
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Their plan

Aria woke up the next morning bright and early. She went to the bath room, took a quick shower and changed in a blue jeans and red floral top. She went downstairs and enjoyed her breakfast with Paul and Catherine.

After breakfast Paul and Catherine left for shopping and Aria too went to the garden. She was watering the plants when the twins came from behind. They nicely asked her to join them for adventure. They told her that they wanted to take her to the forest. And Aria agreed excitedly, she loved that forest.

She felt something was weird but she brushed it off and went with her cousins.

While on their way to the forest, the twins apologized for their behavior with Aria in the past.She was happy that firnally they realized and she forgave them. The twins took her to the lake. It took a bit of time for Aria to recognize the place but she

remembered it.

This was the same lake years ago where she saved a small fish. The lake was beautiful, just like she witnessed years ago. It was deep as well. Lilian took Aria close to the lake and told her to look for all the beautiful fishes swimming in the lake.

Aria was happily admiring the view when suddenly, her feet tipped and she fell in the lake. That's what Aria thought but in reality Lilian pushed her in the lake. Laughing hysterically, She left with her sister Lily who also join the laugh.

They didn't even look back at Aria once. She didn't know how to swim, she tried her best to keep her head above the surface of the water but it was getting hard and she was sinking down. She gathered everything she had left, went above the surface and screamed for help as loud as she could.

She closed her eyes and darkness enveloped her. Luca was also coincidently up early as well, he didn't eat anything but left to swim in the lake. He was close when a familiar scent hit his nostrils. He inhaled deeply.

He was enjoying the sweet smell of vanilla and roses when a scream made its way to his ears. It was a familiar voice. He quickly ran towards the lake. As he reached he saw Aria sinking down into the water. He quickly ran and jumped in the lake. He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her out of the water.

She was unconscious. Her pulses were weak and she was pale. Luca pumped her chest and kept praying . It took a minute or two, and opened her eyes and with a loud gasp she threw up the water in her stomach along with the breakfast she had a few hours ago.

She was coughing hard when she sat up, with Luca who was rubbing her back soothingly. She looked at him and suddenly she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Luca froze for a few seconds then quickly he wrapped his arms around her waist and they both hugged each other tightly. Aria felt her pulses went normal and she pulled away.

Luca cupped her face and caress her cheeks with his thumbs. Silently they both stared into each other's eyes. Luca flashed her a sexy smile and her cheeks turned pink along with her nose. he found it adorable the way she blushed. Seeing her reaction he laughed.

She smiled at him but suddenly her smile fell and her eyes welled up. Luca got even to her and whispered softly.

"What is it? tell me".

Aria replied "I hurt you yesterday, didn't I?"

"Hey?". Luca kissed the top of her nose softly and then spoke. "You can never hurt me, don't you dare think like this".

Aria apologize "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you l was...".

She couldri't complete her sentence as Luca placed his index finger on her lips and spoke.

"If you try to apologize to me ever again I will make sure to kiss you hard enough that you won't be able to breath for a good minute".

Aria's eyes widened as those words made its way to her ears. She wasn't expecting that kind of answer. Her cheeks turned red, she was blushing hard, narrowed her eyes. Luca smiled and sat besides her and said.

"Hey, were you running away from me? Did I scare you?"

Aria replied truthfully "You did! I was scared of you".

"Are you still scared?"

Aria replied "No, not anymore".

Luca asked again "why were you scared of me?

"The way you talk to Lily and shut her off, I got scared of that because It's not asy to shut her up".

Luca looked at her and raised his eyebrows"ls that so?"

"Yes" She said with a smile that made her dimples get deeper than before and Luca controlled himself from kissing her. She has visible dimples and whenever she smiles the dimples get deeper on her cheeks.

He tore his gaze away from her face, he didn't want to scare her again. He wanted to be close to her.

"So why aren't you still scared of me now?" he asked

"Because you just saved my life, I can't bring myself to hate my saviour". Aria replied as well, She said, changing the subject.

"You don't know how to swim?" Luca smiled

"No, we had a pool in our Villa back in New York City. But when I was born, my dad turned it into a playground. He never allowed me to getinto the water.

"Why so?"

Aria replied "l don't know, I never even asked him. But I guess, he was just afraid that he'd lose me.

"He must have loved you so much". Luca said admiring his fatherly love.

"Yeah, he did". The latter replied

I'm so sorry about your parents". Luca suddenly said

"Thank you". Aria said

"So I was thinking, as you're not scared of me anymore and you aren't like your bratty cousins. Can we be friends?" He suggested

"Yeah, sure". Aria happily accepted him.

"I'm allowed to annoy you too?" He joked

"Haha! Yes sure you can. I won't

mind at all". Aria said

"Okay then, come with me".

"where to?" She asked

"You're all socked, you'll get sick. Come with me and I'll get you some dry clothes."I don't know". She timidly said

"Are you worried that I might lose my control and try to seduce you". Luca teased her

"Shut up". aAria said as her face suddenly became hot.

You look cuter while angry. Anyways, I'm not gonna try anything. I'm just trying to help my new friend and I don't want her to fall sick. If you're not comfortable with that, I can bring you some clothes here. I don't live too far, it will take 5 minutes only.

"Okay, I can work with that". She agreed.

"Okay then, I'll be back in a few minutes and you stay away from water.

Aria smiled at the care and concern he showed to her she sat down on the ground.