
Mafia Boss in DC

New crime boss in DC

Talamoo · Movies
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17 Chs

4. New Life

The man was hitting the punching bag with his strong arms. His muscles were not very showy, but they were effective.

When Alexander arrived, he stopped punching.

"It's time to remove the bandages," Alexander said, dropping his cigarette butt on the ground and crushing the remaining ember with his foot.

The man with bandages on his face followed Alexander.

"Sit down," Alexander instructed, removing the bandages from the man's face. A truly handsome man was revealed. He handed the charismatic man a mirror from the table.

"You are now a completely new person... Logan," Alexander said, regretting killing the doctors. He thought he should have had another surgery for himself. He envied Logan's handsomeness.

Logan looked in the mirror. He had always been handsome, but now he could make millions just with his face.

"A handsome face will make you popular among people. They will trust you more easily," Alexander said, satisfied with the surgical result.

"Say your name," Alexander asked, looking serious.

"Logan Caldwell," the man replied calmly.

"Who is your family?" Alexander continued his questions.

"I have no family. I never knew my father. My mother died when I was a child. I grew up on the streets," Logan answered with composure.

"Good... What was the first crime you committed?"

"I stole a loaf of bread," Logan said, looking directly at Alexander.

"And the last crime you committed?"

"I stole a car and killed a rapist. Both on the same day," Logan stood up and took a cigarette from the pack on the table. He lit it and started smoking.

"Good, you are ready for the mission," Alexander said, bringing a suitcase from beside the wall and placing it on the table. Inside were various types of weapons. "Choose one."

Logan picked up a Beretta 92fs. It was a gun he had used in previous operations. He liked every feature of it.

"You won't take this gun with you. They will give you a weapon there," Alexander said, closing the weapon-filled suitcase and putting it back in its place. He took three magazines from a nearby bag and handed them to Logan.

Logan took the magazines and loaded one into the gun. He stood up and, before leaving the room, took one last look at himself in the mirror.

His black hair had grown longer, now falling over his forehead. His beard had also grown a bit, adding a different aura to his appearance. His blue eyes resembled the ocean. He was now a more charismatic man than before.

He placed the gun in his waistband.

Hours later

Logan got out of the car. He arrived at an old apartment building. Alexander had arranged a place for him. Logan climbed the stairs quickly. He found his apartment door, unlocked it, and went inside. The furniture was old but clean.

Logan hadn't brought any belongings with him. As he looked around, he noticed some food in the fridge. On the table was a letter.

Logan opened the letter. It contained identification, a driver's license, and a thousand dollars.

Alexander had ensured there were clothes in the house.

Logan didn't change his clothes before leaving. He was heading to the address Alexander had given him. Alexander had explained what he needed to do.

Alexander's instructions

"Logan, we have arranged for someone to help you get into the underworld. He's not our agent, but he's someone who helps us. His name is Charles Davis. You'll go to his place. He'll introduce you to everyone as his nephew," Alexander explained, pausing to take a puff of his cigarette.

Before continuing, he exhaled the smoke. "In previous missions, secrecy was paramount. But things have changed now. Everyone should hear your name. 'Logan Caldwell' needs to become known. If you get into trouble with the police, we'll help you. One warning: Charles Davis is not as influential as he used to be, but he's well-known in the underworld. One of his friends is Sam Carter. They meet often. I want you to get close to Sam Carter. He is not someone you will kill. Try to become friends with him."


Logan arrived at a bar. It was in a secluded area. When he entered, there were a few people inside. Logan saw the elderly man from the picture Alexander had shown him.

"Uncle, I'm here," Logan said, approaching Charles, who was sitting with two other people.

Charles stood up and hugged Logan when he saw him. "Welcome, Logan."

Logan hadn't expected such a hug but reciprocated to blend in.

Charles turned to the two men sitting beside him. "I have some private matters to discuss with my nephew. You two stay here; I'll be back shortly."

Charles led Logan to a private room at the back of the bar. Once inside, Charles closed the door and took a deep breath. Logan looked around; the room had an old but comfortable-looking couch, a small table, and a few chairs. An old painting depicting a battle scene hung on the wall.

Charles sat on the couch and looked at Logan. "Logan, it's good to see you. Alexander trusting you is a good sign. In this world, gaining trust is hard, losing it is very easy. I hope you understand what I'm saying."

Logan listened carefully. "I understand. I won't betray Alexander's trust."

Charles moved closer to Logan and lowered his voice. "This job won't be easy. The underworld is tough and ruthless. But with the right moves, you can succeed here. Remember what was said about Sam Carter. He is a strong figure here, and gaining his trust will take you far."

Logan nodded to show he understood. "What do I need to do?"

Charles took a deep breath. "First, people here won't know you. You need to earn their trust. Tonight, there will be a poker game here. Sam Carter and other important figures will attend. You need to be there and introduce yourself."

Logan kept Charles's instructions in mind. "I understand. I'm good at poker. I can prove myself there."

Charles smiled. "Good. Tonight will be the night it all begins. Get ready and be careful."

Logan left Charles and returned to his hotel. On the way, he planned what he would do. At the poker game, he needed to stand out but also appear natural and trustworthy. Getting to know Sam Carter and gaining his trust, as Alexander had mentioned, was crucial.

When he reached his hotel room, he looked in the mirror one more time. It was his first night as Logan Caldwell. He looked at himself with confidence and felt ready.

That evening, Logan returned to the bar Charles had mentioned. It was busier now. People were playing games, drinking, and chatting at the tables. Logan saw the poker table where Sam Carter was sitting with three other people.

Logan approached the table and spoke according to the backstory Charles had given him. "Hello, gentlemen. I'm Logan, Charles's nephew. Can I join your poker game?"

The people at the table looked Logan over. Sam Carter smiled and replied, "Of course, Logan. More players mean more excitement. Take a seat, let's see how good you are."

Logan sat down, and the game began. As the cards were dealt, Logan played carefully, showcasing his skills and strategic thinking. Sam Carter and the others seemed impressed by Logan's abilities.

As the night went on, Logan started talking to Sam Carter. He was taking the right steps to earn his trust and friendship. Sam asked Logan various questions, and Logan answered each one with composure.

By the end of the night, Logan appeared to have gained Sam Carter's trust. Sam turned to Logan and spoke. "You played well tonight, Logan. I'd like to spend more time with you. Maybe we can do some business together."

Logan smiled and nodded. "I'd be honored, Sam. Working with you would be a great privilege."

This night marked the first step of Logan Caldwell's new life. He was on his way to becoming known in the underworld.