
Lyalia Chronicles: Mao, Hero and Prophet

The protagonist is a looser. He has achieved nothing in his life. One day he pathetically dies. Due to some problems, at that moment he can not be sent to Hell. To not waste space in Godly Realm, he is temporarily reincarnated in another world. Sadly for him, Goddess handling his case is a stupid loafer that overloads him with her own work and messes up his character. How long can he survive with being an INTP-T as his greatest weapon and weakness? The story is set in a medieval high fantasy world with guns, swords, and magic. A continent inhabited by 4 races: Humen, Ancients, Beastfolk and Demon. It’s a subtle proxy war between three outsiders: Mao, Hero, and Prophet. MC (Mao) receives a trustworthy companion, who will stay with him till the world’s end and goes on a journey through the darkest places of the Lyalia. He forges alliances with the continent’s strongest, or beats them into submission, and makes his children and allies the winners of this war and rulers of the continent just to have his ordinary life in an idyllic village. This is the "Default route" of an interactive book managed by artificial intelligence. As such, it might differ greatly from what a good classical novel is like. Known chapter list: CH0: Goddess' monologue (Prologue) CH1: Preparations CH2: New World CH3: New Day CH4: New Task CH5: New Enemy CH6: New Life CH7: New War ... Twitter: https://twitter.com/gakuenthegame Cover art by: https://twitter.com/goblinmajo

LatgolAI · Fantasy
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12 Chs

CH3 New Day #1

Is this how a hangover feels? I would not know, I have never disrespected myself enough. I try applying "Heal", but as expected, it has no effect. Wind is nowhere to be seen. I can always "Call" or "Recall" him, so that is not critical. Maybe he had some demonic business to attend to.

Let's recap what happened yesterday. I, Matsuda Nanachi, by my readers known as "Kamisama", died from heart failure. Pulling a triple-allnighter to get up to speed with the latest light novels was a bad idea. I'm glad I emailed the manuscript of my latest book to the manager before that.

I spent 5 hours waiting in that white room I call Godly Realm. Who makes people wait in a room with nothing for 5 hours! I was so dulled, I thought I might die again, this time from boredom.

Then came the Goddess! Oh boy, why does someone like that even exist! I can describe her only as a middle-aged, good-for-nothing city-dweller of female-origin - the "Loafer Goddess"! Her only strong point was her attitude. Even I could do her job better. No wonder she is an extra.

I know, I should not be so harsh. Only thanks to her I have the three big cheats - the Menu, the Book and Moderator Rights. But she did mess up my character build, pushed on me her own work and set so many tricky rules.

I got my companion - a cute Elfen girl of royal blood, so I will forgive Goddess. I was really shocked by the way the girl acted. No one speaks like that. It was clear that it's the collar's fault. I solved that problem, as soon as we got to the new world. In the process, I made some improvements.

But, damn, I was shocked by those simulations. There should have been a 24 hour "no one can die" period! It's unfair to kick us out who knows where and expect we will somehow get through it.

I was really worried. For that case if the worst comes and I don't make it, I upgraded Shea's weapons to the maximum I could afford and gave her the diadem. Diadem's boost was really promising.

My real plan was to never let the creature even close to Shea. The further from the tree camp, the better. As the first line of defense, I set up 21 large area traps (LaT). I enabled them only when it was clear that Shea is going to bed, just in case if she might trigger one of them. The drain from maintaining them hit me hard. I thought I will shut down before Shea falls asleep. Their main trick was highly potent paralytic, sedative, and a slow-acting poison triggered by movement.

As a second line of defensive offense, I set up motion triggers and assigned large area skills (LaS) to them, like "Fiery Rain" or "Arrow Storm". I added many smaller traps to the mix, to slow the beast's movements as much as possible.

I cast 6 anti-magic and reflective shields as the 3rd line of defense, 3 of each type. I configured them to reactivate as soon as possible in case they would break. For as long as I am still alive and have mana, they should have kept Shea in safety from anything magic based.

The last shield, final defense, the Damage Absorption Barrier, I cast directly on Shea, when she fell asleep. For a situation where an attack somehow passes all of these countermeasures, I created 10 sets of "Heal", "Recover", and "Heavenly Breath", and assigned to the minimal amount of her life - 99%.

I used one of the commands I had added to the collar, to keep Shea from suddenly waking up and going to search for me, when I went to the battle.

The rest you already know. In this reality, Shea never participated in the battle with Wind. She does not yet know he even exists. And that is good! I just saw his skill list. Let's say, I'm glad everyone is alive and well. His stats are amazing too.

Guardian Wind(Pet):

Level 22

Life 12100

Mana 8400

Stamina 280

Physical attack 635

Physical defense 470

Magical attack 4300

Magical defense 3200

Know what more is amazing - I can learn some of my pet's skills. I want to have many great pets! If only I could get more skill points. 255 will not be enough.

It's time to wake up the princess, wrap up the camp and move out. I teleport to the platform. Shea is still soundly asleep.

- Rise and Shine, princess! - I wake up Shea.

Soon, Shea opens her eyes. Rubbing them with hands, she greets me - You are already up?

That is not the greeting I expected. A proper greeting would be - Good morning!

- Good morning! Why didn't you wake me up? - Shea returns my greeting.

- I was enjoying your sleeping face - I decide to tease her a bit like a punishment for not starting the day with a proper greeting.

- My sleeping face? Why would you do that? - Shea seems troubled with my answer but in the wrong way.

Shouldn't it go something like "Kyah, you pervert! (blushed face)"? Well, whatever… - It's a tradition from my homeland. If the first thing in the morning you look at the sleeping face of a cute girl, that day will be blessed.

"You lied!" No, I didn't! Isn't seeing a cute girl first thing in the morning a blessing? Besides, there is no such thing as a blessing, then I can't lie about it. By the way, I can lie in my thoughts as much as I want. The rule about lying applies only to the intelligent inhabitants of this world. I can lie to rocks and trees as much as I please.

- Did it work? - Shea inquires with visible interest.

- We will see that! - I try to navigate my way out of this little mess I've got myself into.

- I might not be cute enough to trigger the blessing... - Shea contemplates with a serious expression.

- You look cute enough to me! - that's clearly not the problem here. I must change the topic before it's too late - How was the night?

Shea stretches out arms and yawns - Thanks… I slept like the dead!

Thank God, this world has compliments! Wait, don't sleep like the dead! That hits too close to home…

Shea has changed into her armor and is gathering up her sleep-wear - a pillow and a blanket. I ask her to sit down and put a plate with 10 loaves of Citric bread in front of her.

-Is that? - She asks taking one of the loaves in hand.

- Yes, it is! - I proudly announce.

- It tastes just like my sisters! - Shea gives a positive evaluation of my creation.

Not only it tastes like your sister's, it is your sister's, but I can't say that - eat up, we have a long road before us.

- Uhm! - Shea agrees taking another Citrus bread.

Is this suddenly a ranobe? Anyways, it's great to see her in a good mood and I can feed her with something less dangerous than pears...

In no time Shea has completed 4 loaves and announces that - I'm full! I never thought I will taste them again!

I discover an amazing property of these items bought from the Shop. I can simply move them back to the Inventory, one by one, without taking them apart. They simply disappear and revert to their initial state.

I set a blue marker on the Map for the position of this oak, and we continue our journey.


A red dragon, big as a house, lands in our path. Wind from its wings is so strong that it's hard to stay on feet. Small rocks and sand hit our bodies.

A girl with a huge ax jumps off next to it. By the looks of it, she is the owner of this cutie. With visible disdain, the beast appraises first Shea, then me. After, lets out a steamy yawn.

- I am Rea! One of the great Demon generals. I was given a task to deal with trespassers. Trespassers being you two. In the name of the Holy Demon Empire, I will crush you here and now! Any objections? None I guess! (Rea, Demon)

Girl whirls the ax a few times throwing pieces of cut grass into the air. She is shorter than Shea but very well built. The two-sided ax seems to loose all of its weight in her arms.

- I am Matsuda, and next to me, this is Shea. - I step forward asserting the role of the negotiator - We are just disoriented travelers. (Matsuda, Demon)

- Shea, haha, I see, I see - Rea's gaze thoroughly inspects Shea's body - I did not expect to meet someone who speaks Demon. As a sign of respect, I will keep your cute toy usable. (Rea, Demon)

- She is not a toy, she is my travel companion, but I am grateful for keeping her out of this. (Matsuda, Demon)

- Haha, no, I said I'll keep her usable. I'll even poke a few more holes in her body, for your enjoyment. If you will have something to enjoy with after I am done with you. (Rea, Demon)

Once again the Demon girl whirls her ax, this time getting noticeably impatient. Her short hair sways in the air disturbed by ax's rapid movement. Two big horns are sticking out of each side. They contrast greatly with the dark brown hair and light brown skin.

- We did not mean any harm. I would be grateful if the ruler of these lands could let it slide. We will leave immediately, if you could just show us the direction to the border. (Matsuda, Demon)

- That is not how it works! Enough with the chatting, I'll now beat you to crap. (Rea, Demon)

- Then, I am sorry, but we will have to fight back. (Matsuda, Demon)

Sensing the tension rising, dragon lazily steps aside, making more room for its master. Rea firmly grabs the ax in both hands and disappears from the sight. I have no other option, but to teleport to Shea. Rea's ax smashes into the ground right where I had stood. Big clumps of ground fly in all directions leaving behind a deep impact crater.

- Shea, we will fight! (Matsuda, Ancient)

- She is one of the Demon Generals. Any resistance is futile. We can not win. It will only make her angrier (Shea, Ancient)

- Fight back, ahaha, your jokes are terrible - Rea interrupts our conversation and starts graciously turning around with a force of a tornado.

I barely have enough time to grab Shea's hand and teleport us behind Rea's back, before the shining blade passes where we had been, smashing into pieces a tree that stood a little bit further.

- Stop running around! Where did you go!? (Rea, Demon)

- We do not need to win. We just need to make her unable to fight. Is there anything in Elfen skillset that can immobilize the enemy? Any sort of magic? (Matsuda, Ancient)

- There is, but it will not work against someone as strong as her. (Shea, Ancient)

- We will never know if we do not try. We need to buy us at least a bit of time. (Matsuda, Ancient)

- That's where you two were hiding - Rea slightly bends her knees, ready for the next attack.

Shea switches to the staff and casts a skill. I step behind her back and unwillingly draw my staff. Green, lush vines shoot out of the ground embracing the Demon general's body. They twirl higher and higher, first twisting around her legs, then stomach and finally the chest.

- Do you think these weeds will hold me down? Prepare your last words! I will crush you and your pretty plaything!

With an easy motion, Rea cuts the wines into tiny pieces, splashing the green juices all around. A contempt grin slides on her face as she starts to turn her ax faster and faster. She licks some of the sweet juice off the lips and springs into the air.

When Rea is halfway to Shea, from all around her, the second wave of vines shoots into the air. As plant's green tentacles hit the rotating ax, the juice and vine pieces fly in all directions, but the more the ax cuts off, the bigger the vines get and in more stems they split. Suddenly the blade stops and plant's tentacles rush around it. Overwhelmed by vines, Rea has run out of stamina. Demon general is helplessly struggling in the vines which tighten around her body and grow thicker with each victim's motion.

- How can this be? (Rea, Demon)

- You should stay still. We do not wish to harm you. (Matsuda, Demon)

- I do not know what is wrong with these damn weeds, but once I get out of here, I'll destroy you! (Rea, Demon)

Once the green ropes have thoroughly immobilized girl's body, tiny buds start appearing. These buds then slowly grow into large white flowers that shed a sweet and soothing smell. Even I start to feel slightly lethargic and weak.

- Belheboard… fly… burn them to the ashes... - Rea orders to her dragon, who is behind us.

- Belheboard, do not move until you see us no more! (Matsuda, Demon)

- Belheboard, burn them... Belheboard... - the dragon stands still - What did you do to my dragon? (Rea, Demon)

- You heard what I said. I asked him to not disturb our fight. He is fine. (Matsuda, Demon)

A white rain of petals turns the ground white. Vines become brown and then disappear. Rea powerless falls down. Just before hitting the ground, a few vines catch her body and accurately put it down.

- Priestess will avenge me!.. Do not think that killing one general will save you for long… others will come… (Rea, Demon)

- Tell the priestess, we are deeply sorry for trespassing on her land. If there is something we can do for her, we will, as an apology. Now we must go. (Matsuda, Demon)

- Hey, where do you plan to go... Do not run away... I will destroy you... (General, Demon)

I turn to Shea - Let's go, we do not have much time. (Matsuda, Ancient)

We run past the dragon, which turns its scaled body in our direction, but does not attack.

- Protect her until she can move again. Do not step on the white petals - I instruct the dragon.

The dragon raises its head, roars, and shoots up a pillar of fire as if warning of its position. Then lies down a few meters from the white petals.

- I will hunt you down...You will regret this... (Rea, Demon)


Throne room somewhere in the Demon Lands. A messenger is reporting to Priestess.

- The general we sent has returned. Sh-She was defeated. (Messenger)

Priestess jumps into feet but sits back down.

- Is she okay? (Priestess)

- Yes, your holiness, the general is in good condition, just slightly upset. (Messenger)

- Ohoho! Two Elfen beating one of my best generals. Truly interesting! We will leave them to be. Truly interesting what they plan on doing. Bring Rea to me. (Priestess)

- Understood, your holiness! (Messenger)

Messenger bows and leaves the room.


- I have arrived, your holiness! - Rea enters the room and kneels before Priestess. (Rea)

- Come closer, Rea! I am glad you are in good health. (Priestess)

- If Priestess will let me, I will pursue that Elfen to the end of the world! I will destroy him no matter what it takes me! (Rea)

- I was said there were two Elfen? (Priestess)

- Yes, your holiness, there were two of them. One was speaking Demon, he was the leader. He introduced the other Elfen, a female warrior, as his night-butterfly. Or how he put it, his travel companion. (Rea)

- Amusing pair! How did they beat one of my best generals? (Priestess)

Rea explained in tiniest detail what had happened. She left out only a few shameful aspects, some quite important, like how pleasant to the touch had this Elfen girl's mana been.

- A tamer skilled enough to influence someone else's dragon. Maybe even a dragon trainer. Someone stupid or arrogant enough to leave enemy general unharmed. A female warrior strong enough to overwhelm you with a simple low-level skill. Something tells me they do not want to fight with us, maybe even want to be friends, but at the same time, they are arrogant enough to assume the victory would be on their side. (Priestess)

- I was caught off guard! I would have won if not those weeds. (Rea)

- I am not so sure, Rea... Rest for the day. Tomorrow, you will go and bring them to me. (Priestess)

Thank you for reading! The next chapter will come when I'll give up on editing it. Sorry for my poor English.

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