
Lucky Harry

Summary: An accident at the age of six turned out to be a lucky thing for Harry Potter. It could get him all the things he had ever dreamed about and many things that he could have never imagined; girls, adventure, a home, and love. Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion). That being said full credit of this work goes to original author

anandnainala · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 4


[December Twenty-Third 1991: Monday]

The group of children and parents arrived in the greeting hall of Delacour Manor by Portkey. The magically experienced landed with grace that showcased their skills. Unfortunately, the children, excluding Harry, along with Hermione's parents, landed in a heap of tangled limbs on the ground.

Harry had to laugh as his four best friends let out groans as they tried to get their bearings.

"Harry, do not laugh at them," his mother scolded him, "Everyone is like that in the beginning, you know that."

"Yes I do, but that doesn't mean I can't laugh," Harry replied cheekily. His mother just sighed and rolled her eyes at his behavior.

"We hate you," the four girls glared at him as they knew he was laughing at them.

"I love you too," Harry smiled brightly, not affected by their death glares.

Everyone laughed at the exchange, even the elder Grangers who had just stood up from their meeting with the floor.

"Harry!" a voice shouted out. Harry turned towards the voice only to be tackled to the ground in a hug. He felt a familiar body on top of him and knew it was Fleur.

"I missed you too Fleur," Harry said amused. He whispered the next part, "But can you get off me? Your body is making certain areas grow."

Fleur shot up off of him blushing as she remembered that they had guests. Harry chuckled as he stood up and wrapped her in a tight hug.

"Why don't we go to the sitting room to discuss rooms and other things," Jean Delacour suggested. They followed Jean down a hallway and into a nicely decorated room.

Everyone sat down with Harry and Fleur sitting rather close, not that anyone noticed. Jean reached into his jacket pocket before anyone could say anything and tossed Harry something shiny.

Harry caught the item with ease and looked down to see a pair of keys in his hand. His eyes opened wide as he knew exactly where these keys went.

"Happy early Christmas Harry," Jean said with a smirk.

"Thanks dad," Harry said happily.

"What are the keys for?" Hermione asked curiously.

"They're to the second guest house," Harry told her. "It's basically a six bedroom house on the other side of the property."

"Yes, I know I told you that you couldn't move in there until after your first year but I thought it was the perfect place for you, Fleur, and your friends to stay during break," Jean explained while looking over to the other parents. Daphne's mum nodded her head straight away while the elder Grangers nodded hesitantly.

"Good, good. The bags will be sent to the guest house and you children can sort rooms out for yourselves," Jean stated. "Why don't you guys go get situated while we talk."

Harry nodded in agreement, "Come on girls." The five girls followed Harry out of the room and to a fireplace.

"The guest house is too far away to walk to so we have to Floo," Harry explained. He turned to see the girls calm while Hermione looked nervous. "Don't worry Hermione; just do like everyone else does."

Fleur took some Floo powder, tossed it into the flames, and walked into it while saying, "Delacour second guest house."

One by one the girls Flooed to the guest house until it was just Harry and Hermione left.

"Don't worry Hermione, nothing will happen," Harry reassured her. Hermione nervously did the steps and she disappeared in a flash of green flames. Harry followed her through and saw that she was trying to brush all of the soot off of her.

Harry pulled his wand out of its holster and waved it over all of the girls making the soot disappear like it was never there.

"Now, the master bedroom is mine. The rest of you can fight over the other rooms," Harry said as he already knew everything he owned was in that room.

The girls shrugged their shoulders as they were just staying for the break.

Hermione looked over to Fleur and saw that she wore a choker around her neck. The brunette knew what that meant but kept quiet as it wasn't her place to say.

"Well, I'm still tired so I think I'm going to go to bed," Harry said as he yawned. He saw the girls nod in agreement so he headed up the stairs.


[December Twenty-Third 1991: Monday]

Hermione was lightly sleeping when she heard a door open. She sat up and walked over to her own bedroom door. Hermione opened the door slightly and saw Fleur walking quietly down the hall. Hermione's eyes widened as Fleur opened Harry's bedroom door. She watched as Fleur slipped into Harry's room quietly.

She didn't know what Fleur was doing so she quietly walked over to Daphne's room only for the door to open.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked.

"I was going to get something to drink. What are you doing?" Daphne asked back.

"I just saw Fleur go into Harry's room," Hermione answered. "And if you hadn't noticed, Fleur is mated so I can only come to one conclusion..."

"Really? Well, maybe they just wanted to talk," Daphne said uncertainly. Her doubts vanished though as she heard female moans come from Harry's room. Hermione and Daphne's eyes widened at the sound.

They heard another door open and they turned to see Padma poking her head out of her room.

"What was that?" Padma asked Hermione and Daphne.

"It sounded like a moan," Parvati answered. The three other girls jumped at the sound of her voice.

"You don't think Harry and Fleur..." Hermione trailed off.

"Well, it's not like they're related," Daphne stated.

All other talking was cut off as a louder, more drawn out moan sounded through the house.

"You would think they would use a silencing charm," Padma said even as her face turned bright red.

"Maybe they forgot," Parvati said with a face equally as red as her twin's.

Daphne suddenly walked into Hermione's room. The girls looked at each other confusedly before following her.

Daphne took out her wand and cast a spell at the wall. Hermione and the twins gasped as the wall turned transparent. The four girls immediately blushed as they watched the scene through the wall.


[December Twenty-Third 1991: Monday]

Begin Sex Scene

Fleur rolled Harry over so that she was straddling his stomach. She reached up and quickly unbuttoned her shirt to show that she wasn't wearing a bra. Harry leaned up and quickly took a nipple into his mouth. He sucked on the tiny bud gently while nibbling on it at the same time. The Boy-Who-Lived smirked around the nipple as Fleur moaned loudly.

Fleur's fingers curled through Harry's hair as she moved his head to her other nipple. Harry brought his hand to the breast he was just sucking on and kneaded it gently.

Harry, having had enough foreplay, rolled them both over. Harry's eyes flashed with his power and both his and Fleur's clothes vanished. Fleur reached down and guided Harry's hard rod into her. The part Veela gasped in pleasure as her mate filled her to the hilt.

"Oh Harry," Fleur moaned as she arched her back to try and bring him deeper into her sex. Harry smirked as his Veela mate withered below him. He drew back until just the very tip of his cock was in her before he thrust back into her hard.

Fleur gasped over and over as he repeated the process of pulling out slowly and thrusting back into her body hard. Harry could feel Fleur squeezing her inner muscles around his cock to try and make him move faster.

"Please Harry," Fleur whimpered to her mate. This pace to her was agonizing, she could feel herself about to orgasm but it wouldn't come at this slow pace.

"Please what?" Harry teased her. He slowed his pace down even more, much to her disappointment.

"Please fuck me, Harry, fuck me hard!" Fleur shouted out. Harry smirked but complied with her wish. He sped up his pace as he slammed into her sex over and over. Not even ten seconds after Harry had sped up his pace; Fleur locked her legs and arms behind him and pulled Harry to her so she could shove him as deep as he could go into her.

Harry felt Fleur trap him in a death hold as he felt her shudder underneath him. He could feel the inner muscles of her sex squeezing the life out of him. Fleur gave one last shudder before her arms and legs loosened their grip.

"My turn to cum," Harry whispered into Fleur's ear. Harry started to shove himself back into Fleur, not caring now about her pleasure.

He could only keep up the pace for another ten minutes before he felt Fleur go through another orgasm. While not as strong as the first, Harry still couldn't hold on as he started to cum into her. Harry collapsed on top of Fleur, lazily kissing her neck. He rolled over taking Fleur with him so that she was on top of him.

End Smut Scene

"That was amazing," Harry whispered to her.

"Oui," Fleur whispered back.

They sat in silence before Harry's eyes widened.

"What's wrong?" Fleur asked concerned.

"We forgot about silencing charms," Harry told her. Fleur's eyes widened in concern at Harry's friends hearing them.

"Hopefully they didn't hear us," Fleur said.


After Daphne saw them stop, she quickly undid the charm to make the wall transparent. She turned to see Hermione, Padma and Parvati with a huge blush on their faces. Daphne looked down and couldn't help but notice that their nipples were poking out of their shirts. She also noticed that the girls were rubbing their thighs together.

"I think we should go to bed," Daphne said as she rubbed her own thighs together. The other girls nodded quickly as everyone quickly made their way to their own rooms.

The last thing that Daphne saw as she exited Hermione's room was Hermione starting to touch herself. Daphne couldn't help but think that she was going to do the same thing when she reached her own room.


[December Twenty-Fourth 1991: Tuesday]

Harry and Fleur walked down the stairs and into the kitchen the next morning. The first thing Harry noticed was that all four of his friends had what looked like permanent blushes on their cheeks. Harry sighed as he knew right then and there that the girls knew about him and Fleur.

"I guess we need to talk," Harry said as he and Fleur sat down opposite his friends. "Judging by your faces I'm guessing that you heard us."

The four blushing girls nodded their heads.

"More than heard," Parvati muttered to herself but Harry still heard her.

"What do you mean 'more than heard'?" Harry asked with narrowed eyes.

Daphne ducked her head before mumbling, "I sort of did a spell my mum taught me, that allows you to see through walls, on your wall." Her face took on a bright shade of red as she finished.

Harry's face took on a light shade of red at the thought of his four best friends watching him be intimate with Fleur. Fleur's face however turned a bright red as Daphne admitted what she did.

"Well," Harry started uncertainly. "I guess I can forgive you four for being curious, just don't do it again." Harry could see the relieved faces of the four girls as he forgave them.

Everyone sat in silence before Hermione spoke up, "How did you get together and aren't you too young, Harry?"

Harry glanced at Fleur, seeing her nod he explained. "It was just last summer. You don't need to know the circumstances but we admitted our feelings to each other. Mum and dad didn't take me in until I was eight so I never really saw Fleur as a sister."

Fleur answered the second question, "Yes, Harry might be a little young but he was more mature than most of the boys my age. Add to the fact that powerful wizards or witches go through puberty earlier than their peers and the age thing doesn't really bother us."

Hermione nodded, satisfied with the answers. While she understood the age thing, she knew herself she was waiting a long time before she partook in a sexual relationship.

"Do your parents know?" Padma asked.

Harry nodded his head, "Mum found out the same day we started dating. She told Dad and he was okay with it. He said that he would rather have the son he loves and trusts rather than some snot nose brat." He finished with his chest puffed out until Fleur poked his side while rolling her eyes. Harry sent her a mock wounded look.

The girls giggled at the couple's antics. The tension left the room as they continued to talk.


[December Twenty-Fourth 1991: Tuesday]

Later that day, Harry's mum, Apolline, called him into her study to discuss serious issues. Both were sitting at her desk with various folders scattered before them.

"It seems that your idea had merit. I took about fifty galleons out of your vault and tried your idea." Apolline explained to Harry. "The galleons were worth about fifteen hundred galleons. I melted them down and sold them to a local contact I know." Apolline seemed to pause and not continue.

"And?" Harry asked impatiently.

"Well, there's three ounces of gold in a galleon. For the fifty galleons I was able to sell the smelted gold for about fifty thousand pounds," Apolline explained making Harry's impatient look morph into an evil grin.

"Did you start withdrawing huge amounts yet?" Harry asked her.

"Yes," Apolline nodded as she opened a folder. She withdrew a piece of paper and handed it to Harry. "That's a history of your trust vault activity from the day you visited Gringotts. Only you have access to your family vault so I haven't withdrawn anything from it."

Harry looked down at the paper and saw that it listed his trust vault. He looked over the paper and saw that every week since September Apolline would draw out all one hundred thousand galleons from his trust vault. He saw that the trust vault refilled every week.

Harry quickly did some mental math and was staggered how much all that gold would be worth in the mundane world. Almost one and a half billion pounds each and that was just eight weeks. He planned to do this until the goblins caught on, which was most likely to be a while.

"I hope you didn't sell all of the gold," Harry said softly.

"I didn't," Apolline said. "I've withdrawn the same amount from the Delacour vault so it's easier to keep track of. I've only sold forty million worth of gold in the mundane world. Twenty from our vault and twenty from yours."

Harry nodded his head to show that he understood. "Do you know roughly how much is left in the Potter family vault?"

"About twenty million galleons," Apolline said from memory.

Harry nodded thoughtfully, "I'll take over my vault from now on, that way you don't have to keep track of both of ours."

Apolline smiled warmly at him, "If that's what you want, love. Just remember, don't sell too much gold."

"I won't," Harry told her. "I'm going to sell just enough to keep up the rate I have going. I'm going to store the rest at Potter Manor now that I can travel there. I'm also going to start trading gold for other valuable minerals so I don't have just gold."

"Smart idea, I'll start doing that also," Apolline said. She reached into one of her desk drawers and pulled out a bottle of what Harry could tell was very expensive wine.

She poured two glasses and handed one to Harry. "Congratulations on making us very rich people, Harry, and I look forward to even more money." She smiled brightly at him.

"Why thank you, milady," Harry said with a small head bow. They shared a laugh as they sipped their wine.

They continued discussing various things about the scam and other ideas they had.


[December Twenty-Fourth 1991: Tuesday]

"I've found something about your supposed Jedi mind trick you did to the head girl in September," Fleur told Harry as they sat alone in the Delacour library on a couch after his meeting with their mother.

"Oh? I just figured it was something to do with my Runes," Harry told his girlfriend.

"Non," Fleur said as she shook her head. "I found an old Mind Arts book tucked away in a corner."

"What did you find?" Harry asked.

"From what I got from the book, you have a high potential for the Mind Arts. The book basically says that your Occlumency and Legilimency are super charged," Fleur explained to Harry.

Harry nodded at her in thanks. He drew her into his arms and gave her a kiss. He slowly deepened the kiss until Fleur stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked as he leant his forehead against Fleur's.

"I would love to make love but I'm very sore," Fleur admitted to her lover.

"You can say no, Fleur. I can go without if you're too sore," Harry told her.

"I just don't like saying no to you," Fleur said. She giggled as a thought went through her mind. "I guess Papa was right when he joked about your stamina being able to keep up with a Veela."

"Are you saying that's a bad thing?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No," Fleur blushed hard.

"Didn't think so," Harry laughed out.


[December Twenty-Fourth 1991: Wednesday]

Harry was sleeping soundly as his bedroom door opened. Five figures snuck through his room until they were standing next to his bed.

"Happy Christmas Harry!" five voices shouted out at the same time.

Harry shot bolt upright, wide awake to see Fleur and his four best friends surrounding his bed wearing smug smiles. He glared at them for waking him up. The girls started giggling which made Harry glare harder.

His hand moved under his covers to grab his wand. He conjured five buckets of water over their heads and dumped them. Laughter bubbled out of him as all five girls shrieked as they were soaked with water.

"I'll always get you back, remember that," Harry said sternly. The girls pouted at him before walking out of his bedroom.

Harry laughed as he got dressed. He was just exiting his room as the girls were exiting theirs.

"Come on, let's go open presents," Harry told them as he hooked his arm around Fleur's.


[December Twenty-Fourth 1991: Wednesday]

After most of the presents were passed out and opened, there were only the gifts Harry got for the girls left.

Harry passed a small box to each girl. Each box was wrapped in a different wrapping paper.

"You can open them you know," Harry said with a raised eyebrow as he watched the five girls stare at the boxes, not moving.

As one, the girls all unwrapped the boxes, each being revealed as a jewelry box. All five girls gasped as one as their boxes were opened.

"Like them?" Harry asked. The girls nodded vigorously as they took the piece of jewelry out of the boxes.

"That's a very beautiful charm bracelet," Dan Granger commented from his seat next to his wife.

"Price doesn't matter to me," Harry said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Why do they only have one charm on them?" Astoria Greengrass asked as her acute eyes picked up that fact.

"Well, the lightning bolt on them is for me," Harry said as he swept his hair to the side to show the scar on his forehead. "I figured that I can get other charms that represent the girls and give them a different one every Christmas."

"Thank you, Harry," all five girls shouted as they dog piled him. Harry felt like he was being squeezed to death as five emotional girls hugged him. He vaguely heard the adults' laughter in the background.

After he was released, Harry explained another thing about the bracelet.

"The lightning bolt charm is actually a Portkey. If you're ever in danger, just say 'Activate Safe House' and you'll be transported to a house I'm going to set up as a safe house," Harry told the girls.

The Grangers along with Daphne's mum thanked Harry for the thoughtfulness before leaving with the elder Delacours to another room so they could give the children time to talk and have fun by themselves.

"Now that the adults are gone I can tell you the other base functions of the bracelet itself," Harry said. He immediately had the attention of the girls as he said that. "There's a couple of different charms. One is a charm to detect poison; the bracelet will heat up if something foreign is in your food or drink."

"That's how you avoid the twins pranks all of the time," Hermione screamed out as her mind connected the dots.

Harry chuckled but nodded nonetheless, "They use too many potions for their pranks; it's not that hard to avoid getting caught out."

"What else is on here?" Daphne asked as she held up her right hand that held the bracelet.

"There's only two more for right now," Harry explained. "One is a charm that shields your mind from intrusion from outside sources." The girls nodded as they had all read vaguely that there were magics that could do that.

"And the last?" Fleur asked as she fondly rubbed the bracelet on her wrist.

Harry smirked a little before asking a question that made all of the girls but Fleur blush, "Answer me honestly, have you girls started your monthlies?"

The girls glared at him but they all nodded their heads to show they had. Harry chuckled at their embarrassment which made the death glares become stronger.

"Alright, enough laughing at you," Harry said as he finished laughing. "The last charm on the bracelet is something to help. It will make the pain from cramps, if you get them, lessen and the mood swings won't be as bad. The charm also Vanishes the blood before it leaves your body."

He got very thankful looks but they were marred with blushes.

"One of the perks of being part Veela," Fleur piped in after Harry had finished. The girls turned their heads toward her so Fleur elaborated. "I can control my cycle so I don't have a period. I only have to have it about once a year and even then I barely notice it is happening."

That got super death glares directed towards Fleur, who ignored them.


[December Thirtieth 1991: Monday]

"Thank you for the wonderful holiday," Dan said as he shook Jean's hand.

"Not a problem," Jean said as he waved his hand.

"Bye Hermione, be good for the rest of the year," Dan Granger winked as he hugged his daughter.

"We love you, honey," Emma said as she hugged Hermione after Dan had released her.

"Love you too," Hermione said as her parents stepped back. Dan said the activation phrase of the Portkey he was holding and both he and his wife disappeared.

"Goodbye Daphne," Astoria said softly to her own daughter.

"Bye mum," Daphne mumbled out as she hugged her mother tightly. Astoria smiled as she stepped back an activated her own Portkey.

"Fleur, here's your Portkey," Jean said as he handed Fleur a ring of metal. She took it but instead of activating it, she turned around and grabbed Harry into a kiss. The elder Delacours watched wide eyed as they saw Harry and Fleur kiss in front of other people.

Fleur broke the deep kiss while stepping back and saying, "Activate."

Jean and Apolline looked towards Harry's friends and noticed that they didn't seem surprised.

"They know," Harry said as he saw his parents glance towards his best friends. "They found out the first night we arrived."

"How?" Apolline asked.

"Let's just say that I forgot silencing charms," Harry said as he crossed his arms across his chest. The blush the girls had was nothing compared to the one as Harry finished speaking. "That and all four of them are perverts."

Jean and Apolline laughed in amusement as Harry's best friends glared at him.

"Come on, the train leaves soon," Jean said with laughter still in his voice.

Everyone grabbed a hold of the metal ring before Jean activated the portkey.