
Lucky Harry

Summary: An accident at the age of six turned out to be a lucky thing for Harry Potter. It could get him all the things he had ever dreamed about and many things that he could have never imagined; girls, adventure, a home, and love. Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion). That being said full credit of this work goes to original author

anandnainala · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 3


[September Eighth 1991: Sunday]

Harry woke with a warm weight on his chest. He opened his eyes to see the beautiful sight of a completely naked Veela curled up on top of him. He used all of his willpower to burn the image into his mind, which with his Occlumency, was an easy task.

He slowly started stroking up and down Fleur's back to rouse her from her sleep. Fleur half opened her eyes and looked up at Harry who was smiling down at her. She smiled back before snuggling more into his chest.

"We need to get up," Harry said softly. Fleur shook her head and gripped him tighter. Harry laughed before unhooking her arms that were around him. He stood up and stretched while turning back to see Fleur pouting at him. Her arms were under her chest, making certain features more prominent.

"Come on Fleur, I need to get back to Hogwarts before everyone has an aneurysm," Harry said while slipping his clothes on. "I'm sure there's stuff you need to do today since we spent all of yesterday either in bed or in some state of procreation."

Fleur blushed before sighing as she got off of the bed. She slipped on a pair of knickers along with a robe.

"I'm going to take a shower. Will you be here when I get back?" Fleur asked as she gathered her showering supplies.

"Yes," Harry said, "Don't take too long though." Fleur nodded and exited her room.

Twenty minutes later saw Harry sitting at Fleur's desk as Fleur herself walked into the room.

"I was thinking," Fleur said to Harry as she sat in his lap. Harry wrapped his arms around her and tilted his head in permission to continue. "You should start practicing with your powers to find out what else you can do."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"Not your wizard magic. The powers you seem to have." Fleur looked at Harry's confused look and rolled her eyes. "Harry, you teleported through Beauxbatons' wards. They're almost as strong as Hogwarts' wards."

"Alright, I have a lot of free time because classes are so easy," Harry sighed dramatically. Fleur rolled her eyes and pinched his side making him yelp. Harry glared at her while she smiled back innocently. "Feisty little Veela aren't you?"

Fleur blushed but nodded nonetheless. She reached up and kissed him deeply before getting off of his lap. "Go, before I keep you here all day."

Harry looked uncertain about leaving but sighed in the end. He kissed her forehead and stepped back. Calling on his power, he disappeared in a swirl of blue light.


[September Eighth 1991: Sunday]

Harry appeared in his room and looked around to make sure no one saw him. After checking, he gathered his bathroom supplies and swiftly made his way to the showers.

Fifteen minutes later and Harry walked back into his room in nothing but a towel only to meet four angry female death glares.

"Where have you been!?" Daphne, Hermione, Padma and Parvati all shouted at him in unison.

"In the shower," Harry said dryly. It was then that the four females took in the detail that Harry was naked except for a towel around his waist. The four girls blushed deeply but kept on glaring at him.

"That's not what we meant and you know it!" Hermione huffed out while subtly looking over Harry's body which was copied by the other three girls.

"Not here," Harry said while closing the curtain that hung around his bed.

"Obviously," Daphne deadpanned. Harry drew the curtains open to show that he had gotten dressed in a pair of jeans with a t-shirt.

"Look, I like you four. You're good girls but from Friday night to Sunday morning is going to be 'me time'. I'm not going to tell you what I'm doing so don't ask. Other than that, I hope we can be good friends." Harry said while stating the first part firmly and the last part gently.

The girls look disappointed at not knowing but came to a silent agreement that he would most likely tell them when he was ready.

"Alright, why don't we go get some breakfast?" Padma said. Harry smiled at her and held out his arm for her. She took it gracefully; a second later, Harry felt someone else take his other arm as well and turned his head to see Hermione wrapped around the limb in question with a slight smile.

Harry, Padma, and Hermione walked down the stairs, arm in arm with Parvati and Daphne following.

"Why do they get to hold onto his arms?" Parvati grumbled softly to Daphne. Daphne frowned and grumpily crossed her arms in agreement.

"You two can have tomorrow. We'll alternate days." Harry called out from in front of them. Parvati and Daphne blushed brightly at having been caught complaining.


[September Eighth 1991: Sunday]

Parvati and Daphne's blushes had disappeared by the time the five first years sat down at the Ravenclaw table.

"Mmm, pancakes," Harry said as he poured syrup on a big stack of the fluffy goodness. He took a bite and sighed in pleasure.

"Your obsession with pancakes is really disturbing, Harry," Hermione pointed out as she took a bite of her own pancakes.

"Pancakes are awesome. Do not deny the awesomeness that is pancakes," Harry said while thrusting his fork at her. Hermione, along with the other three girls, rolled their eyes at him.

The sound of fluttering wings and hooting echoed through the Great Hall. Harry looked up to see the only snow white owl in the group flying towards him. When it was clear that he was her target, he held his arm out and she land gracefully upon it.

"Well aren't you just a pretty owl," Harry praised as he stroked the owl's plumage. "What do you have for me?" He reached for the envelope tied to the owl's leg and untied the cord. Quickly opening the envelope, he saw that there was a piece of folded notebook paper in it.

"Who's it from?" Daphne asked curiously as she took a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"Judging by the smell, I would say my mum," Harry said as he unfolded the letter.

My dear baby boy,

Was the first thing that Harry read and he rolled his eyes. He could be sixty years old and his mum would still think of him as her baby boy. Seeing that the girls were interested at his eye roll, he quickly went back to reading.

The owl that is delivering this letter is named Hedwig, I saw you eyeing her up but you never bought her because Fleur dragged you away in her pursuit of something so I thought why not? She's your owl and a very proud owl so take good care of her.

I'm already missing you very much. It was easier when Fleur left because I had you, now both of you are gone and the manor just feels empty. It's only been a week and I already wish for Christmas.

Are you making any friends? Knowing my son, you'll be making friends with only girls.

On a totally separate note, Dumbledore tried to access your vault Friday. Me and your father's guess would be that he thought you wouldn't notice after you started school. Shows what he knows right? The goblins denied him so expect him to talk to you soon if he hasn't already.

The rest of the letter wasn't as serious and was mostly random, everyday things.

"French?" Hermione asked from Harry's side.

"Well yes. I do live with a French family." Harry said in a tone that made Hermione want to duck her head like a two year old.

"Who is your family anyway? I don't think you've ever told us." Daphne asked.

"The Delacours," Harry answered her.

"Isn't the French Minister of Magic a Delacour?" Padma asked as she tilted her head in question.

"Yes, that's my adopted father. His name is Jean," Harry stated as he took another bite of the pancakes.

"Hmm, I remember reading something about him. I think it was talking about his wife being a Veela," Padma said as she scrunched up her face trying to remember the article she read.

"Her name is Apolline and yes, she's a Veela," Harry spoke to the four girls as their curiosity was clear on their faces.

"Does that mean your sister is Veela also?" Parvati asked.

"Yeah, she's a quarter Veela but that doesn't really mean anything. Her charm is just as strong as Mum's," Harry replied to Parvati.

"Do they have a way to restrain their charm? I heard that they can turn men to mush basically," Hermione asked, always wanting to know everything.

"They can to an extent. They don't at home though. Both me and Dad are immune to their charm so they don't hold back at home," Harry said as he finished his pancakes.

"How do you become immune?" Daphne asked.

"Don't really know. There is some mind magic that helps but some people are just fully immune," Harry said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Mr. Potter? The Headmaster would like to see you in his office," Professor Flitwick, Ravenclaw's Head of House, said.

"Will you be there, Professor?" Harry asked. He didn't want to be alone with the Headmaster if he didn't have to.

"I wasn't invited but as your Head of House I should be there," Professor Flitwick said. "Now if you've finished your breakfast?" Harry nodded at him and rose from his seat.

"Harry sure is being called to the Headmaster's office a lot, maybe you should stop being a bad boy," Daphne smirked at Harry.

Harry shook his head at her, "Maybe he just likes little boys." The girls got a disgusted look on their faces leaving Harry laughing.

He said a quick goodbye to the girls before following the tiny professor, who was waiting at the entrance to the Great Hall.


[September Eighth 1991: Sunday]

Harry sat down in next to Professor Flitwick and across from Headmaster Dumbledore. Harry thought that Snape would be here if he wasn't still recovering in the Hospital Wing.

"Harry, I would like to know where you have been this past weekend," Dumbledore spoke in his patented grandfather persona.

"I was exactly where I was supposed to be," Harry said innocently. Dumbledore's eyes narrowed slightly.

"And where was that, Harry? I really must know." Dumbledore asked with slight force in his voice.

"No you don't," Harry said matter of fact. Dumbledore's eyes widened. "You, Dumbledore, are the Headmaster of my school not my personal time. If you persist to stick your nose in my business, I'll ask my guardians to transfer me to another school or to hire tutors. May I go, Professor Flitwick?" Harry asked to the tiny professor, to which he received a nod.

Harry left a speechless Dumbledore, who hadn't been talked to like that for years, and a sniggering Charms Professor.


[September Twelve 1991: Thursday]

"Good afternoon, class," said a woman with silver hair and yellow hawk-like eyes.

"Good afternoon, Madame Hooch," Harry and the rest of the class chanted together.

"Good afternoon, good afternoon. Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say 'up'," Madam Hooch instructed.

"Up," Harry commanded gently to the broom. His broom rose instantly to his hand. He looked around and saw that most of the students were having trouble summoning their broom.

"How did you do that?" All four girls asked at the same time.

"Command the broom, don't ask it to come up. Tell it to," Harry instructed. The four girls did as they were told and the brooms shot to their hands. Hermione's broom seemed a little wobbly to Harry but he put it out of his mind.

"Now once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Grip it tightly. You don't want to be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle. Three, two..." Madam Hooch said as she blew her whistle.

Harry hovered with the rest of the class until he heard a shriek. Hermione rocketed past him on her broom and he could tell that she wasn't in control anymore. Without pause, Harry took off after her.

Harry heard the screams of his classmates as they watched Hermione fall from her broom at a very high height.

Just like in his Potions lesson, time slowed down to almost a crawl. Harry could see Hermione's hair move slowly like a gentle breeze. He reached out and grabbed Hermione by the waist.

Harry swung her over his own broom so that she was facing him and brought his broom expertly to the ground. Hermione held on tightly to Harry as she sobbed into his chest. Harry cooed gently into her ear to try and calm her down.

"Are you two alright?" Madam Hooch said as she rushed over to the pair.

"Yeah, we're fine. Hermione isn't injured," Harry said as said girl didn't loosen her grip on him. Madam Hooch nodded before gathering the rest of the class together. Daphne and the Patil twins stayed behind to comfort Hermione. They wrapped their arms around Harry and Hermione.

Harry felt Hermione's breathing even out and he looked down to see that she had fallen asleep.

"Come on, let's go to the lake since we don't have class for the rest of the day. We can let Hermione take her nap in peace." Harry said. He stood up with Hermione curled in his arms and walked towards the lake with no visible strain that he was carrying an eleven year old girl in his arms. The girls followed him wondering just how strong he was.


[September Twelve 1991: Thursday]

Hermione woke up curled up in someone's lap. She looked up to see Harry's face smiling down at her. The rest of the girls were sitting around them.

"Where are we?" Hermione asked as she sat up. She noticed that she was still on Harry's lap and blushed. She slid off to sit next to him.

"Harry brought us here. It was kind of hard to get here actually. If Harry didn't bring us here then we wouldn't even know how to get here," Parvati answered her.

Hermione tilted her head and looked around. She saw that they were sitting on a huge boulder that looked over the lake with the castle in the back ground.

"This is nice," Hermione commented.

"Yeah, I don't plan on telling anyone about this place. I want it to be just for us to come and relax," Harry said as he leaned back onto the boulder behind them.

"Thank you for saving me, Harry," Hermione said softly. Harry smiled at her and gave her a hug.

"I wouldn't let anything hurt you, 'Mione," Harry said gently.


[October Thirty-First 1991: Thursday]

"One of a wizard's most rudimental skills is levitation, or the ability to make objects fly. Do you all have your feathers? Good. Now don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The 'Swish and Flick'. Everyone, the 'Swish and Flick'. Good! Oh and annunciate! Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then!" Professor Flitwick announced to the class as he waved his own wand.

Harry lazily waved his wand at the feather and made it levitate into the air. The girls followed seconds after him but with the words and wand movements.

Harry noticed Ron Weasley trying to cast the spell and had to laugh as Weasley started jabbing his wand at the feather like that would make it suddenly work.

"Stop before you take someone's eye out," Padma ordered as she grabbed Weasley's wrist.

"I don't need your help," Weasley yelled out at Padma even though she was sitting a mere foot away. Weasley wretched his wrist away from Padma's hand before crossing his arms and sulking.

"He looks like he's constipated," Harry whispered to Hermione out of the corner of his mouth. Hermione let out a giggle in amusement before quickly covering it up with a cough.


[October Thirty-First 1991: Thursday]

Harry and the girls were walking out of their Charms class when they overheard something that made Harry's blood boil.

"Stupid packy, correcting a pureblood like me," Ron Weasley said loudly. "The only thing she's good for is for her to be on her back." His two friends, Seamus and Dean, nodded along with Ron, even though they weren't purebloods.

Padma burst into tears and ran out of the courtyard they were in and down a nearby corridor. The other three girls shot a quick look at Harry before taking off in the direction that Padma had run.

Everyone else in the courtyard froze as a low growl came from Harry. Weasley paled at the sight of a furious Harry Potter. Harry's eyes were glowing a very dark bluish green.

Before anyone could even blink, Harry was inches away from Ron with his fist crashing into the redhead's face. The courtyard winced as they heard a loud crouch as Harry's fist crushed Ron's nose.

The Weasel bent over holding his nose as it gushed blood. Harry glared at the idiot and again subconsciously used his unknown power. The courtyard flashed neon blue and, when the light faded, along with the spots in everyone's eyes, they wished that the blinding light had stayed.

Stuck to the wall was Ron Weasley spread eagle on the surface. Not only was he just stuck to the wall, he wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing. Harry blinked as his eyes unconsciously drifted down to a place he would rather not see only to freeze when his eyes finally did reach there.

"What the hell is that?" Harry laughed aloud; he clutched his sides and fell to the ground laughing hard.

"I think my new baby brother is bigger than that," an older girl from Ravenclaw said while pointing at the little hard thing at Ron's crotch. This only served to set everyone off as the courtyard laughed at Ron for his... inadequacies.

Harry picked himself off the ground before walking out of the courtyard and down the corridor that the girls had passed through, giggling to himself.


[October Thirty-First 1991: Thursday]

Harry went to the first place that he knew from his own experience females went to cry, the bathroom. He checked the entire floor and found no trace of the girls. He was nearing the last bathroom when he heard sniffling and words being softly spoken.

Harry knocked loud enough for the talking to cease before footsteps were heard. The door to the bathroom slowly opened to reveal Daphne. Upon seeing that it was Harry, she immediately opened the door wider for him to slip inside.

The young man saw that Padma was sitting on a bench next to the sinks with Parvati and Hermione hugging the crying girl. He slowly walked over to Padma and knelt in front of her. His hand reached out and cupped her cheek gently.

"Pad, don't listen to that arse," Harry said with a soft, warm tone. "He's just jealous of how smart and popular you are."

"But Seamus and Dean agreed with him," Padma sniffled out.

"If they really think that then they're both arses too," Harry pointed out. "Nothing of what he said was true. Just because you're a different race doesn't mean anything, if anything it makes you look more beautiful because you're different, exotic."

Padma gave a watery smile, "You really think I'm beautiful?"

Harry smiled at his friend before standing up, Hermione and Parvati got the message and stood up also. Harry took their place in hugging Padma.

"Without a doubt, you are one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen," Harry said firmly. "And considering I've been to Veela communities that should tell you something."

Padma blushed at the compliment before frowning, "What about his last comment?"

Harry's eyes darkened slightly and Padma shrank into herself a little. His eyes immediately lightened up and filled with affection. "You are not a whore or play thing for purebloods, like Weasel suggested."

Padma nodded her head before she wrapped her arms around Harry tightly and buried herself in his embrace. She felt protected in his arms, like nothing could ever harm her when she was there. They stayed there for quite some time and the silence was only broken by the loud growling of Padma's stomach, which made everyone laugh.

"Come on, Pad, after I fix your hair and face we will go get something to eat," Parvati suggested while pulling out the brush she always carried around with her. Padma looked like she wanted nothing to do with Parvati's attentions because while Parvati's intelligence was on par with Padma's, she still put fashion first.

Harry watched on amused as Parvati fussed over Padma so that she looked presentable to the rest of the school. His attention was drawn to the door however when he heard loud footsteps.

He was about to move towards the door when, all of a sudden, it flew off its hinges. The door smashed into the opposite wall and broke into many pieces.

Harry's gaze traveled up until his eyes were looking directly into those of a fully grown mountain troll.

Everything seemed to freeze because none of the students made a move.

The troll made the first move and brought its club high above its head.

"Move!" Harry shouted as he dodged a club that was bigger than him.

The troll tried to hit Harry again only to miss like the first time. Again and again the troll tried to hit Harry only for the wizard to dodge out of the way at the last second. Growing tired of the games, the troll aimed at another target, a frozen Daphne who bore wide eyes.

Time once again slowed down for Harry as he saw the troll's club swing down with what would be a direct hit to Daphne's head if she didn't move. Harry knew she was frozen in fear so he did the first thing he could think of.

The Potter heir started drawing consciously from his unknown power source, not knowing what would happen to him or the troll. He only knew that he had to do something before Daphne was seriously hurt or, more likely, killed.

When Harry felt like he had enough energy, which had the effect of making him feel like his hands were going to melt off, he released the energy directly at the troll. One hand was aimed at the troll's head and the other at its torso.

Two bright neon blue beams shot out of Harry's hands in what reminded him of an energy blast from one of his Saturday morning cartoons. The blasts hit the troll, instantly vaporizing the parts it touched. The blast was powerful enough to fling the troll and its club back into the wall.

Harry stared at the troll as the corpse fell to the ground, missing half a torso along with its head.

"What the bloody hell was that!?" Hermione yelled out. Harry blinked in shock because that was the first time he had heard her curse.

"What was what?" Harry asked innocently.

Hermione shot him a dirty glare and waved her arm at the now dead troll, "The two beams of blue light that you shot out of your hands."

"You could see that?" Harry asked. The other times he had used his power; no one could see the energy. 'Maybe since it was so much power they saw it?' Harry asked himself.

Hermione nodded while Harry sighed. He was about to open his mouth when he heard footsteps walking fast towards the bathroom.

"Look, I'll tell you four later but I don't want anyone else knowing. So keep your mouth shut and don't say anything and I promise to tell you four," Harry said seriously. Three girls nodded while Hermione looked hesitant. "Hermione!" Hermione quickly gave a nod at the forceful prompt.

"Oh, and don't look Dumbledore or Snape in the eyes. I'll explain later," Harry said quietly but in a serious voice so they knew not to argue. Harry turned around in time to see Dumbledore and the rest of the staff entering the bathroom.

"What in the world?" Professor Flitwick squeaked out as he saw the remains of the troll. "Please explain why you're here and not in your common rooms." The professor looked at the children, the girls he saw were shaken up but young Harry seemed fine.

"Ronald Weasley said some cruel and racist things to Padma after Charms so we stayed here to comfort her. We were just about to go to the Great Hall when the troll entered the bathroom," Harry explained calmly.

"And do you really expect us to believe that you took on a fully grown mountain troll by yourself?" Snape sneered out at Harry. Snape wanted nothing more than to gut Potter's spawn for what the boy had done to him.

"Does it really matter if you believe me or not? It's not like you made an announcement throughout the whole school about going to the common rooms nor is it mandatory to be at the feast. So you can't really do anything to us," Harry pointed out.

All of the professors blinked at the argument and couldn't find anything wrong with it.

"What spell did you use that could cause this much damage to a troll, my boy?" Dumbledore spoke out in his fake grandfatherly tone.

"It doesn't matter," Harry said. "May we go, Professor Flitwick?"

Professor Flitwick, seeing that Harry wasn't going to answer the Headmaster anytime soon, waved the students away. Harry walked out of the bathroom closely followed by the girls. No one missed the slight scowl on Dumbledore's face as Harry left.


[October Thirty-First 1991: Thursday]

Harry and the girls were sitting in Harry's room after the incident with the troll. The friends sat in silence as they didn't know what to say. Harry just broke the silence with a sigh.

"Ask your questions," the wizard prompted as he leaned back on his bed.

"How did you kill the troll?" Hermione asked, with that expression she always had on her face when she wanted to know something.

Harry sighed deeply, "If I tell you then I'm going to need a magical oath not to repeat what I tell you."

The girls' eyes widened with surprise at the request because oaths were not a bond to request casually. If a magical person broke a binding oath then that person would lose their magic and most likely die.

After a few moments of pause, the girls drew their wands and swore their oaths to Harry. Four flashes of blue later and the girls were looking expectantly at their favorite wizard.

Harry went over to his trunk and opened a secret compartment in the lid. He drew out a single yellow folder and tossed it to Daphne, who he knew was the best at runes.

"Tell me what that looks like," Harry said as he sat back on his bed. Daphne opened the folder and found a black piece of plastic. She held it up to the window and the light from the portal in order to see better and her eyes widened.

"These are runes," Daphne breathed out. "But this is someone's arm. I don't know how this is possible." The other girls looked over the piece of plastic and saw that the arm did indeed have some kind of runes on it; they just didn't know which runes.

"There are five runes. The main rune is Luck. It's why I'm so lucky, why everything seems to go right for me," Harry explained. The girls nodded to show that they understood so he continued. "There are four secondary runes, which grant me Stamina, Longevity, Power and Strength, along with another rune; an unknown rune."

"What's this have to do with the blue energy you used?" Parvati asked as she passed the plastic back to Harry who stored it back in his trunk.

"I think that the unknown rune gives me the ability to use the blue energy. I know it has to do with time though," Harry explained to his friends.

"How do you know that?" Daphne asked. She knew about runes but couldn't even begin to speculate what the last rune did.

"When I'm in danger or there's danger around me, time slows down," Harry told the witches. "When Snape lost his balls, time slowed down so I could see the knife rotate. When Hermione fell off her broom, time slowed down so slow that she looked frozen. The same experience happened with the troll."

The girls nodded with wide eyes.

"What else can you do with the blue stuff?" Parvati asked. Harry snorted at the name she had given his energy, no matter how smart Parvati got she was still the same fashion girl at heart.

"Tonight was the first time I've used it consciously," Harry said. He lay down on his bed and closed his eyes. He opened them though when he felt weight settle on the bed. He looked up to see Daphne sitting next to his head. Daphne lifted and placed Harry's head in her lap. She started to stroke his hair which relaxed him.

"What do you mean by 'consciously'?" Hermione asked as she picked up on his choice of words.

"I've been using my powers subconsciously when I get angry," Harry answered Hermione. "When Malfoy insulted Veela, my power lashed out and melted certain parts off of him. When Weasley insulted Padma, my power lashed out and took away his clothes and stuck him to a wall."

"I heard someone talking about that when we passed through the common room," Parvati giggled out. "They said that Weasley had a smaller penis than a baby." The other three girls looked green at the image while Harry and Parvati laughed at their expressions.

"What else can you do?" Daphne asked eagerly. Harry smirked up at her. He disappeared in a flash of neon blue only to reappear behind Hermione. She shrieked when the tap came on her shoulder only to find the wizard disappearing back to his original spot.

"I can go anywhere with that," Harry told the girls. "I use it to visit Fleur and my parents on the weekends."

"What's it called and how does it work?" Padma asked curiously.

"I don't know how it works really, as far as I can tell it kind of tunnels through our dimension into another. It's hard to explain," Harry told her. "And I don't have a name for it."

"Hmm, let's call your disappearing act Tunneling," Daphne suggested in a deep thoughtful face. "And let's just call your blue energy Neon for its color."

Harry looked at Daphne, amused, but agreed with her. The girls also looked amused at Daphne's naming abilities.

"OH!" Hermione said out loud suddenly. "I almost forgot, my parents wrote back today and told me that they agreed about staying at your home for Christmas, Harry."

Harry nodded happily at her, "Good, now we're only waiting for Pad and Par's parents to agree."

"They'll say yes for us but they most likely won't come. Our parents aren't big on the whole Christmas thing," Padma told her friends.

"That's fine, I want you there not your parents," Harry said cheekily. Padma blushed prettily at Harry, even after all the teasing and flirting he did the girls still weren't used to it. "Christmas in France, this is going to be fun. You'll love Delacour Manor."

"We should get to bed," Hermione pointed out. Everyone nodded and Daphne reluctantly let go of her hold on Harry's head.

Harry bid his female friends goodnight before stripping down to his boxers. He slipped under the covers and almost instantly fell asleep.


[December Twenty-Third 1991: Monday]

Today was the day that Harry, along with the girls, would be leaving for Christmas break.

Harry closed his trunk as he put the last thing into it. He lifted his trunk up and walked out of his room and down the stairs. The girls were already sitting in the common room waiting for him. After quick hellos, the group made their way out of the Ravenclaw common room.

When they were walking down the path to the carriages, Harry and the girls got a surprise that they didn't expect.

"Ah, young Harry," an old voice echoed to the group. They turned to see Headmaster Dumbledore striding towards them.

"Can I help you, Headmaster?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I see you're going home for the holidays," Dumbledore stated the obvious. "Wouldn't you rather stay in the castle during Christmas?"

"Let me think," Harry said with a thoughtful expression. "No."

"I really insist that you stay during the break, my boy," Dumbledore said with his fake grandfather smile.

"I really don't care what you insist," Harry said sharply. "You are the Headmaster of the school and have no say in my Christmas break plans."

"Isn't doesn't matter what you want, my dear boy," Dumbledore said grandfatherly. "It's for the Greater Good."

As Dumbledore ended his sentence, Harry's knee was shooting up between the headmaster's legs. Dumbledore went down moaning in pain at the hit he had sustained.

"How's that for the Greater Good?" Harry asked.

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes through the pain and was about to draw his wand when Harry drew his own wand at lightning speed. A stunner hit Dumbledore before he could even blink and Harry's wand was back in its holster.

"Wow," Daphne breathed out. "You just stunned Dumbledore. You are so awesome."

"Harry," Hermione said worried. "You shouldn't have done that, he's the Headmaster."

"Don't worry; Dad will take care of it," Harry reassured her. "He's not going to like that Dumbledore tried to keep me here."

"Let's get a carriage," Padma said softly.

They didn't speak much as Harry and the girls boarded a carriage that would take them to the train station.

"I can't believe that half the school year is over already," Parvati said as she stared out of the window, watching the trees pass.

"Don't worry, Par," Harry replied soothingly. "We still have six and a half years left."

The girls laughed at Harry's comment while Parvati shot him a pout. Harry laughed and put his arm around her shoulders.

The carriage stopped and the group grabbed their trunks. Harry hopped down first and helped the four girls down. They quickly made their way onto the train and into an empty compartment before the train could fill up.

The group's eyelids started to droop as the train's rocking motion slowly put them to sleep. The last thing Harry saw before his eyes closed was Hermione and Daphne falling asleep on each other's shoulders.


[December Twenty-Third 1991: Monday]

A hand shot out to hit the insistent thing that kept trying to awaken him. Harry finally gave up trying to sleep and opened his eyes. He brought his hand up to rub the sleep out of his eyes. Looking down, he saw that Padma and Parvati had fallen asleep on him with their heads resting on his chest.

He looked across from him and saw Hermione and Daphne looking amused at his situation.

"You're just jealous you're not where they are," Harry declared while smirking at the pair. The duo blushed and looked away, merely confirming his statement.

After Harry had woken the twins from their sleep, the group walked off the train to find their parents.

"There are my mum and dad," Hermione told her friends as two middle aged people were walking towards the magicians.

"And there are my mum and dad," Harry pointed out as he saw the elder Delacours walking towards the group.

"Mine too," Daphne added as she saw her mum walking towards where the first years stood.

Padma and Parvati pouted as their parents were staying in India and not in France with their children. Since everyone was portkeying straight to Harry's home, there was no reason for the Patil parents to come.

"Mum, Dad," Hermione yelled out as both her parents engulfed her in a hug. Daphne's mum did the same thing to her.

"Jean Delacour and this is my wife Apolline," Harry's adopted father introduced himself to the other three adults present.

"Dan and Emma Granger," Hermione's father replied as he shook Jean's hand.

"Astoria Greengrass," Daphne's mother added softly as she too shook the adults' hands.

"Now that everyone knows everyone can we portkey?" Harry asked impatiently. The girls started scolding Harry for his rudeness before Apolline stopped them.

"He just knows that Fleur is home already and he wants to see her," Apolline told the younger witches as she winked to Harry. He just pouted back at her, making everyone laugh slightly. Was it his fault he had missed his Veela so much even though he had seen her last weekend. But the other witches didn't need to know that, right?

"Grab hold," Jean instructed, chuckling deeply at his adopted son. After everyone had grabbed hold of the metal ring that was their portkey, Jean said its activation phrase and the group disappeared in a swirl of lights.