
Chapter 8

I was not expecting to spend the day shopping with my husband.

Xavier was on his phone the whole ride to the mall.

When we reached, the guards were around us following us everywhere. They were attracting unnecessary attention. It was super awkward at the beginning but as we entered the shops they would just wait outside.

I at first was not going to get much as Xavier would take us only to high end shops and I don't think I need new branded expensive clothes.

But seeing me not buying anything pissed Xavier off I guess and he started purchasing any peice of clothing that I touched.

I didn't notice him buying anything at first but then the guards slowly started getting their hands full with bags of clothes.

I glared at Xavier and argued but it lead to him dragging me to other stores.

By lunch time we were all done and I did get some things that I liked unlike Xavier who just threw the stuff in bags which were not needed.

We had our lunch in the food court as soon as possible to prevent anymore people noticing us.

The day went better though.

After our shopping spree, Xavier went off to his study and I went and put all the clothes into the washing machine.

I had something on my mind and needed to ask Xavier about it.

Just then Xavier came into the bedroom and walked into the closet.

I followed and stood behind him.

"What?" He asked after a while of me just staring at him remove his blazer and unbuttoning his dress shirt.

"What did you mean when you said that Olivia is temporary?"

"I meant just what I said. I have someone else as my secretary. Olivia is just a substitute till he comes back."

"Oh... But who is it then."

"Her father. He is actually ill so I guess he won't be able to be my secretary anymore but he said that his daughter will work in his place till we find a new and suitable replacement."

I just nod and walk out of the closet letting him change.


Reading a book while sipping tea in the evening was my new favourite thing to do nowadays.

We were having dinner when Xavier all of a sudden said,"We are going to meet mio nonno tomorrow. Make sure you wear something that covers up your entire body." (My grandfather)

Nodding I proceeded with my dinner.

I have heard so much about his grandfather.

Lucian Valentine.

No one ever called him by his name. When it came to business everyone called him Leader or Nonna.

His own wife called him Don.

He was a strict old fashioned man. He did not respect women yet alone care about them. He had killed his wife for giving birth to a daughter first rather an a first baby boy. He even killed his own daughter after that. He is a brutal man. Everyone was afraid of him even his family.

I just hope tomorrow will go well.


I was dressed in a black knee length dress with dark black stocking and blood red colored kitten heels.

I need to be on high alert and have graceful feminine aura. It's going to be hard to not mess up but I will try my best.

We reached an ancient looking palace. I think the Valentine's have a weird obsession with castle and palaces.

Xavier got out of the car and came up to my side to open the door for me.

I took his hand and got out of the car.

"Whatever happens in there don't speak anything unless someone asks you to or acknowlegdes you."

And with that we enter the mansion.

The interior is the same as that of outside. Very ancient and very basic but elegant and expensive.

An elderly butler comes up to us and takes our coat.

"Welcome Don and Donna. Leader is waiting for you in his room." He bowed and disappeared somewhere in this big mansion.

Xavier and I proceeded  up the stairs to Noona's room.

Knocking on the bedroom door, we waited for permission. The door opened and a young women dressed in maids uniform stepped out.

Her dress was ripped, her makeup was ruined and her hair were loose. Noticing us standing, she blushed and bowed before running off.

My face was scowling with disgusted while Xavier just stared at the doors in front of us emotionless.

We heard a voice ordering "Come in".

There was Nonna sitting on his arm chair in the corner of the room in front of the fire place.

We walked up to him and kneel down.

He was wearing a burgundy velvet suit with a big diamond brooch which had a long chain hanging up to his suit pocket.

In one hand he had his walking stick with bone skull on the top handle. The bone skull had 2 beautiful diamonds in its eyes.

Nonna had a white long beard. He was very intimidating. But it looks like Xavier was unfazed by it.

He stood and walked up to us.

"Stand up." He ordered.

We both stood up but kept our head low.

Xavier wrapped his arm around my waist and said," Noona, incontra mia moglie,Luna."

(Noona, meet my wife, Luna.)

I raised my head but didn't make any eye contact.

Nonna just nods.

Xavier walked up to him and took his hand to place a kiss on it. He then took them up to his eyes and then let go of it.

I noticed that Nonna had a lot of rings on his fingers. Different type and colour of rings but they were all huge and shiny. Shiny enough to blind you.

As Xavier stepped back, Noona slapped him with the back of his hand. That slap echoed around the room.

I bit my lip to keep myself from gasping.

"How did you let this happen? How were they able to come near your house without even you noticing it?" Nonna asked angrily.

"Sorry." Was all Xavier said.

His lack of response made Noona even more angry and he ordered him to kneel.

My eues widened as I saw him raising his cane and whipping Xavier with it.

I focused on the cane and realised that it had pointy sharp nails.

Xavier just sat there saying nothing and taking all the beating.

Not being able to help him I just closed my eyes and let the tears fall.

I could not take it anymore as his dress was now stained with his own blood.

Noona didn't stop even after seeing the blood. His anger was slowly fading away and the beating gradually stopped.

I was about to step forward but stopped when Xavier looked over and shook his head.

Nonna went up to his chair and sat down.

He ran a hand through his face and beard and calmed down.

He then stood up, walked up to Xavier and grabbed his shoulders pulling him up.

"Why?" He questioned. "How could you let this happen?"

"I made an oath when I became capo." Xavier told Him." I said I would always keep the famiglia before me. I said I would give my life in an instant if needed-- and I intend to keep my word. I will carry it with me to my grave. I won't deny my mistake-- just as I never have before." He said while looking in the elderly man's eyes "And I can't take back what has happened but I assure you that it was a one time thing  I will not rest until I find the ones responsible. All that I ask from you, Nonna, is that you give me time to set things right."

"What makes you think that I will grant you what you're asking for?"

He didn't back down "I like to think that you're a better judge than my father when it comes to me."

To my surprise,Lucian chuckles at his grandson's remark. "Stephen sees you as a mistake, you're the bastard he wishes he never had. I'm sure you can understand his resentment."

While I cringed at the hurtful comment, Xavier didn't even blink. It just proved how used to he was to these comments. "I wish he would keep it in his pants or know the meaning of protection. I'm sure you can understand my resentment too."

"That's enough, Xavier. " Nonna warned him with a light pat to his cheek. I couldn't understand the relationship that the pair shared. It was obvious that there was business, hatred and some affection in the mix.

He moved towards his seat and picked up a litted cigar from the small table beside it.

"Just this once Xavier", He reminded him as he brought the cigar to his mouth. "I won't be so generous the next time you make a fucking fool out of yourself and the famiglia."

Did he really think beating his own grandson and making him bleed was generous?

Xavier walked up to me and grasped my hand in his before turning to leave the room.

Lucian wasn't done just yet. "Stay the night" he ordered. "Look over Max's practice. I won't tolerate a pussy like him growing up on my turf."

Xavier only nodded before stepping out and pulling me with him. I breathed out a sigh of relief once the door closed behind us.

I wiped the tears off as we went to our wing and bedroom in the manor.

He locked the door behind us and sat down on the bed.

I rushed to the bathroom and took the first aid box out with me.

I sat down beside him and started cleaning his wounds. If he was surprised or shocked,

He didn't show any reaction but neither did he push me away.

The whole scene had left me feeling numb. I didn't knew how to respond if my husband was getting beaten up by his own family.

I had so many questions I wanted to ask him but there was one thing in particular that stood out to me.

To me it seemed that the famiglia was just using Xavier. He was being controlled and ordered by elders. To everyone else he was the face of the ruthless leader but in reality he didn't own any power. It all seemed like a twisted game.

As if noticing my curiosity, Xavier demanded," What is it?"

In all honesty I replied,"Seeing this today... It just....made it apparent that they're  using you for their own benefit."

I prepared myself to be yelled, slapped or even glared at but to my surprise Xavier laughed. For the first time he laughed, but it wasn't a pleasant one, no, it was sinister and cruel laugh. 

He grabbed me by my hip in one hand while the other fisted my hair. "I'm no good man, Luna", He still continued to smile. "I love this life. I love the darkness within me. You're only a puppet you don't know you're being used. But me.." Another dark chuckle escaped his mouth as his eyes danced with mirth. "I love being used as the vessel to keep their darkness. It's the only life I know."

His head dipped and his mouth found the sensitive spot behind my ear. "All that I do and all that I love is sin, cara mia."

(My dear)

And sin he did.

Author's Note :-

Hey lovelies,

Another chapter updated....

Uff.... It was a long one and took me two days to write and check. I hope you enjoy it. And I will see you soon.

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Ann ❤

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