
Lunar Legacies

As the stories that every knows and has heard off Popularly known as the lunar mythology. But it isn't really a mythology. The mythology is real and the world and everyone's fate is linked to it. And to restore the balance to this world, the truth of the lunars must be discovered. And to do that our characters go on a weird and extraordinary supernatural journey.

Ashlesh_Bhati · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Three Floors Underground

The Third floor of the black market. But not above the ground but under the ground. There seemed to be people from not just this city but other parts of the country and maybe even foreign people.

There were many shops, many people and usual Market hustle bustle. It actually was just like a usual Marketplace but shadier. And in this shady market. The two teenage boys walking around looked very out of place.

"I never knew the black market went deep into the ground and there were floors. But this place is kinda cool." Said Ginnu as he looked around. He looked excited and fascinated. "Ah well you are right now only three floors below the ground. I have gone as far as seven and there were still more. I don't even know how many floors are even there." Said Hari

Indeed. This place was really huge. And most people here didn't know how deep it goes. "You seem to be familiar with this place and to say you have been to seventh basement. But why?" Ginnu was curious about why some people here knew Hari. Some just raised eyebrows, some waved, some stopped for a handshake.

Hari looked at Ginnu and said in a serious tone but very quietly, "Actually, there's a reason I go by my first name only. My full name is actually Hari Saxena. From the infamous crime family Saxena. My family runs a drugs cartel."

An awkward silence of a few moments. Apparently this was too shocking that no words would come out of his mouth. He took a few deep breaths and then realized even three floors under, he has no problems in breathing. The oxygen level, the air seems to be just same if not better.

Finally he was able to speak. "This place is built very carefully. The structure and all. Properly ventilated. There are even maps. Which shows it's well planned It must have taken years. If such a magnificent structure was being built to used for illegal purpose, how come the police didn't notice?"

"See buddy, the laws are meant for ordinary, normal, innocent people. These don't apply to powerful and rotten people like us, I mean rotten people like them. Now if such a magnificent structure was being built here, the whole world should have known of this market's existence. But we have connections to the government and police that it has been kept a secret for such a long time now."

"Yes. True. We common people only know the ground floor. Nobody knows it goes deep under the ground. Well, we don't even call it the black market. We call it the thief market because that's what happens on the ground floor. Stolen goods are sold and bought only. But there are floors. And each floor trades different stuff. It's so organized. Anyways, we have been walking for ten minutes. When will we reach?"

The two boys had almost walked upto the last alley. This floor was all about money/currency. And in the black market it wasn't just one standard currency. The black market used currencies from all over the world as well as metal currencies such as gold, silver and platinum. And some gemstones and even crypto currencies. This floor was all about money. Currency exchange, gambling, betting, unlicensed companies' stocks etc.

"The last alley over there. That's where metal currencies are traded. Let's see how much we get for that potato." And as they turned into the alley, Ginnu saw something coming towards his way. What is it? Everything seemed to slow down for a while. It was coming towards his face round and round slowly drifting through the air. I was almost in his face when he realized that it looks a bit sharp. So he ducked right in time."

"Aaaaaaah.", Ginnu turned around and saw the man behind him had fallen to ground. Blood. A silver knife in his back. He looked ahead again and saw a woman who looked around 30 years old and a dark blurry shadow floating behind her and another knife flew out her hand.