
Magic Prince

In the kingdom of Avalora, there was a young prince named Lucas Asquith, a charming boy. But his normal life takes an unexpected turn when recurring nightmares haunt his slumber, revealing a world engulfed in chaos and danger. Each dream leaves him with vivid memories of a heroic figure battling demons from another realm.

The_King09 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


(Inside Lucas's room)

He had already arrived back the same way with his elder sister and after saying good night, they respectively went into their rooms. After that short walk, he felt sleepy after he lied on his bed and slowly fell asleep.

__ __ __

The place was full of debris and fire burned everywhere with a bit of dark fire burning in some places. There was a man who had injuries all over his body, some being bone deep. His whole body had been covered in blood, whether it was his own or his enemy was unknown. He held a spear in his hands as he held a stance against his enemy. The figure in front of him was also hurt but not as much as him. The figure had a human like body but was indeed not human. It had five eyes and its figure was also bigger compared to the man. The wounds on the figure had black blood flowing out which would make the surrounding debris and anything it touched melt and turn into smoke. It was termed as a demon.

Blows were traded but the man seemed to maintain his speed and precision without it dropping even with his beyond exhausted body. At one trade, the demon got hit but he used the blood which from his arm that got hit to spray it to the head of the man. Even though he had his head to toe covered in armor, his helmet began to melt and as the range was too close and the blow was unexpected, his helmet got hit as he threw away his helmet but one of his eyes still got hit but he didn't scream nor show any fear nor shaking of pain but held his ground against the demon as he brandished his spear once more. Blows were kept on and the demon seemed to get inpatient of this pesky human who was still able to keep up with it but it seemed that the human's blows were getting slower with the last blow he thought he pierced through his heart but what he didn't expect was that he moved his spear with lighting speed after that had happened and also pierced through his heart.

The demon seemed surprised at how things turned out still not understanding what had happened, the being lost its consciousness, never to wake up again. The man took out the hand of the demon out of his body. blood started to flow live a river from the hole but he didn't care about it. The only thing why he could keep his consciousness now was because of his strong willpower. Even if he waited, no help would arrive so dying quicker would make him suffer less. He looked at the sky which started to rain as it keep out the fire and the battle field which was full of corpses of so many humans but less than one tenth of the bodies of the demons.

Images seemed to pop into his mind. They were his loved ones of course, now all deceased. He had revenged them he had done it but regret still loomed in his eyes as if it was telling if he was only stronger, if only he was more powerful, if only he had more time maybe he could have prevented their deaths. Raindrops fell on his face and his body as he lied down on the ground and slowly closed his eyes.

The rain seemed to pour more deeply as if to mourn for the loss of this person and all the others who had sacrificed their lives for this.




The rain sound seemed to get heavier and heavier. And then the world seemed to shake as if an apocalypse was happening and then as if a mirror broke, the world cracked and a sound of a clock ringing came.


With heavy breaths, he woke up. It took some time for him to get a hold of himself.

It seemed like deja-vu what happened but this time it was different. Even though he remembered a bit of those dreams the previous times, he couldn't fully remember them as if it was blurry but this time, he was able to remember everything. His mind seemed jumbled as so much information had came into his mind as he felt his mind full and had a headache.

His eyes were blurry as he took some moments to get a hold of himself as if he had been drowning in the ocean, his face was full of sweat and his whole body had been soaked. After his eyes regained their usual vision, he could see a blue panel which looked like a system from those rpgs he played.

— — — ~ — — —

[Name: Lucas Asquith

Age: 12

Elements: -




[Shop] (Pre-requirements not met)

[Dungeons](Pre-requirements not met)

— — — ~ — — —

He thought he played too much games the other day and this was the result of it and he closed his eyes and opened them. It was still there for some reason. Maybe its like from those novels he used to read but the system didn't have a sentience like in those novels.

He tried to close it in his mind and commanded it in his mind and it closed like he wanted to and when he thought about wanting to open this, it just appeared. The thoughts, the reasons behind it as well as maybe how he awakened this appear in his mind but he couldn't think much of it as the headache which had been suppressed by him the whole time seemed to strike as he clutched his head.

He tried to sit cross-legged as he tried to manage all of these new knowledge and memories. After 30 minutes or so, he opened his eyes and his mind had relaxed. He mind had relaxed and he had somehow managed to get used to these new knowledge and memories. Something seemed to click in his head as he remembered something he had been forgetting all this time.

"What time is it" "Oh its 7:30"

"... Wait, it's already 7:30"

He got up from his bed quickly as he went to his balcony.

(Outside of the palace)

Olivia was saying goodbye to her parents and little Maria. She was holding back her tears and trying to be a big girl. There was a car behind her which was waiting for her.

"It's unlucky that Lucas is still sleeping"

"It's fine mom, let him sleep" She went near them and hugged all three of them. "I should go now"

"Safe travels" All three of them said.

She went near the car as the chauffeur opened the door of car for her but before going in, she looked back at the balcony of their rooms and there, she saw the doors to the balcony of Lucas open as a figure rushed out and came to the balcony. She saw Lucas as she smiled and waved her hands at him before going into the car. "Safe travels" He said as he looked at the leaving car and only went into his room after the car was very far. He wanted to go down and say his goodbyes but Olivia had already gotten into the car. Inside his room, he sat on his computer chair, the scenes from those dreams came again in a flash. He mind wondered as he thought whether those demons existed and if so, what if that were to happen to this world and endanger his family. Would he lose his loved ones like the person from his dreams. his heart felt painful as the thoughts came in and the images flashed.

He felt weak. He never had the need to train not only because his mana veins had not matured but also because he was not the one who would be inheriting the crown and he would rather hand it to his elder sister. There were powerful people protecting them. It was an age of peace but he thought what if he thought it was only peaceful because he had never seen the other side.

The twelve year old had thoughts which he never had before. If there were these who threaten his loved ones, what would he do. He thought of the scene of the man dying as he had regrets of not being strong enough to save his loved ones

'I will not be like him'

'I will become stronger'

and thus a thirst for strength was born inside the prince of Avalorn.

But first he would need to think of filling this empty stomach he thought as he rubbed his belly which growled in response. After freshening himself and changing clothes, he arrived at the dining room.

__ __ __

(Inside the dining room) After Lucas opened the doors, there was only Maria and Yuria, their mother inside. There was no sight of their father, James.

"Mom, Where is dad?"

"Oh Lucas you have arrived" "Come sit" "Big brother" The reason why Maria didn't come wake him up was because they saw Olivia wave at him when they were outside. He seated himself beside Maria who was clearly expecting him to sit near her with those big sparkly watery eyes of hers and was delighted when he sat at where she wanted and showed a cheerful smile.

"Your father had important business to attend to so he will not be able to come for breakfast today" "And Maria, since you want to take after your brother when he was at your age and don't want to go to preschool to learn, you will have to be taught by a teacher at home from evening to night just like your big brother did when he was at your age okay"

"But, but, but..."

"No buts, either this or you will have to go to school"

Maria showed a pouty expression but still nodded to the predicament. After breakfast, little Maria wanted to play so he accompanied her since she was asking for his company.

Lucas had arrived at his room after accompanying Maria for a few hours. Lucas still had his thirst for strength, it had not faded after sometime as it was not something he had on a whim

'But how to get stronger was the question'

He first thought of the thing he just had before, the system. He called it out and what appeared was a blue panel composed of his information.

— — — ~ — — —

[Name: Lucas Asquith

Age: 12

Elements: -




[Shop] (Pre-requirements not met)

[Dungeons](Pre-requirements not met)

— — — ~ — — —

The name and age were straight forward but his element, he didn't know what the symbol implied. Maybe it would appear when his mana veins matured. He checked the spells tab but there was nothing inside. So he checked the last tab [Abilities] since the other two had not met their pre-requirements which he didn't know how to fulfil them.


Exp: 57/1000

Description: A practice of calming the mind, cultivating inner peace, and harmonizing with one's surroundings. Through deep focus and mental discipline, the practitioner can attain enhanced mental clarity, improved mana control, and increased spiritual awareness.]

He had only this ability which he could see which he knew why he had it since he meditated whenever his head was jumbled form those nightmares. It made him relax and made his mind clear. He had curiosity over this system but he couldn't find out anything about it so he would have to leave it for the time being and experiment it more when he gets the chance.


His mana veins still needed time to mature. So the only other way was to train his physical body. He could train by himself since he have all those memories from the dream but he would liked to be supervised by someone as there were people who were even stronger than that person in this world and he could make progress more rapidly.

But who could supervise him. He thought about telling his overprotective mother but thought against it.

As he was thinking, he saw an old man who had a butler outfit. It was his personal butler, Winston. He had a moustache and a neat hairstyle. All of his hair were white because of his old age. Even though he was old, his body still showed muscularity like his father, back straight and a strict personality. When his father introduced him as his personal butler, his father told him to be respectful to him even if he was his butler. Why was because his father had told him that this person was friends with his grandfather. So he had always called him grandpa Winston.


Lucas thought as he connected the dots. Age as old as grandfather and still alive, he should be very powerful then as if his grandfather was alive he would be over a hundred years old. Only those who were strong could live this long he thought as he looked at Winston with sparkles in his eyes.