
Lunar Legacies

As the stories that every knows and has heard off Popularly known as the lunar mythology. But it isn't really a mythology. The mythology is real and the world and everyone's fate is linked to it. And to restore the balance to this world, the truth of the lunars must be discovered. And to do that our characters go on a weird and extraordinary supernatural journey.

Ashlesh_Bhati · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Black Market Café

It seemed like a normal café really. And an average person would not be able to tell that this was actually really deep under the ground. And the tea actually tasted pretty good. But the boy sipping it couldn't enjoy it to fullest as he had not yet recovered from the shock of almost being stabbed. Twice!. The second knife was just one inch away from his face probably when it was caught by a bearded young man.

"I don't think you guys have introduced yourself.", Said Hari to the two strange people in matching outfits and also similar faces. The older looking guy with dark green eyes said as he just finished his tea. "Tangy. Dr. Tangy. DOCTOR Chun-Mun-Tangy." He said it in a way like he had a really cool name and didn't realize how stupid he sounded.

Reddish-golden drops flew out of his mouth as Hari could not control his laughter. "Dr. Chun-Mun-Tangy? That has to be the weirdest name I have ever heard. Are you from the land of dragon?"

"NO. I am from the land of Bhujia.", Tangy snapped back. A bit pissed at someone laughing at his name.

"The land of what? Never heard of it before.", Ginnu finally spoke up. As he recovered from the shock after seeing that the reddish golden drops, that were sprayed out by Hari, stopped right near the younger brother's face in mid-air and then just vaporized. But he didn't question that for some reason.

Ginnu took the last sip and kept the empty cup on the table. He now felt better. Earlier his body felt a bit numb and everything seemed to be going in slow motion. He looked up and saw two dark green eyes staring at him. "So why are you in the black market."

Ginnu started thinking of what to say like maybe to gamble or maybe to buy something off cheap but. "To sell that golden potato." The words just came out of his mouth before he could think it through. And now he regretted and was wondering why, why would I say that. I was trying to say something else.

"You should not do that. It's lucky we came here just right after the gold trade was banned. I would have neve thought that you just straight up get here when the gold trade was banned. Well it saved me some money. So that's good for me. But by seeing how badly you want to get rid of the potato just shows how strong it really is."

"Money you say. How? How did us coming here saved you money." asked Hari. "And who was that crazy lady who tried to kill my friend and why are you saying a potato is powerful. What's going on over here. Well clearly that's the kind of conversation I would expect from a guy named Chun-Mun-Tangy."

"DOCTOR Tangy. Well allow me explain. Obviously you are confused. I came here to the black market to make a deal with all the gold traders that if someone comes to sell a golden potato, then I would give the twice the amount of money that potato is worth for giving me the potato and the person who came to sell it. Alive."

"As for the lady, she is some relative of ours." Ginnu was at Tangy's collars. Almost crying. "Why is your family trying to KILL ME??." "Oi. Calm down, By OUR relative I mean us and you too. She is your relative too." Ginnu was pushed back in his chair and just frowned at Tangy.

"She was my relative? She was my what exactly? How are we related? And she is your relative too? That means we are related too. How are WE related? Are we cousins? Or are you my uncles? Hey and why is your brother isn't speaking anything? He has been real quiet all this while. Hey which reminds me I haven't thanked you for saving my life back there. Thank You."

The younger one gave a little cute smile and then said, "that's what family does." The voice sounded really feminine. "Yes. I am a girl. We are undercover. And yes we are related to you and to that lady but we don't really know how. Oh I realize I haven't introduced myself yet. Call me princess Dini."