucas Asquith, the prince of the kingdom of Avalora. I decided to do this job because of a promise and also for a regret. Overseeing Lucas's well-being and supporting him had been his responsibility, although Lucas had not yet been burdened with many obligations due to his young age.

'Its not like I hate doing this job'

He thought of the young children whom he thought of as his grandchildren, Lucas including Maria and Olivia.

"Grandpa Winston"

His thoughts were disturbed as a young Lucas called out to him.

__ __ __

"Your highness, do you have something you wish for me to do "

"Yes" "I want you to make me stronger" Winston looked at him with and they remained having eye contact while blinking in silence till Winston broke it

"Pardon but does your highness mean combat strength" "Yes"

He answered instantly not wavering from the gaze with a resolute face. Winston's face showed surprise. Of course he would be surprised as Lucas who had never showed interest in combat and had been living a normal life say something like combat randomly out of nowhere that he thought he was making a joke but looking at his resolute face, he thought otherwise.

"Are you sure you want to learn under me your highness" "My tutoring style differs from the typical ones"

"It's filled with a lot of pain and effort" He said that but the resolution on Lucas's face wouldn't go away.


"As you wish, your highness"


"When will we start"


"You mean this instant"


__ __ __

(Inside the royal library)

Winston carried a five thick books over to the table where Lucas was sitting on and put them down on the table. Lucas had a face of disbelief as he looked at the huge, thick books. He asked for training him physically where do these books come from, he thought.

"Your highness will have to read five of these books for today"

"Before your highness asks why, a battle can be either a battle of brawling or a battle of wits" "Knowledge is strength, more so for a prince such as your highness"

"I have said before your highness, my training style differs from the norm"

Lucas thought of what Winston said, though he knew that he would have trouble with studies in the future, the him before just didn't want to do it but he thought of giving it a shot since it could help him just as Winston said and it was better than doing nothing in his room.

After a few hours, it reached his lunch time. Since Winston brough him his lunch which he always do the library instead of his room, there was no need to leave the library, very convenient should he say for either himself or for Winston who is professionally smiling even though he is suffering

'Can't I have my lunch in peace somewhere else instead of inside the library'

He grumbled inside but kept reading after he had ate and after another few more hours, he finished the books. but as he was trying to go to his room, he was blocked by Winston and was taken to the library again and was told to answer all the questions as he handed him a handful of papers which had questions inside as he gave a book to write the answers in. It took two hours for him to finish it and then he was asked to review his mistakes which was a lot and then he reached his room as he fell on his bed.

'Maybe it was a mistake to ask Winston but …'

'If I want to grow more, I will have to endure'

It was really early unlike his usual sleep time but he was too tried. That night he slept really easily because he was tried and forgot about the nightmares but he would know soon that those nightmares would no longer haunt him like before.

__ __ __

(Morning, Inside Lucas's room)

He was awakened by the sound of an alarm which he knew he had but the ringtone was not the same, he didn't know why it was not the same but he opened his groggy eyes and got up. He stretched a little and then yawned as he covered his mouth with one of his hands as he reached for the alarm clock with his other but found that the place where he usually kept the alarm clock was had nothing but air as he looked at the place where he put the alarm clock, it was empty but he saw a figure who had a black butler suit as he looked at the face of the figure, he saw a Winston carrying an alarm as he pushed the alarm clock to stop as he saw that Lucas had woken up.

"Chop chop, your highness, an early bird picks the worm"

"What are we going to do so early"

Lucas said as he saw which time it was, it was 6 am in the morning in which his usual wake up time was 8 am. The only reason for waking up a bit early yesterday was for Olivia's parting which he still missed it.

"What about breakfast, the others aren't going to be up yet"

"No need to worry your highness, I have already requested his majesty so that you could have your breakfast early without them"


He was speechless. It seemed that he wouldn't be able to find a loophole.

"This is the schedule, your highness" Winston said as he handed Lucas a paper which had a neat time table from Monday to Sunday from which he busy from Monday to Friday. The only days which were left out were the holidays.

"His majesty requested me to give you time for you to rest and have family time so I had to leave out Saturday and Sunday"

Winston said as he looked like he suffered a grave loss.

Inside Lucas's mind, Winston seemed to grow horns on his head and a tail started to sprout from his behind.

Then, Winston brought a cart of which consisted of meat, eggs and a lot of veggies as well as a bowl of soup. Lucas was devasted to see a lot of veggies even though he eat his fair share of veggies, this was a lot.

"Do I need to eat all of this"

"Your highness can choose not to but I will just say that you will need to protein for it for what will be next"

Lucas saw physical training on the schedule so he knew this demon was probably gonna work him to the bones as he chugged down the food. He felt a bit full but he finished all of the food.

"Very well done, your highness"

He could then rest for 15 or so minutes and then was told to freshen himself and was given specific clothes to change by Winston.

At a ground which was full of concreate, Lucas was wearing a training suit. The suit was very light and was flexible. A blend of midnight blue and silver adorned the suit. Winston made Lucas do some stretch exercises as he guided him on it as well.

"Ok, that's enough stretching"

"We can't start on combat since your highness's body is still not ready"

"So, we will have to do physical exercises, right"


"Grandpa Winston, can you drop the honorifics at least during training"

"Your highness can start doing running around from there to here for 10 laps"

It seemed that Winston was not going to drop the honorifics. Maybe he was just that strict..

Lucas started running as he felt sweat tricking with just 1 lap around and his body started to feel sluggish after 3 laps but he remembered the willpower of the person inside his dreams as well as the scenes of those deaths of the loved ones. He felt tired but he powered through it with his willpower.

He fell down as he reached the tenth lap.


"I didn't expect your highness to reach lap tenth"

"Your highness can rest for a while"

'What, I thought he made me do ten laps on purpose, he was just testing my limit…'

'This is hearsay'

Winston brought him a towl and a bottle of water to drink.

__ __ __

(Inside the dining room)

Two figures could be seen eating. A man and a woman. The man had golden hair and a pair of pale blue eyes. He had a an angular face, shaved and neat whereas the woman had silver hair and a pair of beautiful red eyes. Both of them were handsome and beautiful. This was the Asquith royal family.

"Mommy, daddy, where is big brother?"

Then, a cute girl with ponytails barged through the room.

"Come, sit"

Yuria told Maria to come sit near her.

"Your big brother is training with grandpa Winston"

"But I need to ask him something"

"You can go to him after you eat, remember not to disturb him and make sure you return back before your teacher arrives"