
Lyalia Chronicles: Mao, Hero and Prophet

The protagonist is a looser. He has achieved nothing in his life. One day he pathetically dies. Due to some problems, at that moment he can not be sent to Hell. To not waste space in Godly Realm, he is temporarily reincarnated in another world. Sadly for him, Goddess handling his case is a stupid loafer that overloads him with her own work and messes up his character. How long can he survive with being an INTP-T as his greatest weapon and weakness? The story is set in a medieval high fantasy world with guns, swords, and magic. A continent inhabited by 4 races: Humen, Ancients, Beastfolk and Demon. It’s a subtle proxy war between three outsiders: Mao, Hero, and Prophet. MC (Mao) receives a trustworthy companion, who will stay with him till the world’s end and goes on a journey through the darkest places of the Lyalia. He forges alliances with the continent’s strongest, or beats them into submission, and makes his children and allies the winners of this war and rulers of the continent just to have his ordinary life in an idyllic village. This is the "Default route" of an interactive book managed by artificial intelligence. As such, it might differ greatly from what a good classical novel is like. Known chapter list: CH0: Goddess' monologue (Prologue) CH1: Preparations CH2: New World CH3: New Day CH4: New Task CH5: New Enemy CH6: New Life CH7: New War ... Twitter: https://twitter.com/gakuenthegame Cover art by: https://twitter.com/goblinmajo

LatgolAI · Fantasy
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12 Chs

CH3 New Day #2

I hear the same noise from the last time, but now it has multiplied. My heart almost stops at the thought alone. I want it to be a trick of the mind, but turning the head reveals the frightening truth. Instead of one, two red dragons are swiftly approaching us from behind. The one we met yesterday and one more. One much, much bigger.

Battles with Wind taught me to not underestimate the local fauna. Against two dragons, there is no point in doing anything reckless. I can teleport to someplace I remember, but anywhere on this plain, we are easily visible, no matter where we go.

I turn around and call Shea to come closer. I have no intention to go down without a fight, but I can do so little.

Dragons approach the ground, throwing in the air dust, stones and broken pieces of wood. I close the eyes and cover the face with hands. Shea hides behind my back. Ground tremors as the biggest of the reds lands. When the dust settles, I open eyes and freeze in amazement. "Wow, it's so beautiful!" I think to myself, unable to lower the eyes. The name tag says "Red Dragon Queen". Truly a beauty and majesty worthy of being called a queen. Her red scales are brightly shining in the rays of the morning sun.

- I am Rea! The great Demon General of her holiness - I hear the familiar voice - but you already know that part.

Queen looks towards Rea, some steam rushes out of her mouth and nose.

- Do not worry, I'm not here to pick a fight. I'm here to deliver you to Priestess. She has invited you to an audience. (Rea, Demon)

- Can I decline? - I ask. Queen pushes out an extra-large cloud of steam - I guess, no.

- Her holiness… personal dragon, Red Queen, will deliver you to the Priestess's castle. I will be right behind, on a lookout for any trouble. Take your seats, please, so we can proceed.

Red Queen lays down, making something attached to her spine visible. It is like a platform or capsule. A ladder going to the ground is swaying at her side. Even in this pose, it looks like a two-story climb.

Before starting to climb up, I press my hand on one of the enormous scales covering the dragon's skin. A single scale is two or three times the size of my palm. The surface is warm and soft. There are shiny, hard ones too. They look unbreakable. Or maybe not, I glance at the creature's well-kept nails.

A shiver large and fast enough to break my hand into tiny pieces runs through the underlying muscles. Dragon turns head towards me, pushing out a huge cloud of steam, and a low rumble.

- Sorry, I got ahead of myself! - I apologize lowering my head. Red Queen hits tail against the ground in sign of agreement.

I set my foot on the ladder and start climbing. Shea follows in a moment.

The platform comprises comfortable looking seats with a glass cupola cover, reminding a fighter yet. From the three seats, I choose the one in front, on the right. The platform is unexpectedly stable, with a high railing all around. I guess it's possible to stand here while in flight, but I wouldn't risk doing that. As soon as I take the seat, black wire twirls around my waist. Shea takes the seat on the left.

Rea shows dragon a sign and it raises front, throwing us up with great force. I'm glad these black wires are tightly holding us in place.

Red Queen expands wings and hits playfully a few times, then so strong that my butt clenches into the seat and internal organs dislocate to places I didn't know existed. In just a few swings, we are up in the sky.

- Everything okay - I turn to Shea, who looks paler than usual.

- I'm fine. I have traveled with a dragon only once. It's scary. The green dragon we have at the castle wasn't this fast.

Must be nice to have a personal dragon. I want one as big and strong as this. That is just a dream, I know. No way I can get a dragon with the strength that I have now.

Together with a prolonged shake, a muted roar comes from Red Queen. A warning to keep distance. Must be a thing for dragons, because Belheboard follows in suit.

- Scary and amazing at the same time. (Matsuda)

- Dragons are one of the strongest creatures. Old writings tell of them destroying cities and states in minutes. (Shea)

Since coming to this world, never have I felt so safe. Even if being so high in the sky is jaw-shaking on itself, this feels like an indestructible air-fortress. And Rea is keeping an eye on our back.

- You seem knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics. (Matsuda)

- Besides reading books, there wasn't much I could do in the castle. Especially after father forbid me to train. (Shea)

- What happened? (Matsuda)

- I broke my left arm after falling from a training pole. Not that big of a deal, but enough of a reason. He was searching for a way to do it long before.


Something yellow shoot straight up on the right side. Rea has noticed something as well. A beam of fire from Belheboard's mouth goes under Red Queen. Soon after, many more yellow creatures appear. They move around quick, impossible to follow with eyes.

- What's going on? - I asked worriedly about the situation.

- A swarm of Dra, lesser Drakken - Shea explains calmer than the situation looks.

Something hits Red Queen. A fire-beam from Belheboard goes by just barely to the left of Shea, emanating intense heat even inside the cupola. Red light spreads throughout the sky, far and wide, slowly flowing into lines and symbols.

- I, the ruler of fire, RDQ, order thy eternal fire of Hell, come forth Burning Rain, slay my enemy. - Shea cites watching at the sky.

A smaller magical circle appears above us.

- I, the ruler of fire, RDQ, order thy eternal fire of Hell, come forth Dispel Fire, protect me. (Shea)

Finally, both magical circles stop rotating. Belheboard shoots up and folds wings around the body. Rea presses closer. Three magical circles appear above the dragon's head, barely of the size that can cover its large body even in this position. The sky turns red, then everything outside of RDQ's second circle has turned black. It happened so fast that I saw nothing in between. Belheboard exits the free fall; two of the magical circles from above it have disappeared.

- She just burned to crisp an area comparable to the Elfen Monarchy's capital - Shea summarizes after looking outside of the capsule.

I firmly decide that I don't want to be on the receiving side of this power.


Soon after the Dra attack, we reach our destination - a large castle built from enormous red rocks. We land on a lawn in front of it. I want to say goodbye to the Red Queen, but Rea pushingly leads us inside. Through a labyrinth of narrow corridors, she takes us to a door like all.

- Knock! Knock! - Rea politely knocks - Sana, could you entertain our guests?

- Bring them in, - answers someone behind the door.

Rea opens the door and gestures us to enter. The moment we pass the door, she closes it, leaving us all alone in the room.

- Take a seat! - mysterious voice reappears, but I still can't find where it comes from. I look at Shea, but she shakes head.

Two soft chairs are prepared for us near a small square table. It, 3 armchairs, a bed, and a closet is the only big furniture in the room, besides that there is only a large...

An unbelievable monster rises from a pile of books in the room's darkest corner. It is a short girl in glasses. Her brown hair is plaited in two big braids currently laying on her chest, green eyes carefully inspect us. She looks like a warm librarian or someone's reliable older sister.

- Would you like some tea? - the girl offers, stepping over the books and coming our way.

I nod. Shea follows my example.

- My name is Sana, but it's okay to call me Saa. - the girl introduces herself brushing dust off her sweater.

- I'm Matsuda, and this is Shea. - I introduce us, taking a seat at the table.

- Matsuda and Shea? - Sana asks with visible surprise.

- Yes, is something wrong? (Matsuda, Humen)

- No, I just thought it's an interesting combination. - Sana calmly clarifies.

Girl takes a small crystal teapot and pours two cups of tea. She puts two sugar cubes in one and one in the other. The one with two she puts in front of me. From under the bed, she pulls out a box, from it a large bowl with cookies. After placing it on the table, she makes one more cup of tea, with no sugar in it.

- Did Dra cause trouble again? - Sana resumes the conversation taking the seat on the other side.

- Red Queen burnt them to a crisp - I report what we had seen.

- Good for them. - Sana displays a content smile - It's their mating season. Eggs of Dra need a very high temperature to hatch. They form big swarms around this time and attack red dragons. Or jump into volcanoes.

"That is some dedication to the next generation!" I feel impressed by what I just heard. Is Shea blushing? I can swear I see some red undertones on her face… So, it is something she can do! It makes me hopeful for the future.

- What brings two Elfen to Priestess? - Sana inquires and takes a sip of tea.

I explain that we don't know why Priestess has ordered us to be brought here and tell about our little fight with Rea.

- One is clear, it's nothing good! - Sana lets out a worried laugh after hearing out our story. I am unsure is she serious or making a joke, but the next topic starts before I can clarify - It's rare to see someone talking in three languages so flawlessly. You do not feel like a diplomat.

- I was born with a strong affinity for languages. - I explain as vague as I can.

- Maybe there is something you would like to ask? - girl hits me in the face, metaphorically.

- What is a Humen doing in Demon Lands, in Priestess's castle? - surprised and pressured by the sudden silence I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

- That's a big question. Fair enough, I will answer you. I'm in political hiding. I would be grateful if you could keep my location confidential. - carefully picking out the right words girl answers.

- Of course, I will keep it a secret. - says someone who can not lie. I have gotten myself into another mess - From whom are you hiding?

- From greed - Sana unwillingly answers putting the cup down on the table.

I have traveled to the wrong territory. I have my own secrets I don't want to reveal. I don't press any further. It's none of my business.

- Would you like to hear a prophecy? - Girl lightheartedly offers, easing up the mood.

- Why not! - I go with the offer.

- Let's see. Soon you will meet two charming children, two blue-eyed little girls. In the future, both of them will become widely known for their heroic actions. They will have very much in common, but they will fight like cats and dogs. Oh, and beware of the flame that doesn't burn. - Sana answers thoughtfully.

- The first one sounds like a meeting with twins. - I laugh - But the "flame that doesn't burn" appears to be a riddle from a mystery book.

- Who knows. There are many roads for everyone. - Sana looks at our empty cups - I would offer you refills, but...

- Knock! Knock! - a knock on the door interrupts us and Rea announces without bothering to open the door - Priestess is ready to receive the guests.

- It was my pleasure to talk to you two, Matsuda, Shea. I hope we will meet again. (Sana, Humen)


The person sitting on a pile of pillows in a throne three times bigger than herself is a dragon girl with bright red hair. Priestess, the feared ruler of the Demon Lands, is a petite, plank flat girl.

- You are thinking something rude! (Priestess, Demon)

- I was thinking of how unimaginably rare it is to meet someone like your holiness. I apologize if my amazement feels rude. (Matsuda, Demon)

- I see, I see. No, it is fine. How was the trip? (Priestess, Demon)

- It was great, your holiness. Thank you very much for the invitation. (Matsuda, Demon)

- Good! I am glad you two accepted it on such short notice. Were you satisfied with your dragon? (Priestess, Demon)

I sensed a tint of mischief in Priestess's green eyes. The two hair strands sticking out from the top of her head twitched.

- It was an exquisite and magnificent creature. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it. (Matsuda, Demon)

- B-beautiful... in love... I see... - I think I saw Priestess blush for a moment, but then maybe not - The two of you seem to be very close? (Priestess, Demon)

- Yes, we are. I and Shea, we are inseparable be it the day or night. (Matsuda, Demon)

Priestess asks something to Shea in a language I do not understand.

- Yes, I belong to Matsuda in mind and body - Shea answers with no hesitation. Priestess seems to be amused by this answer. (Shea, Ancient)

- I asked her whether it is true that an Elfen princess suddenly is a slave to a mere human. I see you do not speak Ancient. (Priestess, Demon)

- No, I don't - I am unhappy to have my weakness so easily discovered. (Matsuda, Demon)

- No need to be so afraid of me. It is natural for us dragons to get the gist of things easily. That is all there is to it. I want to find out more about you. You are an interesting person, mister Mao. What brings you here? (Priestess, Demon)

When the word "Mao" came over her lips, a cold jolt run down my spine. Just how much this Priestess knows about me and who I am.

- I am a traveler. I have not yet found my vocation. I just want to live an ordinary life. (Matsuda, Demon)

- An ordinary life with the daughter of Elfen King as a slave. You are asking for a lot. Are you my enemy or my friend? Do not worry, even if we are enemies, I will let you go this time. (Priestess, Demon)

- I would like to think about myself as neutral. I know too little to decide on my position. (Matsuda, Demon)

- Let me change the question then. Would you run a few errands for me? (Priestess, Demon)

- What errands? (Matsuda, Demon)

- I want you to find someone and bring them to the Demon Lands. I am talking about a young Beastfolk lady who was kidnapped by the bandits. Her father happens to be a good friend of mine. (Priestess, Demon)

- What kind of Beastfolk are we talking about? - Priestess offer piques my interest.

-She is a Bearfolk. A cute, light-haired girl with gray, mostly dead eyes. Always sleepy. Her name is Bea. (Priestess, Demon)

- Can I keep her as a reward? (Matsuda, Demon)

- Can you afford to? Her appetite for sweet things is comparable to that of a dragon's. (Priestess, Demon)

- Good question... (Matsuda, Demon)

- If she wants to, she can stay with you. As long as you treat her well, it doesn't concern me. (Priestess, Demon)

- I'll ask her then. (Matsuda, Demon)

- First, you need to find her. Well... not really. We already know where she is. (Priestess, Demon)

- That's great to hear. - this task sounds better and better.

- I have prepared a room for you and your partner. It is in the furthest corner of the castle. It should be fine, no matter how loud you two get. Supper will be ready at around 6 O'clock. Be on time. Rea will lead the two of you to the room. (Priestess, Demon)

- Rea! Come in, bring the guests to their room. (Priestess, Demon)

Rea enters the room. Her ax isn't with her. She politely gestures, inviting us to follow her. Through long corridors, we are taken to a room on the second floor, at the very end of the hallway.

- This is your room. - Rea opens the door to a wide room and leads us in - Feel like home. If you need anything, there is a bell. Ring the bell and someone will come. Before supper, someone will come for you. I will excuse myself now.

Rea leaves, leaving us alone in the room. It is a fancy, well-lit room. Nothing seems to say that we are in the Demon Lands. The only Demon I have seen today is Rea. She is unexpectedly polite and down to earth this time. Overall, the situation doesn't seem to be a trap.

The focus point of this room is a large double bed with silk curtains. That's where Shea will sleep tonight. As for me, there is enough space for my sleeping bag on the floor.

I had not noticed it happening previously, but my Ls are rising. Every 5 minutes or so I receive 7Ls. Since arriving at this place, that is over 80 free Ls already. If this continues, I should get 1500 Ls for just staying at this place. Besides that, there will be some economy from food.

I open the massive glass window. Fresh air enters the room. Wind flaps the curtain. I hear birds singing. To the left, I see an enormous flower garden. Inside it, in the distance, there is a garden gazebo. I wonder how many Ls I could get there. Shea comes and stops next to me.

Somewhere deep down I already had this feeling, but after hearing Priestess words it came back stronger than ever. The last few days had been so tiresome, filled with fighting, traveling, dealing with sudden problems. The further it goes, the more in the center of attention I am becoming. This is no ordinary life. I do not even have the time to enjoy my partner or the world around me. All I do is survive. I need to become stronger.

Thank you for reading! The next chapter will come when I'll give up on editing it. Sorry for my poor English.

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