
Lucky Harry

Summary: An accident at the age of six turned out to be a lucky thing for Harry Potter. It could get him all the things he had ever dreamed about and many things that he could have never imagined; girls, adventure, a home, and love. Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion). That being said full credit of this work goes to original author

anandnainala · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.


[September first 1991: Sunday]

Harry hadn't been away from his family for more than a week since he had moved in with the Delacours. Leaving his family behind on the train platform, Harry entered the train and wiped his eye, he was surprised to find a tear in it.

After making sure no one had seen his girly moment, Harry continued down the train corridor. He walked past compartments filled with students but ignored them in the hopes of finding an empty one.

When it looked like he wasn't going to find an empty compartment, Harry knocked on one of the compartments that held four girls. Inside of the compartment was a pair of twins, a raven haired girl, and a bushy haired brunette.

Now most boys would flee at the sight of a room full of girls. Harry on the other hand wasn't most boys, having grown up with several strongly independent Veela. He wasn't afraid of four young girls. What could they do to him compared to living with two Veela or being forced to attend one of the Delacour's large family reunions; with more than two thirds of the extended Delacour family being one hundred percent Veela. If the young wizard could survive that, he could survive four normal girls.

Knock, Knock.

Harry's knuckles rapped on the window of the compartment door. All four girls turned their heads towards the door and stared at Harry through the piece of window glass. One of the twins stood up and opened the door, since she was the closest.

"Can we help you?" the girl asked politely.

Harry nodded his head and smiled at the girl as he politely asked, "I was wondering if I could sit here with you."

The girl looked back to the other three girls who all shrugged. The girl that answered the door stepped aside and allowed Harry to enter the compartment. Harry lifted his trunk over his head without any visible effort, placed it in an upper rack and settled it into place.

He noticed that the raven haired girl didn't seem to be moving from her place beside the brunette so he sat down in between the twins. All four girls stared at him until he rolled his eyes.

"I guess no one is going to tell me their names unless I go first?" Harry asked sarcastically. He saw that the raven haired girl nodded with a smirk on her face. "I'm Harry Potter." Harry saw the four girls' eyes widen but the quartet thankfully didn't go into fan-girl mode.

"I'm Padma Patil," the girl on the Harry's right spoke up.

"I'm Parvati Patil," the girl on his left added.

"Daphne Greengrass," the raven haired girl spoke softly.

"H-Hermione Granger," the bushy haired brunette said hesitantly.

"It's nice to meet you four. First years?" Harry asked. They all nodded in the affirmative at him. It was then that he noticed Hermione's puffy red eyes. "Are you alright Hermione?" Harry asked in concern.

Hermione sniffled and Daphne answered for her. "Some boys started to say mean things to her so I stopped them and we came to this compartment."

Harry tilted his head. "Are you muggleborn?" he asked. Hermione stiffened while Daphne, Padma, and Parvati narrowed their eyes at him.

"From the death glares you're giving me, I'm guessing that is a 'yes' and that the boys making fun of you were purebloods?" Harry surmised. He wasn't even affected by the glares. How scary could an eleven year old be compared to an angry fireball throwing Veela?

"Yes," Daphne confirmed stiffly.

Harry rolled his eyes again. "Calm down, I don't care if someone is muggleborn or pureblood. Those boys are idiots for even saying stuff like that."

Hermione brightened a little at the statement. "Really?"

"Of course, magic is magic. No matter who has it," Harry said in a matter of fact tone. "I'm not sure why you would think I of all people would be prejudice against non purebloods. My mother was a muggleborn after all," pointed out the messy haired Harry. Hermione's smile grew wider and her body language changed from that of a depressed person to one who was happy.

"Now that those death glares aren't marring your pretty faces, what houses do you think you'll go into?" Harry asked the four girls.

The girls blushed a bit.

"Ravenclaw," Hermione, Daphne, and Padma said together.

"I don't think I'm smart enough for Ravenclaw, or brave enough for Gryffindor, so I'll most likely go into Hufflepuff," Parvati shrugged out while looking away a bit depressed.

"Of course you're smart enough Parvati. You just need to apply yourself more." Padma encouraged her sister.

Harry could see that this was a long standing argument between the two.

"Exactly, I'm sure you're smart enough." Harry added supportively. Parvati blushed at Harry's compliment, and after looking Harry in the eye nodded her head, now determined to apply herself more.

"So where have you been for the past five years Harry?" Daphne asked curiously. Harry tilted his head at her, so she elaborated. "The Daily Prophet said that you've been missing for five years."

"Daily Prophet?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You don't know the paper? That would mean you've been out of country," Hermione guessed, surprised.

"I have been. I was adopted by a French family when I was six. They've been my family since then and I love them." Harry confirmed.

"Is that why your accent is weird?" Padma asked.

"Weird?" Harry asked back with a bit of a smile.

Padma blushed. "It suits you though," she covered quickly yet truthfully. Harry grinned at her red face.

"My English accent was already there when I was adopted, but spending five years in France changed it I guess." Harry explained.

"Is your family magical?" Parvati asked.

"Yes. Technically they aren't my parents because they never adopted me but I see them that way. I have a sister also. We really don't have sibling feelings for each other so we're mostly just best friends." Harry further explained while leaving out the part that he and Fleur were dating.

"How old is your sister? Does she go to Hogwarts?" Hermione asked.

"She's thirteen and she goes to Beauxbatons," Harry answered.

"Isn't that an all girls school?" questioned Padma.

"Yes, we were both sad when we couldn't go to school together." Harry spoke with a slightly sad smile.

The five people in the compartment continued to talk about themselves and their lives until a voice was heard that wasn't one of theirs.

"Fifteen minutes to Hogsmeade station. Fifteen minutes to Hogsmeade station," sounded through the compartments.

"We should get our robes on," Hermione suggested, stating the obvious. All four girls turned their heads towards Harry and stared at him. After about twenty seconds he pouted at them.

"I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours?" Harry suggested in an innocent tone of voice. The four girls blush at his suggestion. "You don't have anything I haven't seen before." Blushes intensified and Harry decided to give them a break from the teasing. He stood up and took out a pair of robes from his trunk.

"It would have been really fun too," Harry mock pouted as he exited the compartment.

When he entered back into the compartment with his robes on, he noticed two things. First was that all four girls had their robes on. Second was that their faces were still bright red. As Harry sat in between Hermione and Daphne this time, his smirk did nothing to alleviate their blushes.


[September first 1991: Sunday]

Harry was flanked by Hermione, Daphne, Padma, and Parvati as the group of first years was led up the stairs by a very stout, tall, and hairy man. Harry guessed that the man, who had identified himself as Hagrid upon gathering the first years on the train platform, had some giant blood in him.

A stern looking witch came out of a small porter's door situated in the giant doors of the castle; stopping in front of Hagrid and the group of children.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, I am Professor McGonagall. Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup." Professor McGonagall explained seriously.

"Trevor!" a pudgy boy exclaimed as he moved to scoop up a toad from the floor.

"A toad? His family must really hate him," Harry muttered to the four girls who couldn't help but giggle.

"The Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily," McGonagall announced, eyeing the boy that was clutching his toad and meekly backing himself into the group of kids.

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts," a boy with slicked back white hair spoke arrogantly to Harry, a sneer pasted across his face.

Harry felt Hermione stiffen next to him and surmised that this boy must have been the one that was making fun of her on the train.

"And?" Harry drawled out, his French accent coming out even more.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others Potter. You don't want to be making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there," Malfoy said while brazenly sticking out his hand to Harry, all the while looking down his nose at Hermione.

"Interesting views you have there. What are your views on Veela?" Harry asked, much to the confusion of everyone present. Malfoy, being the dense idiot he was didn't see the trap that Harry was laying for him.

"Veela? They're nothing more than common whores that should serve their betters," Malfoy answered. He puffed out his chest importantly as he said the word 'betters.'

Harry's vision took on a neon blue hue. He was about to draw his wand when an arc of neon blue lightning shot from his right hand and impacted straight into Malfoy's crotch. Harry blinked in surprise as the blue hue left his vision. Malfoy grew pale and went down holding his privates in pain.

"We're ready for you," McGonagall's voice interrupted the confrontation as she signaled the children to come with her from Harry's right. "What is wrong Mr. Malfoy?" Professor McGonagall questioned with a tight lipped glare; after all, young men shouldn't be grabbing their private parts in the company of ladies.

"Hurts," was all Malfoy could whimper. McGonagall casted a general healing charm along with a pain reliever charm on Malfoy.

"You'll be checked out after the sorting ceremony," McGonagall informed the arrogant young pureblood. "Now follow me."

The group of new students followed the Deputy Headmistress while Harry moved closer to the girls. "Did you see that?" He asked very quietly, glancing back at the limping Draco who was now being supported by Crabbe and Goyle.

"See what Harry?" Hermione asked curiously. The other three girls looked confused by the question also.

"Never mind," Harry told them with a shake of his head. Focusing forward, the girls didn't ask any further questions as they entered the Great Hall and walked up the isle between the two center tables.

Professor McGonagall pointed to the area that was in front of a frumpy looking hat which rested on a stool.

"You will wait here please. Now before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words," McGonagall directed.

An old man wearing multi colored robes with a long white beard and matching long white hair stood up. "I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to all who do not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you."

Harry stared at Dumbledore, trying to comprehend what he had heard. "Most painful death? What the bloody hell are they keeping in the third floor?" Harry muttered to the girls. While they didn't like his use of profanity, they had to agree with him.

"When I call your name you will come forth, I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger!" McGonagall called out to the group of students while holding up the sorting hat.

"You'll do fine Hermione," Harry whispered to the nervous girl and giving her a little squeeze on her shoulder with his hand. She smiled gratefully at him.

Before the Sorting Hat had even been fully set down on her head, it yelled "Ravenclaw". Harry along with the other three girls clapped for Hermione who went to sit down. The clapping was also accompanied by the Ravenclaw table politely cheering as well.

"Daphne Greengrass."

The hat sat on Daphne's shoulders for a few minutes before it yelled out "Ravenclaw". Daphne smiled and rushed down to where Hermione was sitting and took the place next to her at the House's table.

"Padma Patil."

Like the two girls before her, she sat down next to Daphne after the hat had yelled "Ravenclaw".

"Harry Potter."

Harry heard the whispers about him as he walked up to the stool and sat down, a little confused that his name would be called between Padma and Pavarti's, but then again the wizarding world did a lot of things that weren't logical. Professor McGonagall set the Sorting Hat down on his head.

'I can't read your mind at all. What an amazing feat,' Harry heard in his head.

'That's nice, sort me into Ravenclaw,' he thought back. 'I'm not taking no for an answer. Sort me there now.'

"Ravenclaw," the Sorting Hat shouted out. As Harry was walking to the Ravenclaw table, he heard the hat muttering about bossy children. Harry sat down next to Padma who congratulated him.

"Parvati Patil."

Parvati sat down on the stool with the hat on her head for about ten minutes until the Sorting Hat opened his mouth.

"Ravenclaw," the Sorting Hat yelled out. Parvati literally glowed with happiness and pride as she sat down next to Harry.

"Congratulations. I knew you were smart enough," Harry praised his new friend. Parvati blushed at his words.

"Sure, when I say it, it doesn't matter. When he says it, it's the best thing in the world." Padma grumbled to her new friends at the table.

"It's because I'm cuter than you," Harry put forth, sticking his tongue out at her. She stuck her own tongue back at him and both smiled at the byplay.

Harry pretty much ignored the rest of the sorting in favor of looking around at various students and teachers.

"Let the feast- begin," Dumbledore called loudly as he spread his arms. Food appeared on the table and Harry could swear that he heard the tables groan under the weight.

After everyone had eaten their fill, the Prefects led the first years to their respective dorms. The Prefects gave instructions on where everyone's rooms were and that time tables would be given out in the morning.

"Goodnight Harry," Hermione said as she hugged Harry. Daphne, Padma, and Parvati followed her exampleand hugged him too as they said their goodnights.

Harry walked up the spiral tower of Ravenclaw to his own private room, his name was already on the door, and he was silently thankful for the use of space expansion charms that let him have his own room. He fell asleep dreaming of his Veela that was thousands of miles away.


[September Second 1991: Monday]

Harry woke up feeling slightly disoriented. He glanced around the room he was in with half-lidded eyes. It took a few seconds before the memories of last night came back to him and he remembered that he was in his new room at Hogwarts.

"Might as well get ready for the day," Harry muttered to himself. He gathered up his clothes and made his way to his private bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later found Harry down in the Ravenclaw common room. Pulling out a book to pass the time, it only took about ten minutes for Hermione, Daphne, Padma, and Parvati to come down from their rooms.

"Hey girls," Harry waved to them. All of them grunted back in reply. "Not morning people I see."

The girls glared at him and he motioned them out the common room and towards breakfast.

The girls lagged behind Harry, wanting nothing more than to go back to bed. Harry on the other hand, was upbeat and cheerfully walking towards the Great Hall.

"How can you be so happy in the morning?" Daphne growled at Harry as they sat down at the Ravenclaw table.

"I'm just a morning person. What time did you four go to bad?" Harry asked.

The four girls looked guilty before Padma mumbled out a number that was well into the morning hours.

"Well, sucks for you four," Harry told them cheerfully as he piled a helping of eggs onto his plate. He was answered by four separate growls.

Harry laughed at them as he stole a piece of bacon from Parvati. He also ignored the cry of outrage from said girl.


[September Fifth 1991: Thursday]

The week had gone by pretty fast for Harry. For some reason, the only classes that first years had the first week were Transfiguration and Potions.

Harry sat next to Parvati in their first ever Transfiguration class. As per the instructions on the board, they were taking notes from said board.

Harry, however, was bored. The Delacour family library was extensive, having books from the basics of each subject of magic all the way up to mastery level. Harry would never admit it, but he was a bookworm, reading every book he could get his hands on. He had already finished theory up until OWL level and was steadily working on NEWT level theory. Between reading books in the Delacour library and getting tips from his parents, he rivaled most students in theory.

There was a flaw however. Harry didn't have much practical experience, which was why he was with the rest of the first years. Unfortunately that meant he would have to suffer through the theory with the rest of his class.

'I could get through most of the practical side of the owl levels and test out this year,' Harry thought to himself. He then glanced at the cute girl sitting next to him. Parvati caught his eye and smiled at him. 'Or I could stay with my classmates and I'll still do the practical side anyway.'

"Alright, follow the directions from the spell you just put into your notes, take out your wand and try out the spell on your match stick," Professor McGonagall instructed the class. Throughout the classroom the sound of children shouting the words to the spell were heard, Harry winced at each yell.

Harry whispered the spell while jabbing his wand at the match. It slowly turned silver and grew into a needle. The four girls that were next to him stopped their own attempts and open mouth stared at Harry.

"How did you do that?" Hermione demanded.

"For one, stop shouting your spell. It doesn't make any difference at the volume of your voice." Harry lectured. The four girls blushed at the veiled reprimand.

"You're probably just pointing your wand and shouting the spell. Don't. Visualize what happens in your head as you speak the spell," Harry explained. "It's as much if not more about the intent of the spell, rather than the words."

Four whispers were heard next to him then four squeals of joy. Professor McGonagall appeared next to the group in a flash to see what the noise was for.

"Congratulations on the completion of your transfiguration. One point for Ravenclaw for each of you." Professor McGonagall said before walking off to another part of the class.

"Thank you Harry," Hermione told Harry with a smile as she changed another match into a needle.

"Yes, thank you Harry," Parvati spoke up next to him. Daphne and Padma nodded happily at Harry also.

"Keep doing the spell until you can do it subconsciously," Harry suggested. The four girls nodded and gathered a handful of match sticks each.


[September Sixth 1991: Friday]

Harry sat in his potions class next to Hermione, waiting for their professor to appear. All of the older students had told the first years that Professor Snape was biased towards Slytherins and outright hurtful towards every other house.

The potions professor glided in and immediately struck a pose before beginning what sounded like a canned speech. "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few who possess the predisposition. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can show you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. Then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention," the dark haired man snarled as he focused his attention on Harry.

Harry instinctively knew that the Professor was going to single him out.

"Mr. Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snape sneered out at Harry.

Harry sighed to himself. He knew that he would learn nothing in this class, partly from the fact that the professor seemed to hate him for some reason and the fact that potions was one of the few subjects that didn't require a wand. So unlike other subjects, Harry had extensively studied potions and was beyond NEWT level in both the theory as well as the practical; the Delacours had been very supportive of Harry's rapid growth in his magical studies.

"A powerful sleeping potion known as the Draught of Living Death," Harry answered in a bored tone.

Snape's sneer grew more prominent. "Where would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?"

"Stomach of a goat or the potions cupboard," Harry replied in the same bored voice.

"What is the difference between monkswood and wolfsbane?" Snape questioned with a little red appearing in his twisted hate filled features.

"Nothing, they're the same plant and also known as Aconite," Harry explained like Snape was an imbecile.

Snape's face grew red in anger. "Start your Boil Cure potions!" With that, the professor flung a spell at the chalk board and the directions for the boil cure potion appeared.

Harry rolled his eyes at the professor's immature actions but started the potion anyway. Hermione waited patiently for Harry to show her how to make the potion. As Harry showed Hermione how to make the potion, he could almost feel the professor's rage forming from across the room.

"That's not enough stewed horned slugs Potter!" Snape shouted from across the classroom. Snape started walking swiftly towards Harry and Hermione's cauldron. The shout startled Hermione, whose back was turned to the bellow of rage.

This had the effect of making her jump and dropping all of the porcupine quills she was holding into the bubbling potion filled cauldron. Harry watched in slow motion as the cauldron melted and spilled onto the open flame source. The open flame proceeded to ignite the green fumes and caused an explosion. Said explosion blasted across the surface of the lab desk and sent Harry's silver potions knife spinning across the room towards the oncoming Professor Snape.

Harry watched in morbid amusement and slow motion. Harry was able to distinctly make out the knife flip over several times and spin straight into the crotch of his potions professor. The knife kept traveling through the area between the potions professor's skinny pale legs and made a thud as it stuck to the wall behind the 'man.'

Time seemed to snap back to normal speed and the entire class stared wide eyed. Snape clutched his now bloody crotch and let out a high pitched screech.

"Harry, is that what I think it is on the knife?" Hermione asked hesitantly, aghast that she had injured an 'authority figure.'

"If you think it's Snape's testicles, then yes, I believe it is what you think it is." Harry answered as he gazed upon the ruined testicles of Hogwarts Potions Master. Magic could do many things but fixing Snape's ability to reproduce was not one of them.

"That's disgusting!" Daphne spoke up from behind Harry and Hermione, her face turning a little green. The door slammed open and a woman dressed in an old style nurses outfit rushed in. She cast a levitation charm on Snape and made him float three feet off of the floor.

"Oh well, not like he ever used the things anyway," the nurse muttered under her breath as she rushed out of the room with Snape floating after her; floating in a fetal position and clutching where his manhood used to be attached.

Harry held his laughter in until the nurse was gone and then broke out into stomach clutching laughter.

"That was something I didn't want to know," Hermione whispered in response to Madam Pomfrey's muttered proclamation, Hermione's face now a green color that rivaled Daphne's and her hands holding her stomach and covering her mouth so that she wouldn't puke.

Harry just laughed even louder.


[September Sixth 1991: Friday]

"Harry, the Headmaster would like to see you in his office," Professor Flitwick, Harry's Head of House, informed the young Potter heiras the boy finished dinner.

"Alright Professor," Harry agreed. He wiped his hands on a napkin before following the small professor out of the Great Hall. They came upon a gargoyle statue inside an alcove in the wall.

"Cockroach Clusters," Professor Flitwick spoke to the statue. The statue started to spiral upwards and stairs appeared as the statue rose. The professor and student made their way to the very top of the stairs and opened the door to the office as an "Enter please" could be heard to issue from inside. The Headmaster sat behind a huge wooden desk with two chairs positioned before the large piece of furniture.

"Please, sit down," Professor Dumbledore said in a grandfatherly voice. Harry and his Head of House sat down in the chairs that faced the Headmaster.

"You wanted to see me Headmaster?" Harry asked politely. Harry didn't trust the Headmaster; he knew that Dumbledore was the one that left him on the Dursley's doorstep on a cold November night.

"Yes, how is your stay at Hogwarts so far?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

"It is alright. I'm learning a lot," Harry half lied.

"Good, good. Would you mind telling me what happened in potions today?" Dumbledore queried.

"A potions accident...Professor Snape yelled at me for not adding enough of something which startled Hermione and she dropped the porcupine quills into the potion before it was off of the heat. The potion exploded and sent the knife at him," Harry explained evenly, with no emotion on his face.

Dumbledore stared directly at Harry's eyes and both smiled internally. Dumbledore smiled because he thought he was going to be able to enter an undefended mind. Harry smiled because he wanted Dumbledore to enter his mind.

When Dumbledore entered Harry's mind, Albus stopped cold. All Dumbledore could see was lines of random numbers and text that seemed to scroll by at amazingly fast speeds. He could make no sense of the mind he was in at the moment.

As Dumbledore stopped to gather his thoughts about Harry's mind, Harry felt Dumbledore's hold on his own mental defenses slip. Harry struck quickly and stealthily to implant something that was the young wizard's best achievement.

All of this lasted no longer than a second. "Well, it seems that it was just an accident," Dumbledore summarized in his patented grandfather voice. "You may go to your dorms Harry." The Headmaster was disconcerted at not being able to read Harry's mind, but didn't let it slip onto his face and give anything away.

"Professor, how did Madam Pomfrey know about Professor Snape so quickly?" Harry asked the old man behind the desk. Harry was sure that Professor Dumbledore was spying on him but he wanted to see what the old man would say.

"The wards informed me of an accident in the classroom so I sent Madam Pomfrey," the Headmaster smiled out grandfatherly.

Harry nodded and rose out of the chair. He exited the office of the Headmaster with a hidden smirk.

Harry knew that Dumbledore would drive himself crazy trying to figure out what was going on in with Harry's mind.

Sometimes, the Wizarding World's ignorance was so helpful.


[September Sixth 1991: Friday]

Harry sat in his private room on his bed. He was concentrating on doing something that he didn't even think was possible, but that he was willing to try.

Harry scowled and went through a few seconds of deep concentration before disappearing with a swirl of neon blue light. Only to reappear in a bedroom that could only be described as a girl's room.

"Harry!?" a voice shouted from behind him. Harry smiled and turned to see his Veela sitting on her Beauxbatons bed in nothing but her knickers.

"Lo' Fleur, miss me?" Harry said as he smirked at her. Fleur's face was full of disbelief before she launched herself at Harry. She snuggled into his embrace and inhaled his scent.

"What are you doing here?" Fleur demanded after a few minutes of holding each other.

"What, you don't want me here?" Harry asked back with a pout. Fleur shook her head quickly and held onto Harry tighter. "I don't know how you got here, but I'm glad you are here. So what is Hogwarts like?"

"Alright so far, I've met a few girls that are pretty nice," Harry answered. He picked Fleur up and carried her to the bed. He sat down with her on his lap.

"How are your classes? Boring?" Fleur teased him, knowing how far he was in his studies.

"You have no idea. I thought I was going to fall asleep. I figured that I would have work to do with the practical portion of the curriculum, but it's so easy." Harry complained.

"Want some cheese with that whine?" Fleur asked teasingly, she punctuated her statement with a poke in his side.

Harry smirked and poked her in the ribs for the insult.

"I also had a meeting with Dumbledore and he tried to enter my mind," Harry casually informed his girlfriend.

"What!?" Fleur screeched. "Papa and Mama will kill him!" Harry knew that the invasion of someone's mind was a very serious crime and Veela had natural mind shields so neither of the Delacour femalescould teach him. Jean had only the basic grasp of Occlumency to tell when someone entered his mind so no one in his family knew that he had learned Occlumency in secret.

"Calm down Fleur. I blocked him easily." Harry told the incensed veela with a large smirk.

"I know that look. What did you do?" Fleur sighed out. Harry tried to look innocent before laughing at Fleur's stern glare.

"My mind isn't protected by a normal shield. Scientists say that a human brain is like a computer so why not use that concept as a basis for my Occlumency?" Harry asked with an even larger smirk.

"Ingenious," Fleur whispered.

"Yeah, I thought since I made my mind like a computer for organization and defense why not do the same for offenseas well?" Harry asked rhetorically. "When someone enters my mind, it's easy for me to insert a Trojan virus right back into their head."

"What does it do?" Fleur asked curiously.

"It slowly copies the knowledge and memories of the person. It copies everything it can without taking the risk of being caught," Harry explained with a slightly evil smile. "I'm working on a version that would also give me control of them, but haven't gotten to that point yet."

"That's..." Fleur started, "So amazing."

"I know I am," Harry preened. Fleur rolled her eyes at him and poked him in the side again; causing him to release the air he had been holding in as he puffed up his chest.

"Enough about stuff that's happened at school. I haven't been able to touch you for almost a week," Harry said. He pushed her back onto the bed and slowly kissed her.

"Yes, this is so much better," Fleur whispered.

"What is going on here!?" a voice yelled from the doorway.

Harry and Fleur broke their kiss to see the Head Girl of Beauxbatons standing in the doorway.

"You didn't see anything," Harry commanded while pushing all of his will into the command.

"I didn't see anything," the girl repeated in a monotone voice.

Harry's face morphed into a smirk. "These are not the droids you are looking for," Harry added as he waved his hand.

"These are not the droids I'm looking for," the girl repeated again before turning and walking out of the room. Harry waved his hand at the door, closing it, locking it, and silencing the room.

Harry turned his head to Fleur who had an incredulous look on her face. He continued to smirk as the lights dimmed out and he leaned forward to kiss her.