

*>>What if you woke up knowing that you are not a part of the world you have spended 14 years in ?? what is the pure bloodline??It's not the ordinary world ..Search for the inner pace never ends...Magic always stays inside you ..Believe is the door the Magic ...Powers can vanish the visibility of ambasis but believe can change the whole of it ....*

Ashi_Zamir · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


It was Deity Shadower the creator of the Black evil smoke the master of evil spirits . The black smoke was most dangerous creation of the evil magic it can destroy the whole magic world if created Deity was sitting on the Rocking Chair He looked at Gabriel

"I was never interested to take your horse Gabriel ,but I wanted you to find me your horse is in the backyard you can take it but i wanted to make a deal with you in return you train your students for the deactivation of my black smoke ," he crackled

"Deity you are abandoned to spread the blackest evil magic anywhere" Gabriel yawned.

"It was the time once I was the part of your environment I am no more the part of you ugly traitors anymore Gabriel I have my own powers and I am not under anyone's supervision I am dealing with you not straight on war but prepare your kids for it so sooner you don't face any difficulty Deity smiled and put his back to the chair ,Now go take your horse and leave ,I will be no more found here ,this was a temporary resident to have a meet up with you my old friend


Gabriel clenched his teeth ,he was a terrifying enemy Gabriel dare to face anytime Gabriel took the horse and went back to Nirvana.It was no use fighting him now he was powerful to be holded upon .He went to the Ministries and he told them everything happened in world.The name of deity spread a terror in Nirvana He was not an ordinary enemy to fight with his black powers were hard to be defeated and to fight with that smoke one's magic should be pured and fully created Ray's, Gabriel and Gerald were stocked in an never ending distraction force presence which can attack anytime ,Gerald told Gabriel to go back to the school they will plan the safety and will call him for help train your students for the smoke too .

Having Gabriel back to the school everybody was happy Noah's astonished was not filled but he was quite due to the restrictions .Noah finished his classes and he went to meet Mr.Gabriel ,he was not permitted to as Gabriel was out for a meeting , with a disappointment Noah went back to his room .

He took out the book and start asking it "I can feel something help me know what is it" and the book told him about Deity Shadower the black smoke and the terror ,now he went near the window opened the window but he couldnot see the moon so he went down and walked to the ground then he sat in the middle of the ground in the light of the moon and closed his eyes he wanted to feel the black magic of deity to know the terror they are going to face ,as he thought of the black smoke the deity shadowed and went on deeper he saw a black gown, with black eyes with a smokey black look he was in a black room, laughing at the black smoke he was creating from his hands then he went out there was a big farm out the side of the village and there he stood and created his black smoke and spread it over the farm , as the dark shadow touch the farm the fields were dissolved like burnt papers and there was nothing lively to be seen anymore ,there were some cows in the fields who were dissolved too in the burnt black piece of a shit ,with a terryifying shake Noah jumped out from the place and he hitted something ,

he looked up it was Gabriel looking at him, who was swetting badly "are you ok Noah ,what are you doing here at this time ?Don't you follow the rules ?" It is bad to be out at night we are not save in the black light .Noah looked at him and replied ,You are talking about the black smoke ? Gabriel to his astonishment nobody knows about the black smoke ever in Nirnana how could he knew that secret? The book of truth .."Ooh that book is with you" , Gabriel asked

Also I need to talk to you Mr.Gabriel please ?Noah requested him .

Gabriel took him to his office it was the secret place and nobody could ever hear them.

After reaching his Office of the School Gabriel asked Noah to sit ,then Noah told him everything he knew his felts what he felted before and now ,Gabriel was looking at him on changing the expression on his each confess .

"Fine my boy you already know a lot , it's no use to hide it from you ,but you will promise me to not tell these hidden things to anyone ,secrets are meant to be secrets because they are dangerous for people to know ,we can help it working on it secretly so people could be saved from the disaster .We have to go to the world also to keep the black smoke away from Nirvana this time you will go with me its almost an year for you taking magical lessons and already your powers are strong I need to work on you rather than working on others you can inhale magical facts more lively than others but do remember my boy it's just between us you cannot tell anything to your father too " Gabriel glazed at him .

"I promise to keep the secret buried in my heart forever Gabriel ,not only this whatever you share with me will be with you and me forever ," Gabriel hugged Noah ,he always have love for this kid because he was the lovely kindhearted wizard kid Gabriel had ever met ,and such kids can change the fate .


Lenovo holded Mr .Thomas hand "Noah was generous and kind that's why his abilities were good enough to feel more than every other student of Warlock ," he asked Mr Smith .

" Yup Lenovo the pride of good will is better than the bad empowerment ,always select a way which is good and has a better path to humanity for climbing the ladder never kick or throw others or on a step you will be kicked tho its what God has designed the world for everyone ,If we make way for others we will get the way for ourselves or we will be list forever ,"

"Mr.Thomas can we continue tomorrow it's getting late ,my parents will be leaving for grandma's house and I will be staying here with my elder bro and nanny then I can spend more time to hear this story ,"

"Sure Lenovo I want you to be safe home ,let me drop you ."

"Thanks Mr.Thomas I have my bicycle and can go home safely :,Lenovo said bye to Mr.Thomas and wished him thanks giving then he left for his home . On the way he saw the car of his parents coming from the corner of the road so he hurried and hided his bicycle ,then he rushed to his room changed his clothes and was on the bed everything was just roaming in his mind the warlock school Noah his friends Nirvana ,Mr.Gabriel the pretty girl Jessica the black soul Dienty .

"Wow today was my fantacy world story and I guess I will have never gone through the most excited story ever before I am so excited to know about the next part . " A bit later mom opened the door and looked at Lenovo he was sleeping ,she kissed on his forehead and took the book from his chest you are same like your father Lenovo love you my little angel and she went out .Lenovo was happy feeling the love of his mother and soon he was fast asleep.

In the Morning Mom and Dad had to leave for Grandma's house so they were packing late night Daniel and sara wanted to take Lenovo with them, as he was the youngest but his elder brother was having the exams just after a day and Lenovo wanted to stay too to complete his assignments and take extra classes .Sara was worried for him but Daniel knew Lenovo will be fine .They met their kids and left, after lunch Lenovo told his brother he has to go to Billy and then will be having extra class and after that will be helping Mr.Thomas than will be back home, don't wait for me for the dinner because I will be having it with Mr.Thomas ,His elder brother patted his head and wished him good luck, "be back home safely Lenovo and let me know if you need something ok ,Be a good boy ".Sure bro.He looked at him and was out .He took his bicycle went to Mr.Thomas he don't wanted to waste a single time to hear the rest of the story .Mr.Thomas was happy to see him .He was preparing the food so they can enjoy their story with something to eat and gave him cookies to eat for now big glass of strawberry smoothies .Lenovo loved it and Mr.thomas knew it .They sat on the couches and looking at the excitement of Lenovo,Mr Thomas started from where he stopped .


Lenovo and Gabriel has to leave for the world so they went on the next building of the school to the stable and there were many horses but Gabriel went to the biggest stable and it was locked, he opened it and there was the beautiful flying horse they rode on it and were now in the world the horse had a speed to travel spaces and worlds in seconds .Gabriel took the benefit of it and was in the house now he told Noah to change and gave him brief introduction to the house members there was a knock on the door and Jessica jumped in with a stretching anger on her face with a tense voice ,"Where have you been ?I was so worried for you !You didn't even informed anyone "she grinned sitting on a sofa.

"I am soo soory I rushed to bring my nephew he was willing to come in as he is having his holidays and wanted to visit the place too ," Gabriel explained her

"that's great but atleast should have informed , anyways it's ok she smiled atleast you are fine and it's great to see you again ,"she smiled .

Noah was fresh and he came to Mr.Gabriel when he saw the beauty sitting in front of him ,he saw her in his imaginary power and also on the wall he was surprised to see a pure cute beauty a smiling face with a naughty touch she welcomed him "

so you are the nephew of Mr.Gabriel the Intelligent and most beautiful Professor I ever met "she knocked her head and shake hands with Noah ,he gazed at her and nodded his head, she just welcomed them to have lunch with the family as her mother sended her to greet them for the lunch they were pleased to accept the privileged of the families love and respect. Jessica was a lively bright and shiny girl she told Noah everything about the city and the hill place and the charm and beauty of the place, they went to walk in the evening and after she left ,Noah expressed to Mr. Gabriel that how lovely was the people of this house ,

"yup I found the house with the help of my magic to know the beautiful peoples they are very cooperative and Jessica always stick to me ,she likes the way of being a helpful hand and always is there for guidance too ."

"Noah we have to also focus on why we are here I have to find the oldest library it has the magical door to the underground magical library and there we can find the book of magic which will help us to find the way to survive from Deity's black smoke ,I get to know the destination of that library so I have to meet few people over here and you are going to help me ,so sleep and get up fresh for the lot to do work , "

Noah went to the bed whereas Gabriel was trying to connect the powers to find some people he may know for the informations. He took out an old map where it showed the signs of the old Library which was named "The Bornheaven Library" °~Å~°