
luffy back in time (completed)

It's the final battle at Raftel, Luffy and his pirate crew vs the marines. The battle is going back and forth with many casualties from both sides and at the last moment of the battle, Trafalgar Law dies. Law is determined to make one last move to help Luffy win, so just before his death, he uses his fruits' special ability and sacrifices himself to give Luffy immortality. One thousand years later Luffy manages to find a way to return back in time, so he could help his friends and family make their dreams come true since he already achieved his, and was eaten by the guilt of being the only one that did so. Join Luffy in his journey to help those who helped him, and have a little fun along the way

what_if_3574 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

chapter 15- Whitebeard

"Just who do you need to beat Luffy? It better not be a pretty lady" Sanji asked in curiosity, "it's nothing too serious, my big brother hasn't contacted me in years so might as well stop by and teach him some manners" 'Although Ace is very strong it's Blackbeard we are talking about so I need to measure his current strength in case he goes after him, and he also hasn't talked to me in years so I'll beat that bastard while I'm at it' I thought as a sadistic smile forming on my face.

"Oh right, before I forget I left you all training programs in the captain's room, but I'll tell you a summary so you'll know what to expect. Usopp, your training is with ranged combat, of course, and your objective is to shoot Nami while she practices her agility while dodging you. Zoro your training is to spar with Sanji and brake through to master the swordsman realm, if you are having difficulty I left clues for you in the program but you'll need to understand them on your own. Sanji, the fact that you only use your legs in battle will bind you if you don't have enough moves to compensate for it, so spar with Zoro and work on the versatility of your move set. When I'm back I'll see how far you have gotten in your programs and we'll continue from there, I don't expect you guys to finish it so don't stress out"

And with that, I left to find Ace and give him a beating. I flew all the way to the grand line, rested for an hour or so, and flew through it while locating each island with my observation haki so as not to get lost. In three days of flying, I arrived at sabaody archipelago. I rested a little and prepared to fly over the clouds as to not get discovered by the guards at the holy land. It took some time to get high enough but after an hour of flying straight up I was outside of even and admiral level observation haki just in case, and from there I located the Moby Dick and flew at max speed, haki sure is convenient.

(Some Whitebeard pirate POV)

On the Moby Dick Whitebeard asked "where is Ace?", "he is getting ready to go after Teach" Marco replied. "I really don't like the idea of letting him go after Teach. I have a weird feeling about this", "don't worry pops, Ace is th-" Marco's sentence was cut short as he saw a kid flying toward us at a crazy speed.

(Back to Luffy POV)

I finally saw the Moby Dick in the distance after another day of flying, I am a bit exhausted, to be honest, so I will have a good rest after I kill Ace. As I was closer to the ship some guy transformed into a blue phoenix and flew in my direction. "What is your business here?" the man shouted, 'oh now I remember, his name is Marco isn't it?' "I'm here to kill Ace so if you would be so kind as to get out of my way it will be appreciated" I replied with a playful look in my eyes

Marco turned serious as he got ready to fight "no can do if you want to get to Ace you have to go through me", "well I would rather not, but if you insist" I said as I threw a casual punch covered with my armament haki at him. Marco had a disappointed look on his face as he covered his own and with haki and tried to catch mine, unfortunately, my haki was a grade so much higher than him that it basically canceled out his haki {see Luffy vs Katakuri}. Marco ended up taking my haki covered punch with basically nothing more than his bare hands, so his arm broke and he flew back and crashed into the Moby Dick. "now", I said as I landed, "can I see Ace now?".

Whitebeard had a shocked expression because my haki was leagues above his own, but just as he prepared himself for a difficult battle Ace burst out of the door from his cabin and yelled "WHO WANTS TO FIGHT ME?!". Ace scanned the ship and as soon as his sight fell on me his face lost all color. "I will give you five seconds to run".

*BOOM* A loud sound was heard as Ace dropped his backpack and broke the sound barrier trying to reach his ship in time, '5' "so Whitebeard, did this idiot cause trouble for you?" '4' "hahaha, no brat, but I do have a bad feeling about the thing that he is going to do so could you incapacitate him for a little while?" '3, it seems that I made it just in time, 2' "sure, well, if you'll excuse me now" '1' "I have a dead man to take care of" '0'.

*BOOM* another loud sound was heard as I too broke the sound barrier while shooting my arm to catch the boat. "did you really think you could escape me?" I said as I caught the boat and pulled it back, "fire fist!" Ace yelled in desperation as a giant fist made of fire made its way towards me. "not bad, but not enough" I said as I covered my arm with haki and punched through the fire fist.

"fire gun!" this time Ace tried to overwhelm me with the number of projectiles but I covered my whole body in haki and just stood in place to take it all, 'not bad, he almost broke through to yonko level during these three years but I am worried that he won't be able to deal with Blackbeard without his devil fruit' "well hit me with your best attack and then I'll retaliate" I said. Ace looked horrified that his attacks did nothing to me, but he began to gather flames. "GREAT BLAZE COMMANDMENT!!" Ace screamed as a miniature sun formed above him {like his last attack against Blackbeard}.

"well, it looks like I'll have to get a little serious" I said "gear three!" suddenly my arm grew into the size of the Moby Dick and covered with haki. *BANG* as our attacks clashed, the sea rippled and the clouds parted. But in the end, my fist broke through his miniature sun and knocked Ace into the sea.

"were not done yet!" I said as I caught Ace with my normal-sized arm just as he was about to sink into the water and pulled him back, but before he could even comprehend what was happening I smashed my giant fist into his body. now it was payback time on this bastard for ignoring me for three years. after fifteen minutes I dragged back the hollow husk that Ace's body had become while he was saying hello to the devil, when I boarded the Moby Dick all of the division commanders had a traumatized look in their eyes after seeing what I did to Ace, honestly, I couldn't blame them but he deserved it. "so, who is the one that Ace is chacing?"