
Magic Prince

In the kingdom of Avalora, there was a young prince named Lucas Asquith, a charming boy. But his normal life takes an unexpected turn when recurring nightmares haunt his slumber, revealing a world engulfed in chaos and danger. Each dream leaves him with vivid memories of a heroic figure battling demons from another realm.

The_King09 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


(Inside the dining room)

Two figures could be seen eating. A man and a woman. The man had golden hair and a pair of pale blue eyes. He had a an angular face, shaved and neat whereas the woman had silver hair and a pair of beautiful red eyes. Both of them were handsome and beautiful. This was the Asquith royal family.

"Mommy, daddy, where is big brother?"

Then, a cute girl with ponytails barged through the room.

"Come, sit" Yuria told Maria to come sit near her.

"Your big brother is training with grandpa Winston" "But I need to ask him something"

"You can go to him after you eat, remember not to disturb him and make sure you return back before your teacher arrives"

She quickly ate and left, leaving the two adults.

"She really loves her big brother"

"I am even jealous that little Maria won't love me as much as Lucas", James made a face which had tears stricken.

Yuria chucked at his endevour, then turned serious as she asked

"Did you ask Winston to train Lucas"

James sighed as he replied

"No but I was going to when his mana veins mature", before Yuria spoke, James cut in and said

"Yuria, you know he will need to get stronger at least to protect himself"

She contemplated for a while before nodding, "Fine, I am satisfied that it was at least his choice to ask Winston to train" "Still, I am worried with what you told me about how he trained you"

"I hope he can handle Winston's training", James hugged Yuria as he caressed her

"He will be able to, trust him" James thought of the days where he was trained by Winston when his strict father ordered him to, he shivered at the thought of it.

'Good luck, Lucas'

__ __ __

After resting for a while, there was a small figure who came up to the place they were at.

"Big brother"

"What are you doing here, Maria"

"Your highness, princess Maria, shouldn't it be time for studies right now"

"Grandpa Winston, there is still time before teacher comes, humph", she pouted as she said that.

"My apologies, your highness"

"What is big brother doing with grandpa Winston"

"Big brother is training with grandpa Winston, its like Maria studying"

"Training, papa said that but Maria still doesn't know why big brother is training"

"Umm, It's to protect Maria and the others"

"Then what about playing with Maria" she said as she pouted making a chipmunk face. This was the reason why she had arrived .

"Big brother will play with Maria on Saturday and Sunday"

"The whole day?"

"Umm, yes the whole day"

"Yay, that's why Maria loves big brother" She wanted to hug Lucas but was stopped by him as he had sweat all over his body but she looked like she still wanted to hug but he had to make her go.

He would then be trained by Winston like a sag from crunches to planks to yoga and many more. Since there was only a small time frame to rest each between, they were done two times each till it" reached midday and the sun shined on his face which had sweat and his suit which was made for these extreme training was soaked and stank really badly. "Today's training will end here" "Finally" He said as he lied back on the concrete floor.

He was really tired but he still dragged his body to his room and showered after resting for a while. After Winston had brought him his lunch and he had ate, he saw Winston calling for him and knew what it was for,

'Heh' he sighed

'Back to the library we go'

__ __ __

(Inside his room)

Lucas could be seen lying down on his bed like a dead dog as he was so tired but he still opened up the system page as he thought he heard some noises from it during the training he went through today. He also heard it when he was first inside the library but he thought it was just from something else but this time he knew it was not from the environment but from the system.

He saw that nothing had changed in the normal tab when he looked at the skills tab, there was two extra skills.

[Endurance Mastery(Level: 1)

Exp: 14/100

Description: Endurance Mastery is an extraordinary physical training skill that transcends normal limitations, empowering the user with unparalleled stamina and resilience. As the possessor of Endurance Mastery engages in rigorous physical activities and training, their body becomes a temple of unwavering fortitude]

[Eidetic Insight (Level: 1)

Exp: 112/1000

Description: Eidetic Insight is an extraordinary reading skill that elevates comprehension and memorization capabilities beyond ordinary bounds. As the possessor of Eidetic Insight delves into written material, their mind acts as a sponge, effortlessly absorbing knowledge and intricacies from the text.

With Eidetic Insight, one can swiftly grasp complex subjects and retain them for extended periods. Whether deciphering ancient tomes or learning new skills, it enables one to immerse himself in knowledge and gain a comprehensive understanding of various topics.]

It seemed that he would be able to see how he was doing with the progress of skills which he acquired. When he saw the description of eidetic sight, he thought of what happens when he concentrates. He would remember the important things he reads like a piece of paper and he would need to piece the puzzle to understand the topic. He thought this was normal for everyone when he was young but as he got older he knew it was not. He knew he had this kind of skill since he was young but it seemed that it only appeared after the first time he studied at the library.

He now knew he could treat it like a character page from the rpgs he had played. He closed it and fell asleep soon after.

__ __ __

Three months had passed. He would spend the holidays playing around with his little sister Maria and would be training on the weekdays. His training had paid off as he could be seen a bit more muscular than before with a healthy hue compared to him being a bit skinny before. His body was lean but still in development as he was still a twelve-year old boy. He was a bit taller than before.

He donned his training suit as he stretched in the winter morning.

"Should I start with running"

"This day is a bit different your highness"

"I think your highness's body is enough to handle combat so we will start combat training starting from today"

"Now, your highness can come at me" Winston said as he smiled at Lucas. Lucas blinked his eyes but got into his stance. He was indeed surprised that they would do combat today but he had been waiting for today.

As Lucas readied himself in his training suit, he felt a mix of excitement and determination coursing through his veins. This was the day he had been waiting for – combat training with Winston, his skilled and experienced butler. He took a deep breath, centering his focus, and assumed a defensive stance.

As he closed his eyes and breathed out, he seemed to see the images of the warrior in his dreams again. Lucas seemed to feel a certain familiar warm feeling in his body. He followed the feeling as he moved his body.

Winston, wearing a simple butler's uniform, stood before Lucas with a serene smile, his eyes gleaming with hidden wisdom. Although Lucas couldn't see it, Winston's heart was filled with pride and a hint of anticipation. He had witnessed Lucas's growth over the holidays, and he knew that the young prince was different today. There was an air of readiness and confidence about him.

With a nod from Lucas, the bout began. Winston took a step forward, initiating a slow, cautious strike. It was apparent that he was holding back, wanting to test Lucas's skill level before fully engaging. To the untrained eye, it might have seemed like a simple sparring session, but for Winston, it was an opportunity to gauge Lucas's growth.

Lucas reacted instinctively, parrying the attack with surprising speed and precision. His movements were fluid, and each motion seemed to flow effortlessly into the next. Winston raised an eyebrow, impressed by the prince's refined technique.

Their spar continued, and as they exchanged blows, Winston noticed something peculiar. Lucas's strikes were becoming more than just well-practiced moves – they carried a hint of familiarity and purpose, as if they were derived from experiences beyond his young age.

Lucas had never shared the details of his recurring dreams with anyone, not even Winston. However, the combat experiences from those dreams seemed to be ingrained in his subconscious, and they were manifesting in his movements. Winston couldn't help but wonder if Lucas was unknowingly drawing from a well of knowledge and skill beyond his years.

As the sparring session intensified, Lucas and Winston traded blows with increasing ferocity. Lucas's mind was sharp, and he tried to execute the techniques he had subconsciously learned from his dreams. However, his body wasn't used to the precise movements, and he felt a fraction of a second behind Winston's strikes.

As Winston tripped Lucas during one exchange, the young prince stumbled, his movements a bit sluggish in reaction. He quickly got back on his feet, his determination undeterred, but he could feel the frustration building within him.

Winston observed the struggle in Lucas's movements and recognized that the prince was grappling with the unfamiliarity of the combat techniques. He decided to give him a moment to gather himself, knowing that this was a crucial part of the learning process.

"Take a deep breath, Your Highness. Let your body relax and your mind find its center," Winston advised, his voice calm and reassuring.

Lucas nodded, following Winston's guidance. He took a moment to clear his mind and focus on the techniques he had learned from his dreams. As he resumed his stance, something shifted within him. It was as if the knowledge from his dreams was starting to synchronize with his physical being.

Their spar resumed, and this time, Lucas's movements showed improvement. He reacted quicker, and his strikes had a newfound precision. The awkwardness that had hindered him before was gradually dissipating, replaced by a growing fluidity in his motions.

Winston could see the transformation taking place before his eyes. He smiled, recognizing the spark of potential that was igniting within Lucas. The young prince's determination and passion for learning were evident in every move he made.

As they continued to spar, Lucas's speed and agility increased exponentially. He moved with more confidence, seamlessly integrating the techniques he had subconsciously learned into his fighting style. Winston was genuinely impressed, and he adjusted his own pace to challenge Lucas further.

The dance of combat became more intense, and Lucas seemed to have found his rhythm. His body had acclimated to the movements, and he was now responding with remarkable reflexes and precision. The awkwardness of earlier was replaced by a graceful display of skill and determination.

As the winter sun continued to cast its warm glow on the training grounds, despite his impressive performance, Lucas's body still had limitations. His mind might be accessing advanced combat techniques, but his physical capabilities had yet to catch up. His body showed signs of strain and fatigue, a telltale sign that he was pushing himself beyond his current capabilities.

"We can stop for today, your highness"

Winston decided to bring the spar to a close, seeing the determination and unyielding spirit in Lucas's eyes.

"Impressive, Your Highness," he remarked, a glimmer of pride in his voice seemingly happy that the young prince was talented in combat and was beyond his expectations.

"Your have a talent in combat. However, remember that true growth comes from both the mind and the body. You have a natural talent, but training and experience will help you fully realize your potential."

He was surprised at how it turned out as this was beyond his expectation. He thought that his highness Lucas would just do unnecessary movement and just be like his peers and be untrained but he was indeed wrong as he saw gauged at how strong Lucas was. He had seen some prodigies who were able to do this but not to this extent. He knew Lucas had never trained his combat skills under someone and knew he had found diamond under rough, a true talent, a monster. He knew this monster would surpass him in the future.