
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

kiss on the cheeks

It was the break period, they both were sitting in the cafeteria together. Luca pushed a lockof hair behind her ear and she blushed hard. Smiling shyly, she looked in the other direction to distract herself. Luca knew his effects on her. She looked more cute while blushing.

He noticed everyone was looking at his Aria, he angrily got up and yelled at everyone around him.

"What? If you're hungry then eat

something eatable, she's off limits".

Now stop staring at her or I swear to God you all will be blind by tomorrow. Aria smiled at his over protectiveness, he was acting like her father, protective and possessive. He sat back down and spoke.

After shouting at everyone he sat down and asked her "What are you doing today after school"Aria replied " I don't know, I have homework and test preparation.

"Is that's all?"

"Yes" She replied

Luca suggested "Okay then, I'll drop you back to your Villa. And we'll meet at the lake side in an hour again. I will help you with your test and the homework. Then we will have some fun together. What do you say?"

"I don't know Luca".

"What, say yes" Luca said

Aria wanted to spend more time with him but she needed her Aunt and uncle permission "I can't say yes before asking my uncle or aunt.

Luca understood "then call them now and ask them"."l can leave a message, aunt will

reply as she will see it". Aria messaged Catherine and she replied back in a minute. She permitted Aria to go with Luca. Aria happily told Luca whose smile was wider than before.

After school, he dropped her back to the Villa. She got in and went straight to her room. She took a quick shower and changed into an orange Summer dress that reached to her mid thighs. She wore her pumps and went downstairs. She was looking pretty.

Catherine served her some snacks, she had it. After a bit of time, she pulled her bag Over her shoulder, bid her goodbyes and went to the woods. She reached the lake side in 20 minutes, but Luca was nowhere to be found. She put her bag on the ground and enjoyed the nature and beauty around her.

She was carving the wood of a tree when she felt hot breaths on the nape of her neck. She panicked and tried to turn around but whoever it was, they were a lot more stronger than her.

She couldn't move an inch. Her heartbeat rose, tears blurred her vision as she sobbed quietly and prayed to God for Luca's

arrival. She knew he would save her.scared and crying. Seeing Luca, she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck. He felt bad for scaring her like that.

He sat on the ground with Ocean on his lap. She kept crying and Luca rubbed her back soothingly She buried her face in the nape of his neck, inhaling his scent. It calmed her down, he smiled, knowing his effects on her. He pecked her forehead and she stopped crying.

He rubbed the tip of his nose on her cheek, her cheeks turned pink along with her nose.

She was blushing. Aria had never been with a guy before, Luca was the very first guy in her life. She put her head on his shoulder and Luca inhaled deeply. He was happy that finaliy he was with his Aria.

He cupped her face and wiped her tears by his thumbs. They both stayed like this for a while. Then Luca made her sit on the ground and went to pick up their bags. He returned with both bags and they spent the next few hours doing homework and preparing for their tests.

Luca was attending all of his classes now,

principal Cole was really happy seeing this. After when they were done with their studies, they both sat together, talking to each other. It was getting dark, Luca walked with Aria as he didn't want her to get in any sort of trouble. It was a forest and it was getting dark.

They walked back, Aria waved at him and turned around to leave but stopped in her tracks. She turned back to Luca and went close to him, he had a questioning look on his face as he didn't understand why she

came back. Luca froze and his mouth hung open when Aria pecked his cheek and ran back to the Villa.

He touched the spot with the tip of his fingers where Aria pecked him. He smiled and went back to his Villa. Paul saw the way Aria behaved with Luca. She came in and greeted Paul and Catherine. He was happy to see his niece smiling like she used to smile, before her parents died. Aria had her dinner and then she went back to her room.

She changed into a loose shirt and laid down on her bed. With all the events with Luca, she drifted off. Luca's heart was beating so fast when he reached his Villa.

Ryker noticed that, and asked him the reason. Luca brushed it off and went to his room.

He didn't eat anything and went to bed Hewanted to see her again, but that could only happen in the morning. Next morning Luca woke up all fresh. He took a quick shower and changed into Black jeans and gray t-shirt. He went downstairs and had his breakfast. Ryker was getting worried about his behavior.

Luca used to wait for his brother and whenever he visited, they used to spend a lot of time together. But this time he was barely talking to Ryker. Luca bid his goodbyes and went to his car. Ryker asked his mother in curiosity.

"What is going on with him?"

Marie replied "What do you mean?"

"Why is he acting like this? ls everything okay?"

Marie replied "Everything's fine dear. Your brother has a girifriend now"."Wait what?"

Luca eached first at the lake and was waiting for Aria. He was getting bored, so he decided to swim in the lake. He stripped off his clothes and jumped in the water. Aria just heard a splash, like someone jumped in the water. She reached the lake side.

She saw Luca's clothes but he wasn't there. She sat on the ground, knowing that he must be in the lake, swimming. Time passed by but he didn't come out. Aria got worried but she couldn't do anything, she didn't know how to swim.

She panicked and started calling him. At first Luca heard nothing, but then she screamed his name and it made its way to Luca's ears. He quickly came out.