

*>>What if you woke up knowing that you are not a part of the world you have spended 14 years in ?? what is the pure bloodline??It's not the ordinary world ..Search for the inner pace never ends...Magic always stays inside you ..Believe is the door the Magic ...Powers can vanish the visibility of ambasis but believe can change the whole of it ....*

Ashi_Zamir · Fantasy
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27 Chs

9 CHAPTER 9: *Mįnd Rèvôlvińg Gămęs * Lėvěl 1:

"What do you want in return Bzaray ?" Gabriel asked him raising his eyebrow.

" You want my magical spell I want this young boy to play mind game for me as he succeed his level will raise and he will earn the real magical powers in return, " Bzaray replied ,his eyes were shining like a diamond .

" He is just a new blood Bzaray and he is new to the school also just a year and half how will he be able to play your mind games,?" Gabriel snorted .

" Look Gabriel you better know that we learn magic not by school clases,but with the experience we use the magic for the criteria and environments.He will be getting the scenarios it just how hes gonna use it. Remember it's just a game. Also what I saw in this young boy is amazing ,do give him a chance ," Bzaray forced Gabriel .

" It will be fun learning the magic through games Mr.Gabriel ,I will love to do it ," Noah was excited for the challenge .

"Ok ! ok ! I will let you play the game but I need you to know some rules of the mind games."

Gabriel and Brazay taught him the rules and how to use the magic and to trust on himself ,Brazay also told him that before going to the game zone your system will be upgraded .Just relax .Then when they were ready to start ,Bzaray lead them to his bedroom where he pressed the buttons on the wall and a secret door opened ,The other side was a complete different world of gaming zones ,with different big ,machinries and software update functions ,

Bzaray repeated again, Noah you will be in the game and every situation depends upon your thoughts and your believe. put in your best believe in yourselves and your powers ,after every success you will be rewarded and that will be your level up ,boost and the power points which will raise your magical level too .

Remember never quit just try to relax and solve ,the new magical powers can be use by just recalling them in your mind and believing in you .Now go and be a winner ,Good luck !

Noah entered a room and door was locked behind it was a red room he was asked to put his hands on the walls of the room which were made of glass .Then the room started energizing the powers into Noah and his body was upgraded ,also he was being installed with the fighting skills and more powers to help him .

Lęvěl 1:

Powers obtained :0

Chances : 03

Life Safety Lines :5

Boost :0

Diamond Points Obtained :0

Speed : 15

Noah was in the dark place when he was out of the room ,it was quite kind of a dungeon may be ,he couldn't see anything but still he tried to walk towards ,but he was not getting any way out ,then he just thought of a light strongly putting his focused on and his hands were lighted like a rhizome. Now he was able to see ,he walked slowly and carefully but it was darker so he moved on until reached a way out to that black place ,he quickly stepped out of that outer space and now was standing in a field, a green land as far as he could see there was a green land, he started walking on a side to look for anything different than green ,he walked and walked but the fields were increasing ,then he laid down closed his eyes and asked for direction. he could see a road out of the fields towards north ,he started walking and finally saw a road towards the north and at the end of the fields there was a box for him ,he opened the box there were some weapons ,guns bullets ,arrows a liquid in a bottle and some gaff ,he put on the belt and loaded the guns to be ready for any situation . He walked on the road and not so far but he could see some cars and buses standing on the side of the road , Now at these sides both the sides of the road there was no field but black fields as if it were burnt down ,there was something wrong here he thought .

" May be I could see someone there who needs any help ," Noah murmured

He walked towards the cars and started trolling them ,he got some weapons which he kept save to him and also he got food and water .He was thirsty so he drank a lot of water and splashed the water on his face then he eat two sandwiches which were there in the car , as he was going in the bus somebody touched his shoulder, he just jumped and turned around ,a boy approximately of his age was standing there with wide eyes opened ,

" Who are you and what are you doing here ?,"he asked Noah ,


"Hey ,I am Noah but what has happened here ,the cars are all standing here and bus all emptied ,what is going on here ? ," Noah asked the boy .

"I am Jack , we were travelling to the fine mountains for the vaccations but reaching these fields we were attacked by some beasts ,they are some very different animals ,black big bats but there body is like humans long and heavy ,they fly and attack people and eat then up , they killed many people here but some survived and we live there but we on daily basis look for help and also for food and water ,the beasts come out mostly at night ,and then you cannot go anywhere ,

" Aah the thing I was thinking there is something wrong here ," Noah replied .

" Where do you escape ?" Noah raised his eyebrows ,

" We have some rescue team out there in the rocks ,Jack replied to him ,"

" ok take me to them then can decide to plan for these ugly beasts ," Niah snorted ,they went to the survived group where there were some women with kids and men ,they asked him if he was there to save them ,he called all the men and they decided to fight the beast out .But the question was how?

Noah took out his all the weapons in front of them, also what he took from the car ,they had some guns ,Noah had a lot of bullets which they shared ,

" we already have tried this it doesn't work on the beasts ." ,a man just replied sorrowly

"see I am not just having the bullets we have other stuff too but the thing is its quiet few ,we need to make more arrows gaffs and then every body can have them ,so let's start the work ,we have time till the sun sets .

Everybody started to collect the woods they had an axe to cultivate the shape and some have daggers .They were trying there best to make a pointed arrow ,

Noah checked the liquid it was a poisonous liquid so he dipped all the arrows with the liquids and started combining the weapons for every group ,

The beasts according to peoples were 8 to 10 and they didnot. knew the hidden place for survivors, so Noah asked them all to dig a hole and cover it with the green grass ,and every man is going to be away on different spot so they cannot judge where we are ,

that was far away in the dead fields so the rescue place was saved ,

They were done as the time was running now they took there places for the hunting positions and they were waiting for the human beasts to come ,as the sun sets ,they start hearing the voices of bats ,but big bats, they were flying in there heads ,

Noah wanted to see them first and he hold them all to let him see what it was ,they were dangerous with big pointed nails and paws ,the pointed teeth. they were flying here and there for their prey, which was unavailable today ,

just at the moment Noah targeted one of the beasts and shotted the arrow towards the beast which hitted him at the back and the flying speed was reduced ,it was working then he shot two fires towards him, which hitted his head and it was on the ground ,now others started the same and the beast was on the ground, the beast was swerving like hes getting off the pain of the poison in his body .

Noah ran towards him at the moment a sword splashed out in front of his foot ,he holded the sword and killed the beast .it was the end of the beast ,Now they were doing the same many beasts were swerving on the ground Noah cut there heads apart and they were ending, but rest of the beasts attacked them and they spread again ,now it was difficult to target the beasts as they were angry and also they were tired following them ,one by one Noah targeted the beasts ,he asked two men to run in the fields as they will attack them I will hit them,we have to take the risk.

Two men ran out in the field and the beasts were hurried flying towards them ,when Noah shotted them the bullet with arrows ,again swoosh again swoosh and they were on the ground swerving, he pointed others those who cut their heads,

Then Noah by focusing split a fire and burnt the bodies of those beasts so they can never be back . The men shouted hurrah they were succeeded in their missions just by fighting together and respected the ideas of everyone. They were now free from the cursed of those beasts ,they thanked Noah for his help and blessed him with hugging him and were up to their families ,Noah hugged Jack and wished him good luck ,his family was almost dead but life goes on ,

" You were like an angel for us ," Jack smiled looking at him,

You never know when does the help comes and from where always keep a hope and trust yourself .

Jack nodded his head, Noah started walking towards the road again .He needed to inform the security or guards about the safety of the people .

Brazay smiled ,like I said hes smart and also he has a good heart ,if he will to he can be a legendary magician .The one who can change the the negativity into positivity ,his mental abilities are stronger and he can manipulate ,Brazay murmured with a keen smile on his face .

Gabriel was proud to have a student like Noah ."The next level is it difficult? " Gabriel asked Brazay .

"Every level will be bit more complicated to judge and enhance his manipulation." Brazay replied looking at Gabriel .

Noah was walking along when he just thought that he was in the city ,he opened his eyes and he was there in the city .he can transform too .

Noah went to the police and informed them about the incident and asked them to send the forces to bring the people back safely .

Noah was tired so he went out to reach a hotel and he just wanna lie down for a while ,he saw a national park and he went inside he lied on the grass and closed his eyes.

When he woke up it was a house he was sleeping in,he roamed around and look at the house carefully that was a big wooden house and was well decorated ,he got up,get freshed and wore new suit it was hanged for him that was the suit for 2nd level ,he knew it .He checked the place well to find anything for him ,there was an underground cabinet where he got the guns ,bullets it was a new gun which was more than a 9mm and was fast,

He wore the belt got up and started walking towards the main room ,he got a message in his mind to reach the main room for the instructions .

Then a screen appeared in front of the wall as a monitor and he saw a map ,the next level was a zombie world and he has to reach the airport ,it depends upon him whether he help people for the survival .Now he saved the map in his mind and then he was instructed the rules for the next level . Then he went to the outdoor and as he opened the door .~°Å°~