
Lyalia Chronicles: Mao, Hero and Prophet

The protagonist is a looser. He has achieved nothing in his life. One day he pathetically dies. Due to some problems, at that moment he can not be sent to Hell. To not waste space in Godly Realm, he is temporarily reincarnated in another world. Sadly for him, Goddess handling his case is a stupid loafer that overloads him with her own work and messes up his character. How long can he survive with being an INTP-T as his greatest weapon and weakness? The story is set in a medieval high fantasy world with guns, swords, and magic. A continent inhabited by 4 races: Humen, Ancients, Beastfolk and Demon. It’s a subtle proxy war between three outsiders: Mao, Hero, and Prophet. MC (Mao) receives a trustworthy companion, who will stay with him till the world’s end and goes on a journey through the darkest places of the Lyalia. He forges alliances with the continent’s strongest, or beats them into submission, and makes his children and allies the winners of this war and rulers of the continent just to have his ordinary life in an idyllic village. This is the "Default route" of an interactive book managed by artificial intelligence. As such, it might differ greatly from what a good classical novel is like. Known chapter list: CH0: Goddess' monologue (Prologue) CH1: Preparations CH2: New World CH3: New Day CH4: New Task CH5: New Enemy CH6: New Life CH7: New War ... Twitter: https://twitter.com/gakuenthegame Cover art by: https://twitter.com/goblinmajo

LatgolAI · Fantasy
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12 Chs

CH2 New World #3

Four crimson red eyes are looking straight at us. These thin shapes of color are the only thing visible in the dark. They furiously glow for our blood. Shea has already prepared her bow for a fight, even though her body is shaking in fear like a leaf. It's still the phase where both sides assess the strength of the other, but we have been noticed, there is no doubt about it. After silently staring for a while, the creature lowers gaze and begins slowly walking around the tree. We are high above the ground, in our fortress, in safety. Were we down there, this would have been the end to us.

- Do you know what's that? - I whisper to Shea. I have no concept of what to expect from this world and its fauna. Shea is the only guidance I can rely on.

- It's a demonic beast. - Shea's voice is slightly trembling - If it gets to us, it will kill us... Why out of all places must we end up in Demon Lands…

The beast has completed a whole circle and is now looking at us again. Finding an easier way had failed, so now it is cautiously approaching the tree head-on, stopping and reconsidering its surroundings every few steps. From Shea's reaction, I can easily deduce that this creature isn't fluffy and harmless.

- We are high above the ground. - I try to calm her down, but I know very well there is no guarantee that it's enough.

Meanwhile, animal has already reached tree's outer branches and majestically springs forward, crashing into the lower branches, smashing some of them into pieces. After wildly shaking head and body, it jumps up again with even greater strength, breaking into pieces even more branches. It repeats the ritual of shaking head and lets loose a benumbing howl. One more jump and more branches are torn into pieces, this time by a pitch-black paw armed with long, sharp claws. I see inexhaustible determination in its eyes. Only a few more meters and a few more branches separate us from the magnificent beast who is readying for the next jump.

- What are we going to do? - Shea is getting more and more hysteric. A complete opposite to her usual calmness.

I am fixated on the beast in amazement. Such strength and intelligence. With such a creature by my side, I would be protected from most dangers of this world, I could travel easy and fast. This temptation is too great to resist, but there is no way I can achieve this.

- How long does a fire arrow burn? - I ask Shea, trying to gauge my options.

- The flame should keep burning for a few minutes. Do you think it has a weakness against fire? - Shea is trying to hold on to my words as a ray of hope.

- I have a weakness against not seeing - I try to lighten the mood, but my joke falls flat.

Shea shoots down a few fire arrows, dimly illuminating the scene in orange and red tones. The ground under is now littered with wood chunks. Where tens of thick branches had been when we went to bed, a big hole now lets us see the beast clearly. It stands not moving a muscle in shadows dancing around.

This demonic creature in its size slightly exceeds a good horse. Its appearance is that of an enormous, long-haired dog with three slightly elongated eyes on each side. One of them is not glowing in the dark like others, so I had not noticed it. It's fur is in parts black, in parts gray; mane has lighter strands mixed in.

The demon is intensively squinting the red eyes, visibly unhappy about the dim light coming from the arrows. It is clearly not pleased about these burning arrows suddenly landing in front of it. It isn't afraid of them but cautiously keeps a safe distance frm them and the tree.

- Is it afraid of fire? - Shea asks me with hope.

- I do not think it is... - I am forced to shutter it.

Beast has regained its composure and lets out a blood-freezing howl. All the arrows dissipate, making the scene void of light again. We lose any ability to see our surroundings. After having gotten used to the light from the arrows, our eyes don't see even what they saw before. A series of strong hits at its base shake the whole tree, almost throwing us out of the platform.

- Ah... - something soft but cool hits my hand, sending hundred needles down from the shoulder till the fingertips - Ouch!

- Hold tight! - I advise instinctively jerking back the hand, but the pain is gone the instant it had appeared.

- I'm sorry, I hit your hand. I did not mean to. It was an accident. - Shea is almost crying, her voice breaking.

- Don't worry, it didn't even hurt that badly! - I lightly brush off her over-exaggerated reaction.

- I'm so sorry, not only I received mana from you, but it was unpleasant for you. I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me... - Shea breaks into tears, seemingly forgetting even the beast below us.

- What do you mean? - I have no idea what is she making this fuss about.

- Oh, you don't know... - Shea looks at me with confusion - The law must differ where you came from. If you cross hands with someone, the person with a lower amount of mana will receive it from someone who holds more. Crossing hands with someone without their permission is punishable by death within Elfen Codex.

- That's so useful! - I'm suddenly feeling so invigorated by such a useful and pleasant cheat - So, if you are out of mana, you just need to touch my hand and your mana will be restored?

- Yes, but it isn't something you should suggest so carelessly. It takes so much time to restore mana. Even Elfen need almost a day to fully recover.

The beast jumps up again breaking one more branch, shaking heavily the branches platform is tied between. That returns me back to the reality at hand. If I don't think of something and fast, I won't have an opportunity to use that nice trick to my advantage.

I explain in general details my plan to Shea, but as expected, she is in hysteria, trying to dissuade me from putting it into action. Nonetheless, there is no other way, but to proceed with it.

- Sorry, my friend, I have no other choice - I address the beast closing in on the tree.

I reveal one of my big trump cards; I teleport right in front of the beast. It is looking straight at me with cold, ferocious eyes. A cynical hunter with a superiority complex. To him I'm just a prey gone crazy from fear. It jumps forward, but beast's jaws clash in empty air, as in the last moment I quickly teleport behind its back. Large body hits with full weight a spear I had left before getting away. The spear instantly shatters into pieces, but its end has penetrated the animal's chest.

Beast quickly turns to me, but a tiny orb emitting bright light appears in front of him. Animal immediately shuts the eyes, and jumps back twice, but precisely timed arrow hits its right hip, another one the left. The beast turns 180 degrees and opens eyes just to shut them close again, hit by the bright light from another orb. My arrow hits its left hip, going deep into the flesh. Double arrow lands near its front paws, making the beast who has completely switched to hearing, jump back, just to receive an arrow from behind.

Something large and hard hits my body at great speed, throwing me into the air. My stomach is hit the hardest, I can't even distinguish what is in pain. Beast has completely frozen, I see only its ears move - one is focused on me, the other on Shea. Pain engulfs the other half of my body as I land on my back. A series of arrows shot by Shea to distract the hunter hit an invisible wall and shatter into pieces, but others follow. A magical circle appears above my body and white light particles rain on me. I feel how my pain is slowly going away.

Soon enough I've regained enough control over my body to stand up and recreate my bow. I pull the string as far as the bow lets me and release a metal arrow. It hits the same invisible wall and deforms into a complete mess. Shea has switched to fire arrows, but her aiming is getting weird. Arrows are landing all over the place, leaving a circle 20 meters in diameter around the demon. Nice idea Shea, this shows us how big its barrier is. I cast "Illumination" inside the barrier to check something, but nothing happens. It hadn't worked.

Beast's head rises towards the sky and a howl spreads in all directions. Arrows that had hit its body disappear. All the fire arrows lighting up the scene too. Even the arrows from tree's trunk, Shea had used to climb up are gone. Nullification of Magic. The most effective tool against someone who completely depends on magic. Everything is dark again. Now that the beast's eyes are shut, there is nothing indicating its position.

- Behind! - I hear Shea's despaired scream. Hot breath hits back of my neck. Jaws shut close and my neck breaks with a pleasant crack. Before it all goes to dark, I see magical circles popping up all over the place.

"Simulation successful! Likelihood 97%. Clarity 17%."

That didn't work as well as expected. I'm glad I was cautious enough to use the simulation first, before getting killed for real. It's clear that there is no way I can beat this monster without using my full power. Change of plans. I explain my new plan to Shea. As was prognosed, she is in hysteria, but I saw in the simulation, that she can get her act together when there is a need for it. Besides, this time I will handle everything.

I upgrade my bow, staff, and skills to the maximum available. The plan is to overwhelm the beast while staying in the safety, up here, high in tree's branches. I won't let it even close to this tree.

- Fiery Rain! - I open with the powerhouse. Shea has a front seat to this spectacle of gods at play. No one will get in the path we are going together - This is for you, Shea!

A magic circle in size of many hundred meters appears high in the sky. Many little lights cover the stars. It's as bright as in a red sunset's light foretelling a bloody battle destined to shed rivers of tears. Beast immediately closes its red eyes dazzled by the incoming light. Arrows burning with flames as bright as the sun start falling from the sky. Thousands upon thousands of them. Demon tries to graciously evade them, but many painfully hit the target. Soon the ground itself has turned into a sea of fire. In just a minute Demonic creature has lost 15% of its life.

- You are a god… - Shea is watching in amazement.

Finally, the monster stops in place and raises its head to the sky. A howl leaves from its throat clearing away the fiery arrows, putting out the fire and dissolving the magic circle itself. I had hoped that at least there in the sky it couldn't reach, but that's not enough to turn the tables, not this time.

- I won't let you rest! Arrow Storm! Illumination! - A new magic circle appears in the sky. Under it, the familiar sphere of light, shining like a sun turns the night into day. Soon, arrows start falling again. Beast raises its head, but a diamond arrow, the last of three in a row, hits its throat changing the howl into a disgusting shriek. Two other had shattered before reaching the target, sending shockwaves louder than thunder in all directions. Blood is dripping from the beast's neck. More and more diamond arrows are battering its body. The moment it puts up a barrier, the next arrow shatters it. The difference in our power is just so big.

- This is our victory! - I happily declare nailing two more arrows in the beast's bloodied body.

- Yes, you did it! - Shea agrees with a calm smile. The morning sun is reflecting in her eyes, announcing the beginning of a new day.

Something easily snaps off part of the branch the platform is tied to. My upper armor is cleanly cut in two pieces. Luckily, my body is perfectly intact! And the platform is standing strong. Oaks branches are being battered by an invisible force. The tree is shaking wildly like in a storm. Beast has completely stopped evading the arrows. It's looking here, fully focused on offense, but I do not plan to give up either, not now that the victory is in our hands.

- Matsuda, sorry... - Shea whispers interrupting my thoughts. There is a large incision in her pajama - ...I know... you can do what I could not…

I rush to apply "Heal!" again and again and again, but it is too late. The realization resounds through my mind. I don't want anything anymore. I'm not even there anymore. I don't see the magic circle behind the beast. I don't feel the platform falling. I don't hear a thousand blades grinding everything into dust. I don't have a reason to...


I don't know how long I fell through nothingness before waking up. I understand that she is right here, still alive, but this cheat is slowly chopping at my sanity. These simulations maybe finish, but memories don't go away so easily. To me, she has died twice already. I don't know how many times I still have left before I do not return back. But know what, it doesn't matter.

A hero isn't someone strong enough to protect those who are dear to him, a hero is someone who is strong enough to never put them in danger. That is the hero I will become. I know it is impossible, and I am not foolish enough to chase ideals, but I will do all in my power to follow that path.

- Sleep tight, princess! - I look for the last time at Shea happily sleeping and teleport to position 7.


- Sorry, my friend, I had no other choice! - I apologize to the beast motionlessly lying on the ground under a thick layer of thorny vines. Its milky eyes are looking at me.

- Dispel! - I remove the thorny growth as to not become one more of its victims.

I step closer to the large body. Monster's muscles powerlessly twitc in an effort to do something. Its awareness must still be there - Sorry, it will be over in a moment. This is the least painful way for both of us. I won't let you take her from me. I can't without her.

I put my hand on the beast's forehead. The fur is soft and warm, so pleasant to the touch. A tear crosses my cheek - Break!

My mind goes blank, then fear takes over. Something isn't right. Something isn't like it was supposed to be. I made a grave mistake in my calculations. I'm being forcefully dragged into something.


I'm hanging in an empty cell enclosed by thick stone walls. Only a bleak lantern is illuminating the surroundings. My hands and legs are chained. I try to cast "Illumination", but nothing happens. The Menu is not there either. There isn't even a door here.

I notice a slender girl in pitch black dress standing behind the thick metal bars on the other side of the cell, the only part where there isn't a wall. Her name is Luna Lafore. I've somewhere seen these delicate features. It is the same long, golden hair, the same playful posture, the same pleasant facet. She looks just like Shea, only the big, despising eyes are alien to me; one - light like a sky, the other - dark as an ocean.

- I heard you are finally awake, daddy - girl starts talking in an angelic voice. It's Luna, my beloved daughter! Now I remember! How could I forget those eyes that so often looked at me, be it in happiness or despair. But what has happened to her? Why does she feel so distant and cold?

My memories are vague. We were finally at the castle walls when something went very wrong. An ambush! They must have ambushed us and the King now has Shea. I need to save her. He will kill her - Where are the others! What's happening?

- That's so you, daddy! You always worry about your whores more than about me or mommy. Do you have any idea how I felt each and every time you picked up a new plaything? You don't, I know! You just kept gathering more and more. Even those animals, your precious zoo, they got more love than I.

- Luna, release... - but the girl does not let me complete the sentence.

- Silence! - Luna orders furiously. Sharp pain engulfs my neck. Something squeezes my throat. I hardly can breathe, not to mention talking. I can read satisfaction in my daughter's face - Yes, enjoy the power of the contract collar.

Luna raises her right hand as she would always do. 7 tiny black orbs appear above her long, white fingers - Void magic! This beautiful strength born from mixing two types of magic, Ancient and Demonic. It should have never been brought into this world.

In a blink of an eye, she appears a few steps away from me - Teleportation. It's a present from you, daddy. But know what, I have improved upon it in so many ways. While you were spending your days in the castle's garden, I was desperately practicing to be good enough for you. Did you even notice that it's one of my skills?

A rusty dagger with a rose emblem, the symbol of the Elfen monarchy, appears in Luna's hand - Moving around instantly is nice, but sometimes you want to move something else.

An enormous magical circle appears on the floor. It encloses the whole room. I can read only a few words - "queen", "physical", "nullification". With a light, playful motion girl pushes the dagger into my stomach. I can clearly see how the blade cuts the flesh, but I don't feel any pain - Nullification of Physical Damage. Do you remember when I learned this skill? Of course, you don't, you were too busy flirting with that cursed dragon. Only I was there to protect my mommy.

Who is this girl? It can't be the joyful Luna I know. What is she even talking about? My memories are so vague.

- Do you know, daddy, how it feels to be torn into pieces by an endless rain of arrows, while completely alone, lost and betrayed - Black, slick projectiles fade in behind Luna's back. One, two, three, five, ten... a wall of arrows fills the room, and all of them are pointing at me - I know, daddy, you were busy at that time.

The protective magical circle disappears from beneath my feet and arrows rush forward. All over the body, sharp blades, hundreds of them, cut into my flesh. Before completely losing consciousness from the unbearable pain, just for a moment, like a translucent mirage, I see two of my daughter - one in front of me and one happy and joyous behind the bars turning around and disappearing.

- Don't worry, daddy, I have the ones I got from mommy too, they won't let you die, ever. My little girl will have the best daddy in the world. - when I finally regain consciousness, Shea, no, Luna, has pressed her head against my chest, holding hand on the belly - I will teach daddy all about what it means to feel the pain.

- Luna, don't trouble our guest! - Shea appears behind the bars. 3 Kings Guards stand behind her back. She's wearing a different dress, with delicate golden embroidery, but that is no doubt, Shea. She's even wearing the same diadem I gave her the first day we were together.

- Okay, mommy - girl teleports to Shea and takes her hand - Good girl! Dinner is ready! After that, we will hold a big celebration, as you wanted.

- Shea, what's going on? What has happened to Luna? - With the last drop of strength leaving my body, I whisper in despair.

- Who's now the slave, my dear! - Shea grins.

I hear silenced screams of someone who must be familiar to me.

- You said I will be the first to play with them! - Luna pouts capriciously pulling on Shea's hand.

- Hush, dear! - Shea slides her hand over Luna's head with such a familiar affection.

- Sorry, mommy - Luna presses her head closer to Shea and they leave. Guards follow shortly after. Before leaving, one of them spits at me.

Somewhere along the way a man jumps into the bars and screams at the passing guards - Is it true that all family of our beloved king is dead? Slayed by that betrayer!

- You can join them, general! - the stink of burnt flesh fills the cell.

- No, this is not Shea. You are impostors! - My mind is finally at ease. I may not know her that well, I may not know anything at all, but I refuse to accept that this coldhearted person is that Shea. She would never do such things.

My vision becomes blurry. I'm nauseated and disoriented.


"Break successful! Demonic Wolf (Wind)[22] has been tamed!"

"1000Ls received!"

I am standing on my knees, my hand pressing on the beast's forehead. I'm nauseated. My vision is blurry. I am breathing heavily, gasping for air, but - I'm still here, Shea. I won.

"Break" is a very primitive taming skill, but as the name suggests, either you break the mind of the beast or it breaks your. That is this skill's biggest side effect — getting through a nightmare from your greatest fears. The stronger the enemy, the worse the nightmare becomes. If you believe it, you are forever locked away in your own imagination, with no chance of return. I don't recall mine, but I have a feeling I don't want to endure it once more.

- Nature's Blessing! Heal! - I clear the de-buffs and heal up the beast - I'll call you Wind then. I know, it's a lazy name, but forgive me. I am in no state to think of a better one.

"Animal 000 named! Pet status assigned!"

Wind jumps up. My body powerlessly falls to the ground. Hot breath hits back of my neck, exactly like the first time, but now there is no fear. This time we are on the same side. I try to stand up, but the ground under my feet is moving in all directions.

- I need to get to the big tree. I need to get to Shea. - I try to stand up by holding onto Wind's long fur but helplessly fall back.


Throne room somewhere in the Demon Lands. A messenger is reporting to Priestess.

- Two Elfen were noticed trespassing in the Grasslands of Death. They are moving towards the Humen territory self-proclaimed by the bandits an independent state. One of the Guardians is missing since last night. Most likely it has been killed by them.

-Elfen... Only two... Send one of the generals to deal with it. Make them regret stepping on our land, but do not kill them just yet. I want to see what Elfen are planning to do. As for the Guardian, send two in its place. Trespassing will not be tolerated.

-Understood, your holiness! Will be done immediately!

Messenger bows and leaves the room.

Thank you for reading! The next chapter will come when I'll give up on editing it. Sorry for my poor English.

Congratulations! You got through Chapter 2.

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