
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

late parents

Fine he said. Luca yelled and left for the principal's office. The assistant we went to the ladies room. He found Aria. She was sitting on the floor, hugging her knees, she was crying. He went to her side and asked her.

"Are you okay? What's your name?"

Aria looked up and replied "Aria Hunt"

The assistant and was suprise "Ah?? the brilliant one I was told about. That she'll be joining today. It's a pleasure to finally meet you".

Aria nodded in agreement.

The assistant continued to ask her "why are you crying? Aria hesitated first but then told

everything to the assistant. He fumed in anger upon. Hearing what the professor did he wasn't surprised but angry. It was habitual of Mr Mitch. He never reads the student's profile and judges them without knowing them.

The assistant want close and comforted her "Miss Hunt. We need to meet the principal.

Aria looked up again and asked "why? I didn't do anything"

He replied "No no, you haven't done anything but Mr Mitch is in a lot more trouble then he can imagine".

she asked "Why?"

The assistant didn't say more and just said "you'll see. Now get up and wash your face. We are going to the principal's office".

"Okay". She agreed Aria washed her face and the assistant took her to the principal's office. As they reached closer, they heard yelling. He opened the office door and

held it for Aria to enter. Mr Mitch was trying so hard not to yell louder than Luca, but couldn't.

Professor Mitch angrily said "He's lying principal Cole. As he was about to say more the assistant interrupted him pardon me Mr. Cole but Miss Hunt here told me the exact same story as Mr Morris here telling us. It's Mr Mitch who's lying. Mr Mitch ignored the student's profile again. He didn't read it and insulted Miss Hunt without knowing her.

Principal Cole bacame angry "not again Mr Mitch". The assistant continued he didn't just insulted Miss Hunt in front of the class but also gave his stupid rermarks over Miss Hunt's beloved late parents.

Professor Mitch was suprise "what do you mean by late?

The assistant looked at him and sneered "I think late in my sentence meant that they are no longer alive".

Principal Albert turn to the Old man and said "you are a bad news to everyone. Do you have any idea what you have done? Mr and Mrs Hunt died in a plane crash 2 weeks ago and if we're talking about Miss Hunt here, she's a very brilliant student".

Professor Mitch was embarassed and said "I didn't know Sir".

The assistant also retorted "you would have known if you had read the student's profile you were provided with by the school". Pincipal Cole turned to Luca and said Mr. Morris please take Miss Hunt back to the class.

"Yes sir? Luca hurriedly replied.

Aria expressed her gratitude "thank you but I can go by myself. She got out of the principal's office and Luca followed her behind. He smiled saw the fear in her while following her. She was afraid of him. But why? He thought. He didn't follow her anyrnore.

Aria went back to her class and Luca went to the school's garden. He sat under the shade of a tree, thinking about Aria. He was expecting a smiling as he had seen the same cute girl 7 years ago. He didn't know what happened to her. And he could see was sorrows and pains in her eyes.

He didnt know the reason until he heard everything in the principal's office. Death of her parents was the reason behind her dim eyes. He wanted to do something to make her feel better but didn't know what to do. Till now, girls had kissed my toes, followed and wanted to be with me.

And here came this girl Aria God she's making me crazy. In the middle of his thoughts his friend Jack came "dude, are you planning to stay here the whole day"?

Luca looked at Jack and replied 'I'm not taking any else classes man".

Jack looked at the boring face of his friend and asked with a surprise but curious gaze "Are you okay"?

"Yeah why ? What's wrong"?

Jack looked at him more and replied "What time is it"? Luca replied without looking at the time "10am maybe 10:30am"

Jack wanted to laugh at his friend but he held it "Check your watch dude,.."

Luca looked at his watch with an annoyed look but in a second his expressions changed when he realize what Jack was trying to say. It was 4:30pm. He was confused. It never happened to him before. He got up and started walking to the school's main gate.

Jack called him many times but he didn't listen. Jack ran to him and patted his shoulder. Jack asked him "dude, what are you doing"?

He replied "Going home".

Jack was beyond shock and suprise he didn't understand why his friend was behaving lost today "On foot, dude you have a car "he went to his car feeling more annoyed. He was unlocking his car when a familiar scent hit his nostrils.

He looked around and found Aria standing near a car. She was smiling, he looked at her smiling face and a smile made its way to his lips. "Aria has a really gorgeous smile."

He thought.

Aria not standing far hfelt someone's staring at her, she looked around and found Luca

drooling over her with a sexy smile on his face. Her heart skipped a beat."Stupid heart." She thought. "I'm not interested in him, I'm running away from him. Then why?

Stupid heart." She quickly hopped into the car and locked the door. Paul thought she might be tired or hungry or maybe both, he drove off fast. She caught a site of Luca,

who's smiling face was suddenly sad his shining eyes were dim. It squeezed her heart and she felt bad.

She knew, she was the reason of his sad face. She tried to brush off the thoughts but she couldn't. Her tongue started to move

itself and she asked a question to Paul which she wasn't expecting!

"What if I feel like l'm the reason

of someone's pain? What should I do"?

Paul looked at his niece and replied "I don't think you can hurt anyone. But if you have and you think you're the reason of someone's pain or tears. Then go talk to them, clear things up, apologise".

She nooded and asked more "what if they won't forgive me"?

Paul replied "If you will apologise pure heartedly then they will surely forgive you".