
luffy back in time (completed)

It's the final battle at Raftel, Luffy and his pirate crew vs the marines. The battle is going back and forth with many casualties from both sides and at the last moment of the battle, Trafalgar Law dies. Law is determined to make one last move to help Luffy win, so just before his death, he uses his fruits' special ability and sacrifices himself to give Luffy immortality. One thousand years later Luffy manages to find a way to return back in time, so he could help his friends and family make their dreams come true since he already achieved his, and was eaten by the guilt of being the only one that did so. Join Luffy in his journey to help those who helped him, and have a little fun along the way

what_if_3574 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

chapter 16- The decision

"So, who is the one that Ace is chasing?" I asked the Whitebeard crew as I returned to the Moby Dick. "It's a former crewmate that was in Ace's division" Whitebeard, who was the only one looking fine, replied. "Thanks, can you tell me some information about him? like his fruit, combat ability, and haki" 'I need to "gather information" so that my next actions won't be suspected'. "Since you're Ace's brother that's fine. Besides, I don't think anyone here will object right Marco?", Marco jumped at the mention of his name as Whitebeard laughed at him and the rest of the division commanders. "Well as for the information, his fruit is the dark-dark fruit, his combat ability is average as far as we know, but considering that he most likely planned this ahead of time and he killed a division commander it is probably higher, and the same goes for his haki".

"If this information is true then you need to be careful of his devil fruit. While the dark-dark fruit is not the most powerful in terms of attack power it still rivals the flame-flame fruit in that department, but it's special abilities are what makes it so dangerous". "Oh, and what are its abilities brat?", "first of all, it allows its user to use gravitational attacks as well as drown enemies in its "darkness" when the user spreads it on a surface, like a floor for example. Second of all, it allows its user to hit logia types without haki, as well as nullifying any devil fruit ability. And third of all, when an enemy is weakened enough or dead, it allows the user to steal the enemy's devil fruit ability. This fruit is probably the strongest one in the world in terms of usefulness and versatility".

Whitebeard and the division commanders had somber expressions as they realized the threat that Blackbeard could potentially be. "I think Ace should go chase Blackbeard as soon as possible" I said, "I agree" Whitebeard agreed with me, "if Tea-I mean Blackbeard developed his fruit to its theoretical potential, it would be a disaster. Worst case scenario he absorbs countless fruit abilities and at that point, he will become practically unstoppable". "Ace is currently just a step away from being able to take on Big Mom" Whitebeard continued, "I believe his flame-flame fruit is developed enough to deal with Blackbeard, who only got his devil fruit less than a month ago. And even without his devil fruit, his haki is so advanced that it shouldn't be a problem, you need to teach me your secrets brat".

"I agree with you, normally I would have killed that idiot myself in a second, but when I fought with Ace I noticed he wasn't training properly. If he would have followed my training he would be able to take on Big Mom without too many disadvantages but now he still hasn't reached that level, I think a challenge will do him some good" 'this time Ace is powerful enough to take on Blackbeard, but it will still be the challenge he needs in order to get rid of his arrogance'.

"Alright, Marco when Ace wakes up tell him what we discussed here here" Whitebeard commanded, "yes pops" Marco replied and went to Ace's side to wake him up. 'why did I see a relieved expression on his face? must have imagined it' I thought when I saw Marco going with a slight smile. Suddenly a ship appeared in the distance, "POPS THE RED HAIR PIRATES ARE COMING TOWARDS US, LOOKS LIKE THEY WANT TO TALK" a pirate yelled up from the lookout post. "Hahaha I don't know what that red-haired brat is coming here for, but he better bring me some alcohol if he knows what's good for him" Whitebeard laughed, "let him come!"

Shanks arrived after a couple of minutes. as he walked up the stage he started to release his conquerors haki to intimidate Whitebeard's crew, but as I felt his conquerors haki I smirked and released my own. 'I can't let you have all the fun, Shanks' I thought as a shockwave spread throughout the sea and black lightning began to appear. all pirates who weren't as strong as Marco were knocked out, while even the two yonko started to tremble from its might. "Hahah, it has been so long since I actually felt fear! I commend you for that kid, who in God's name taught you haki?" "it's a secret old man, Shanks if you are going to try and intimidate us with haki then I can too, now come on board and we'll have a nice talk".

"Wait I know that voice, LUFFY?!" Shanks's serious attitude immediately fell and was replaced by an expression of amazement. "That was your haki?! it was better than mine, way better, how the hell did you manage to do that?", "haha sorry Shanks, it's a trade secret" I replied while laughing a little. "So, what brings you here red-hired brat?" Whitebeard asked as I retracted my conquerors haki. "I wanted to warn you about Blackbeard, I have a bad feeling about this and my scar has been itching lately", Shanks said as he pointed at his scar "I know that Ace is strong but I warn you, you may regrate it if you send Ace and Blackbeard pulls something unexpected. he isn't the kind to just sit and wait for his death".

"You're a little late then, brat. the kid already warned me about Blackbeard and even gave me crucial information about his devil fruit" Whitebeard then turned to me, "by the way, what's your name kid?". Shanks stared at me with amazement, "you managed to get upgraded from "brat"?! even I couldn't do that, Whitebeard have you gotten soft?" Shanks asked him as he began to laugh. "Shut it, so what's your name kid? I'm getting impatient" Whitebeard asked again, "my name is monkey.D.Luffy" I said with my head up high. "well then, Luffy, your information really helped us and you've got some scary haki, when you reach the new world with your crew come to me and no one will dare to touch you", "thanks, old man" I replied. "And you can call him "old man"? Luffy can you teach me how to get on Whitebeard's good side?" Shanks asked me with what seemed to be genuine hope in his eyes. "Hahaha maybe some other time, for now, I've got to return to my crew. bye" and with that, I stole some food and began my journey back to east blue