
Mafia Boss in DC

New crime boss in DC

Talamoo · Movies
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18 Chs

5. Vince Romano

Logan felt invigorated when he woke up in the morning. Never missing a meal, a habit he retained from his time in the military, was crucial for maintaining a strong body, and he never neglected it. After having his breakfast, he quickly got ready. Today was an important day; he had to go to Charles' bar, the only place where he could communicate with the underworld.

He left the house and started walking toward Charles' bar, observing his surroundings carefully. He always had to be on alert. When he reached the bar, he took a deep breath and entered. It was quieter inside compared to the previous night. There were only a few customers and staff inside.

Logan found Charles sitting at the back of the bar. He approached and greeted him. Charles smiled when he saw Logan. "Good morning, Logan. Have a seat."

Logan sat across from Charles and started talking. "Good morning, Charles. What do you need me to do today?"

Charles looked at Logan carefully and replied with a slight smile. "I saw you got along well with Sam Carter last night."

Logan lit a cigarette. "He seems like a smart guy." Logan had observed Sam while talking to him.

Charles looked at the cigarette in Logan's hand before taking a sip of his coffee. "You smoke too much."

Logan didn't respond when the door knocked.

"Come in," Charles said, hoping there wasn't a problem.

One of the waiters came in, looking scared. "Boss, some people are here. They look dangerous."

Charles opened a drawer next to the table; there were a few guns inside. He handed one of the guns to Logan.

The gun Logan held was a Colt 1911. It was in good condition. He checked the magazine. It was full, with seven bullets inside.

Charles didn't give the waiter a weapon. There were two other armed guards in the bar. Since Charles was no longer as active in the underworld, he didn't expect to have an enemy.

"We can't know their intentions. Be prepared for any situation," Charles warned Logan before opening the door.

Logan tucked the gun into his waistband.

When they went outside, there were a few men. The man at the front looked different from the others. He looked more like a businessman or politician than a gangster.

The man was in his early forties, short, and stout. He wore a leather hat and jacket. He had a constant sneer and a cunning smile on his face. There was a distinctive tattoo on his right cheek.

"Charles, I like your place." The man was examining the bar as if he were a customer.

"Thank you, Vince. What brings you here?" Charles looked into Romano's eyes.

"Don't you remember what we talked about, Charles? Well, you are getting old. I don't blame you. Stay out of my business." Vince looked angry.

"Don't make the mistake of underestimating me because of my age. When you were sucking on your mother's milk, your bosses were working under my command." Charles's words created a heavy silence.

"I'm not here to joke around. I'm warning you." Vince and his men left the bar. Charles remained silent as they left.

Logan and Charles stayed silent for a while after Vince and his men left the bar. The tension lingered in the air. Charles turned to the waiter and spoke calmly. "Go, call the other guards. We're going back to the days when we can't trust anyone."

The waiter nodded quickly and left. Logan turned to Charles, frowning. "Who is Vince Romano? Why is he threatening you?"

Charles took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. "Vince is one of the new wave crime bosses in the city. He's rising fast and clearing out anyone in his way. He doesn't care about our old friendships and connections."

Logan carefully placed the Colt 1911 on the table. "If he attacks us, are you ready to defend yourself?"

Charles nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, but it's not just about defense. We need wit and strategy to deal with him. We need to reach out to our old friends. This isn't something we can handle alone." Just then, the bar door opened again, and a young man entered quickly, out of breath. "Charles, Vince's men are going to other bars in the city too. We've received threat messages from several places."

Logan went to a quiet place while they talked. He took out his phone and quickly dialed Alexander's number. After a few rings, Alexander answered. "Logan, everything is fine, I hope?" Alexander's voice was as calm and controlled as ever.

"I need information. I need details about a man named Vince Romano. Can you email me all the details as soon as possible?"

Alexander paused for a moment, then replied. "Of course, Logan. I'll start researching right away and send you the information I find via email. It might take a few hours."

Logan and Charles went to a small room at the back of the bar. The room was filled with old maps on the walls, a few old files on the table, and a computer in the corner. Logan sat down at the computer and started waiting for Alexander's email.

Meanwhile, Charles was telling Logan about Vince's relationships with other criminal organizations in the city and possible weak points. Understanding what was behind Vince's rapid rise could be the key to stopping him. About an hour later, Logan's computer received an email notification. Alexander had sent the information as a detailed report. Logan opened the email and started reading it with Charles.

The Email:

Subject: Information on Vince Romano From: A.W

- Here are the details you requested. Vince Romano has quickly risen to become a crime boss in a few years. Here's what I found:

- Vince Romano, 42 years old. Short and stout. Wears a leather hat and jacket. Has a distinctive tattoo on his right cheek.

- Former politician and businessman. Although his record appears clean, he's been involved in many illegal activities behind the scenes.

- He has taken over many bars and clubs in the city. He threatens his rivals and doesn't hesitate to use violence when necessary.

- He made a name for himself a few years ago through a series of assassinations and illegal activities. He moved to take the place of old mafia bosses.

- His strongest ally right now is the "Black Serpents" gang, active on the south side of the city. This gang is involved in drug trafficking and human smuggling.

- His weak point is his excessive arrogance and uncontrollable anger. These traits can lead him to make strategic mistakes.

If you need more information, let me know. Good luck.



fter reading the information, Logan began to think. This man isn't tied to a mafia family. If he kills him, he'll only have to deal with his allies.

No ally would risk their life for a business partner. Logan decided to wait for the right moment to kill this man.

What Logan didn't want was for Romano to be killed by someone else. This man had problems with too many people in the city. Someone might act before Logan and kill him first.

Logan became a gangster without realizing it.