
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

7 years ago

Luca went back home. He didn't eat anything, since he came back home, he just locked himself in his room. At the time of dinner, Marie Morris, Luca's mother sent a maid to called him for dinner but he replied he ain't hungry.

Marie got worried and went to his room. He was sitting at the edge of the bed, arms around his legs. He was looking at the dark forest from his wide window. He was so deep in his thoughts thạt he didn't even noticed his mother entering. Marie sat besides Luca and rubbed his back lovingly.

Luca looked at her and forced a smile on his face. He laid down and put his head in her lap. Marie was sure that something was troubling her son. She asked him.

"What's troubling my dear son so much that he's so lost and sad"? Luca started pouring everything out on front of his mom "It's a girl mom".

Marie was suprise that his son has taken interest in a girl "she must be so so special that she has effected you this much".

He nodded his head and responded "She is Mom. She sweet, she's cute, she's innocent, she's stunning and I love the way her dimples get deeper when she smiles". He continued to sing prises on Aria.

Marie was amused "Slow down, who is she? Now I'm more curious, no one's effected you this much ever before". But he wasn't ready to say more yet and simply put "when you meet her, you'll say the same".

But then Marie remembered something "Okay but wait, This feels like a deja vu to me. Are we talking about the same girl 7 years back or it's someone else"? Luca looked at his mom's face and cleared something "mom, I might be a bad boy but I'm not a play boy. It's the same girl".

Marie wanted to know more about the girl who can make her son's day go bad like that "what's her name?

Luca replied "Aria Hunt".

Marie nooded bhet head and asked more "is she Paul Hunt's daughter?

Luca hurriedly replied "no, she's not a brat like them and also her parents died 2 weeks ago. Marie was taken aback, she didn't expect that coming "That's so bad".

"Yeah, mom I don't know why, but she's running away from me. She doesn't even look at me. If she does, I smell fear from her.

Marie asked his son upon hearing what he said thinking that he might have done something for her to fear him "what did you do"?

Luca replied "random stuff mom, like I do to all the new students. Marie saw more to it "looks like she took it a lot more serious than it was. Your random joke might have scared her.

Luca became scared that the girl might continue to fear him "No no no mom. That can't happened. I didn't know. Please help me mom".

Marie saw this and suggested a solution, "why don't you just talk to her? Tell her it was just a joke".

Luca was impressed that he didn't think about that "you're right. I'll talk to her on Monday. Even better, I'll apologise to her".

Maria: I thought my Luca never


"Yeah, but for her I can kiss her toes.Marie was suprise to see the change in attitude of his arrogant son, "that's a new Luca for me, ready to change for the girl he like. Now come on, everyone's waiting".

Luca got up and asked "what's for dinner"?

Marie replied "roasted lamb, I Know you will like it so I prepared it to suit your taste".

"I love you mom". Luca said

"I love you too my baby boy". The mother and son due hugged each other.

Luca had his dinner with his family. After dinner, he went back to his room. He was lying on the bed when Aria's memories made it's way to his mind.

7 years ago

Luca was swimming in the lake because it was a sunny day and he wanted to relax his muscles after a long run, when the twin girls tricked a fish and and got it out of the lake. Until moon could reach it, the fish was already out.

It was fighting for it's life and those those two brats were enjoying it. Luca wasn't allowed to show himself to the others like that especially not these brats. He was watching it, slowly dying, helplessly.

Then another girl came to that fish. He looked at her she was so pure like river water. He thought she would do the same as those twin brats were doing, but she didn't. She quickly grabbed the fish and threw it back into the lake.

She was biting her lower lip in nervousness, in a minute fish started to move and it Swam back to depth. She smiled cheekily. The dimples on her cheeks got deeper as she smiled. She stayed there for a minute or two then left. Luca carefully followed her every where.

But as the sun started to settle down, She left with her family, He recognized her family, he knew them. But he never had seen that beautiful girl before. Luca went back to his home. She was humming a song all day. Her sweet voice was sweeter than a bird.

He closed his eyes, the sweet humming became his lullaby and he drifted off. Next day, he woke up early and left. He wanted to see her again, but she was leaving. They had drove off and Luca started to follow the car on foot. The car picked up the speed and so did

He then decided to hit the car. He ran faster and hit it. He was a kid and it hurt so bad. But he didn't care. All he cared about to see her one last time before she'll be gone for God knows how long. Her parents stepped out of the car, they were yelling at each other.

Then they looked for anyone or anything they might have hurt. They said something that troubled him because he thought he was never going to see that angel again.Her father angrily said "Aria is never coming back here,


It rang through his head that day until he came home. By the time he moved to stop them, they were gone. Luca went back to his

home, he was crying and didn't eat anything the whole day. His mother asked and he told her everything about the girl.

Marie comforted him Shhh??. It's okay son. "If she belongs to you then she'll come back. The destiny will bring her back to you".