
Lunar Legacies

As the stories that every knows and has heard off Popularly known as the lunar mythology. But it isn't really a mythology. The mythology is real and the world and everyone's fate is linked to it. And to restore the balance to this world, the truth of the lunars must be discovered. And to do that our characters go on a weird and extraordinary supernatural journey.

Ashlesh_Bhati · Fantasy
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8 Chs


A car running fast on the wet road. It's wet as it was raining. The wipers constantly wiping off water. Inside the car there are 4 people.

"Who are you texting, Ginnu?", asked Tangy and he turned off the music. Heavy bass gangster music but the lyrics didn't match at all. Ginnu had never heard those songs before. "my crush, Ginnu replied. "oh your crush huh? Why not ask her out?" asked Tangy. "I did, three times, she just says that we should just be friends." Said Ginnu while realizing he should not have told that. All three of them started laughing, so he changed the topic.

"So why did you two need to disguise yourself in the black market?" He actually wanted to know it and it also served the purpose of changing the subject. Smart move. Or atleast that's what he thought to himself.

"Because we are both banned over there. We both have heavy rewards on our heads. Dead or Alive. That's why we didn't stay over there long. Someone might have recognized. Otherwise it would have been nice to sit in the café a bit longer and explain all the details to you."

"Huh. And why is that?" Dini was cleaning a gun at the moment. "I shot someone in the black market with this baby." She said pointing the gun and Ginnu. "O....o...ohh....okay. And what about you?" He asked looking at Tangy. "I stole some things that took years of research and hard to work and LOTS of money."

"It took years to be made? Like what?"

"Things that were made on the fifth basement. Really cool stuff. Although I did half the work, but some other guys felt they had the right to all the stuff we made. But I knew it would be dangerous. So I stole it all. Now there is millions on both of us."

Ginnu leaned back to the seat. And looked out the window for a minute silently. Nobody said anything. The silence helped him sink it in "Ok. Stop the car. I don't want to go anywhere with you people. You people are total weirdos. You just met me today and you tell me we are related but don't even know how? And you say you are a their and you are a murderer. How can you even say that with such a cute and innocent face?"

"O. Oh... I'm cute? Thank you." Dini actually looked happy. "That's not the point. Who the hell are you guys? I am going somewhere in a car with you. Atleast I should know who you people are. Also aren't you a bit young to have a Ph.D.? And you should be in school. Focus on education."

"Actually we are a bit older than we look. I AM old enough to have a Ph.D. and Gunnie here has already completed her schooling."

"O.....K. The more more I am listening to you guys the crazier you guys seem to me." Said Hari after a long silence. Now stop the car right now or you will get in trouble." BANG! and Hari fell on his shoulder just like that. His eyes widened in shock. 2guns just shot him. "Nobody threatens us like that." Said 2Guns, "hey you don't be so shocked. Do you see any blood? He's alive."

She was right. There was no blood or anything else. No sign that Hari had just been shot. But he was unconscious. Ginnu looked at Gunnie and for a moment there was a dark shadow behind her which quickly disappeared into thin air. Dini saw him confused and utterly shocked.

"You see I use these 2 guns. So the one in my left hand is an ordinary gun. The one you are familiar with. The one I just used which I keep in my right hand is what I call as spiritual gun. Which you are not familiar with. It doesn't physically harm anyone. So relax." And she started to change radio channel.

Ban on gold trade to be be lifted tomorrow. It was just for a day. No comments from Barfi Government about the reason for the one day ban.


🎵 Never gonna give you up,

Never gonna let you down 🎵

Radio off.

"Ok. So I know you are still confused about how we are related. Right? So as I said I don't exactly know what our relationship is but I DO know how and why we are related.

"Oh. You do? Why didn't you say that earlier? So why do you think we are somehow related?"

"Are you familiar with the name Agnichandra?"

"Yes of course he is one of the most popular names in lunar mythology and he was also the greatest villain in it. He was the one who put the whole moon on fire and hence the name Agnichandra."

"Yes. Correct. But it's not exactly mythology. We call it mythology because it goes against all the science we know and we just can't explain how all that could have happened. But most of the mythologies are actually true. And that golden potato is a sign that YOU, just like us, are a descendant of Agnichandra."