

*>>What if you woke up knowing that you are not a part of the world you have spended 14 years in ?? what is the pure bloodline??It's not the ordinary world ..Search for the inner pace never ends...Magic always stays inside you ..Believe is the door the Magic ...Powers can vanish the visibility of ambasis but believe can change the whole of it ....*

Ashi_Zamir · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Reaching bornheaven was not a big issue it was the famous library and was the oldest library amongst all libraries and was magical teritory ,the issue to collect the book from the downstairs underground magical library was,that the key saver of that library was a witch who lived in the world ,they need to find that witch or it will be useless to reach the book after knowing the destination too. Gabriel had to talk to Gerald to find the witch, Gerald permitted Gabriel to use the magic but just try to not be in the eyes of anyone ,can create an issue ,Ok will be careful .Gabriel created a magical puzzle to find the witch , and he called the samantha fairy to the world for the help too ,

"Why not you use your power of phantom Master Gabriel" Samantha suggested

"Phanton Is used when there is no way left samantha and I have my ways to find the witch ,if I could do it on easier way why to waste the phantom's energy on it?" Gabriel snorted. We just need to go to the sea ,to put a rebel ball which has diamond shine and when it will come on the surface of the water it will guide us to the witch I already spelled it to give me the direction to the witch . Samantha I need your help to accurately let me know if we are on the right path, you will always use your powers to see whether it's going the right track or is it a dodge,

"Fine Master" Samantha took the rebel ball and vanished it to leave for the sea water ,they together went to the shore to have a direction to the witch . After reaching the shore Samantha took the rebel and dipped in the water and as she appeared the stone ball started to shine it was moving round and round and then it forced them to move on left direction ,Samantha was holding the ball and they were vanished not to be seen by the humans, only Gabriel could see them. Noah was following Gabriel he knew Samantha was there but was not able to see her , they walked moving in the left as reached a big market and their was a huge crowd roaming there as a festival was going on ,Gabriel hesitated to be in the crowd as moving forward they reached a door under the guidance of the rebel stone ball ,the house was black and kind of a magic contrary ,they approached the door ,their was a servant helped them in ,the servant was not humanly like but seems to be made like a human ,he pointed towards Gabriel ,what does he wants but Gabriel stroked him ,he understood it's not humans he was facing to ,he took them to the room and make them wait ,

"Hello Gabriel ,after a long time ,its good to see you friend " Sara smiled with a beauty ,

She was a tall beautiful lady who was good looking beautiful sharp eyes and taunted chin with a pointed nose reveled and long hairs making her look more favourable ,she was kind and wearing a black dress , Gabriel looked at her and was shocked it was Sara the kind witch of Witches she never was wicked to keep the witches happy enough .

" Sara how are you I was never expecting you to be here" Gabriel was still amazed ."

" What were you expecting to have the knowledge of treasury in the hands of wickedness ?" sara squeazed her eyes and then smiled with grace ,its the gift for my politeness and humbleness.

" You have earned it ,and you deserved it ,Sara .You definitely will be awared of my presence here"

"Yes I know you are looking for the book of Wizardary to lock the diety's black smoke power ,and you need to tell me the way to get to the book , You know the library Gabriel but reaching underground you will not be able to open the door of the magic tunnel for the magical book ,you need the spell from the three wizards those who are not living in Nirvana and must be powerful ,then to take the spell of their power you need to fulfill there demands too ,now you need to search for the wizards which these cards will help you ,its a puzzle you solve than you will reach the wizards .Each puzzle will make your path easy towards the wizard but read one card at one time ,than when you are done with one wizard read the other card ,Don't mix the cards or you will never be able to reach any wizard. She handed three envelopes to Gabriel in three different colours , Gabriel asked the fairy to make then save as she vanished them to the priority cycle .

Gabriel thanked Sara for being helpful and kind like always, Sara nodded her head and she gifted Noah the powers of fire and ice . Gabriel knew she never let anyone empty handed,

"Your feel is much stronger than others Noah this will help you guarding Gabriel " Noah was happy and thankful to her.

They left to their homes where Jessica was waiting for them , Noah looked at her with a lived glanced ,he liked this girl who always was worried for others and quiet helpful to everyone ,Noah told her they were away to walk and then went to have a visit to their aunt ,she was happy to hear that they had a good time ,Noah and Jessica went to the Art Gallery she forced her too and spended the most time discussing about the love in the pictures , Noah asked her to make some pancakes which he loved by her hands and they both made them together , then they had a great time with Gabriel eating the pancakes with coffee. Late night Gabriel called the fairy and asked her to display the first card in front of him ,she did as said and then he read the lines in the card,there was a puzzle to be solved ,

"I am always near you but you never use me according to the need ,its hard to hide and hard to be your side,I never need an oil to be charged but I am the expensive machinery ever made "

Gabriel was reading it again and again as Noah shouted its brain,,

"Ahan you are right Noah its brain. so now we need to know what's the connection of the brain with the wizard, Gabriel thought and try to connect when Samantha replied, A wizard with a powerful mind ,Gabriel smiled Every wizard has a powerful mind Samantha ,its not that easy .

Hmmmm a wizard that plays with the minds ,a wizard who Is leading the normal life with his expertise ,I got it we need to find out the Neorologists those who deal with minds .

"Are you sure ?"

"yup I do " Gabriel replied , Samantha brought the details of the neorologists those who were the best of their work ,they started looking for every details of the doctors their bio ,and find three best neorologists who were extraordinary good in their fields.

Now we need to know who is the wizard amongst them but we need to be careful , because he is a wizard after all. Noah nodded the head ,Gabriel being the patient went to the neurologist who was really graceful and was extra- ordinary genius he ,asked him about his pain and the history of the pain ,then he asked him some problems related to his genital sign ,He recommended some test to Mr .Gabriel and asked him to come with the reports , No need to worry our mind play games with us sometimes, it's the most tactic part of our body ,he shaked his hand while Sending back Mr.Gabriel ,Gabriel saw his shiny eyes and he was more than fit for his age , Gabriel send Noah to other Neorolgist and was connected to him to judge the attitute of the doctor, he was the seniour surgeon and was so applicable that he just saw and suggested Noah to work on his mental strength ,he tested Noah and was surprised to see that his brain was working brilliant with extra skills ,the shine of Noah's eyes were remarkable , He asked Noah what does he do and Noah told him he is a student ,

"You are a student of? " Mr .Brazay looked in Noah's eyes .

"Sir I am readung about history ,"

"Ahan you will love to see it by yourself ,"

" what does that means ? Noah was surprised and Gabriel got he was the wizard .

Gabriel whispered in his mind ,"He is the one "

If you can just give me some extra time and you can have my pain off ,I swear my head bumps like a rocking band sometimes, Sure come to me tomorrow , I will briefly examine the problem, if it is possible for you to join me at home that will be more suitable ,I have some personal machines to take care of my closest patients ,

"Oh that will be great sir ,I am so thankful to you for your kind gesture and will be there tomorrow ,"

Mr.Brazay gave him his card ,the adress was mentioned there ,Noah nodded and shaked his hand and promised to come on the following day ,

After Noah left Brazay was looking at the scan of Noah's mind ,the boy is incredible ,I have never seen such bright and glowing mental ability before ,Brazay was a neurologist and deals with the minds of the humans ,He wished to call the mind of Noah to check his feelings but he just felt pain ,

Noah smiled when he just got to know somebody entered his mind without permission ,his feelings were strong to be felt always ,he created the feeling of pain to make the stranger believe him and he succeeded ,Noah told it to Gabriel and he was smiling too ,They were on the step of the first wizard ,after a long struggle, The other day Noah went at his place and he was waiting for Noah ,he greeted him softly and gracefully , Noah talked to him for long ,he observed that he wanted to know about Noah more and more . His interest for him was increasing , he had a machine at home and he wanted to see the positive capability of Noah, He just wanted to evaluate Noah to see what does he claim to have in his powers ,Brazay have the ability to check the super powers in a human being Noah was conditioned one , he just was happy to see a young boy with natural habitats and he could transfer him to powerful wizard like him ,

There was a knock on the door and Noah was there to meet him personally , Brazay greeted him delightly and asked him if he wants anything to eat ,Noah refused as he just behaved like he is in pain ,

"Noah humans can have super powers ,they can be different ,Much intellectual persons are out there to gain the powers desirely, but you are gifted for that .you don't need to gain them ,they are inside you ,you just need to understand your powers. Naturally we are always surrounded by the things which are magical but being human we don't consider on them ,because most of the things are hidden from us .

Noah was looking at him and trying to understand what he was saying because he was a kind of patient and doctor was getting into him, which was useless. At the same time Gabriel entered the room saying hello to all.

Brazay was astonished to see him and asked him who is he ,

" Brazay I know you are the wizard of intellectual powers of mind and I want your spell to help me open the old library now would you help us to keep our safety precautions ,Brazay just open his eyes wide .Ahan so you are from other world ,Gabriel noded his head and told him everything, Brazay agreed to helped them but he wanted something in return. °~Å~°