
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


As he came out of the water quickly Aria ran to him and hugged him tightly, initially cursed himself and rubbed her back. She pushed him back and spoke in anger.

"What the hell Luca? What kind of sick prank was it?

"Calm down Aria, I was just swimming".

"You've been under the lake for more than 30 minutes, you didn't come out for a second".

"No no. I was just in there for 5 minutes".

"Don't fool me Luca. I've been here for 30 minutes".

"No, you're imagining things thats all".

"I can't believe you're lying to me. If you want it this way then it will be this way, good bye".

She turned around to leave but Luca stopped her.

Luca stopped her from leaving and said "Okay fine, I'm telling'you everything. But you have to promise me to keep it a secret".

She nodded her head and he made her sit. He took a deep breath and started speaking.

I'm not a human. I'm a supernatural creature called Werewolf. We can breath under water, it's not like we can breathe underwater but I can hold my breath for a period of time more than humans do. I can here to swim sometimes to get out boredom.

I wasn't going to swim today but you kept long and I was feeling lonely so I decided to swim before you come. Aria got angry "You want me to believe this. I can't believe you are still lying to me.

"l'm not lying to you, I swear".

Luca couldn't tell anyone that he told his secret to Aria or her life could be in danger. Aria went back to home, but she couldn't focus on anything. After dinner she went to bed, she was scared of him. Next morning, Luca had his breakfast and then he left for school.

Paul dropped Aria at school. She ignored Luca all day, he tried to talk to her but she didn't let him. He was feeling really low by the end of the day. He asked Jack to drop him back to his Villa as he wasnt feeling well. Jack dropped him and he went straight to his room.

He laid on his bed and drifted off. Ryker came to check on his brother, he was worried. He knew something was off about him. He wasn't eating well, he wasn't like he does if he's bored , he didnt talk much.He sat at the edge of the bed, Luca was in deep sleep.

Ryker put his hand on his forehead and realized that he had fever. He quickly called the pack doctor for him to come and check up on Luca. The Doctor examined hima and said "he's stressed aboutsomething, something is bothering him. Let him sleep. He will feel better by the morning.

Ryker nodded, the doctor bowed his head and left. A few days passed by, Aria daily attended school but Luca didn't come. She was still afraid of him, but she missed him more. She didn't have any ways to contact him. She went to Jack and asked him.

"Hey! Can l ask you something?

Jack replied "sure, What's up?""Why isn't Luca coming to school?"

Jack replied "He has been sick for a few days, that's why. I went to meet him. He's pale and he got a bit thin. I don't know what's wrong with him, but he's not good. Saying that Jack left for his class and

Aria was feeling guilty. She knew it was her fault that he's sick. She made up her mind that she will visit the lake after school, hoping to find Luca there. After school, she went to the lake. She saw Luca was sitting on the ground. Jack was right, is skin was pale and he was thin.

He looked like a mess, guilt washed over her as she quickiy run to him and hugged him from behind.

"I'm so sorry for being a total brat. Please forgive me. I hurt you so much. I'm so so sorry, but I promise l won't do anything like this ever again. Luca smiled at her apology, he turned around and pulled her to his chest. He kissed the top of her head and spoke.

"It's okay, everything is fine don't cry". They stayed like this for a while then they both returned back to their homes. Luca went back and asked her mom for dinner. He felt hungry. Marie smiled and gave him pasta to eat. He felt a lot better after meeting Aria, though he wanted to see her after but he went back to his room after dinner.

He tried for hours to fall asleep but he couldn't. He was missing his Aria. He got up from his bed and looked out of his window. He wanted to see her now. It was 2 in the morning when he opened his window and jumped out. He went to the Hunt's Villa to see her. It was late but he couldn't help it.

He hoped for her to be awake as he climbed up and entered her room through her window. She told him before about her room. It was easy to get into her room without getting noticed. Aria came out of the bathroom, only in her bathrobe. She was humming a song, suddenly someone grabbed her and rushed her to the bed.

She came out of the shock when she noticed it was Luca who pinned her to the bed. They both stared at each other and Luca started leaning in. He pinned Aria on her bed, her heart was jumping in her ribcage, Luca leaned in and pecked her lips. He smirked when he noticed her checks turned red.

He intertwined his fingers with hers and kissed her. He bit her lower lip asking for entrance. She parted her lips and his tongue slid into her mouth. Her mouth tasted like chocolates. He broke the kiss and licked her saliva from her lips, Aria opened her eyes to look at him. It was her first kiss and she was glad it was with Luca.

He grabbed her by her hips and with a swing she was on top of him. Luca wrapped his arms around her waist protectively. She put her head on bis chest, listening to the sweet beat of his heart then she got up and Luca gave her a questioning look. She smiled shyly and said.

"I need to wear something".

Luca chuckled lightly as she ran into her closet. She came back in 5 minutes, wearing a long loose shirt that reached to her upper thighs, She crawled into bed with Luca he held her small figure tightly and she put her head on his chest. Luca played with her long black golden hair and said

"was that your first kiss?"


"How was it?"

She raised her head to look in his eyes and then she spoke with a shy smile on her lips.