
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Green eyes

"You are always to home dear"Catherine said.

After a short conversation Aria and her parents bid their goodbyes and left for the airport. They had a highway to cross first. Aria had a great time, she enjoyed her visit as always but the most she enjoyed her is the time in the forest.

She wanted to spend some more time in the forest but she had to leave for school. Aria poked out, enjoying the scenery in front of her. Suddenly she saw someone following the car on foot. Her father always drives faster than the limit how can this be possible.

She thought it must be an illusion. Who can follow this fast car on foot?

She looked again but nothing was there. She sighed in relief and leaned back on theseat. She put earphones and playedn her favorite song on her music player. She closed her eyes and inhaled the crispy fresh forest air.

Suddenly, she felt as if their car hit something and the Wather hit the breaks as hard as he could. Laura and Carl got out of the car and looked around.

What did we hit Carl? Laura asked. Carl replied nothing dear, can you see anything here? But Laura protested looked at the car Carl it's obvious that it did bump into something. But Carl still said that It's nothing.

As Laura turned she gapsed at what she saw oh my God Carl, there is blood on the road and it's fresh. Carl looked at her confused but nobody is here. I told you not to speed up but you never listen to me. Laura scolded him.

Aria was sitting silently in the car when she heard her parents voice from a distance. She sighed in relief that now they will leave this creepy place. They weren't late for their flight.

The feeling of being watched was still there. She looked around then locked all the car doors. Her parents came out of the dark woods. They were still arguing. Carl was Irritated that his wife wasn't listening to him

"Look honey you're being worried for nothing. That blood doesn't look that fresh". Of course it's fresh. Don't teach me that I'm a doctor, I know these things more that you do. You're overreacting Laura.

Laura looked around as if she was looking for something or someone. Carl do you see anything or anyone around here? We need to look around. Maybe someone needs our help.

We can't just Leave. At least I'm not leaving until I'd sure that we didn't hit anything or anyone. Okay fine Let's go. Carl followed his wife obediently.

Aria sitting in the car heard the whole argument. Her parents disappeared into the woods and she stayed in the car. She sat quietly in the car. She again felt that she's being watched. She looked through the car's windows but no one was there.

She tried as if the thing vanished. The only thing she could see were those beautiful eyes. She opened the car and got out. She stood at her place for a minute, then she started to move in the direction of those eyes she was seeing.

Aria was alone again. She felt again that someone was watching her. She looked around and back to those beautiful orbs again and to her surprise, she actually saw something, actually someone. She focused on the element she saw. She saw two shining green eyes, sparkling like two stars in the dark forest.

She felt the world around her starfied to turn dark. Slowly, everything Her brain completely shut down and her legs were obeying those eyes. Slowly she walked towards the forest and in that moment, she felt nothing but the urge to get closer to those green orbs.

Laura and Carl came back as they saw the car door was open and Aria wasn't in the çar. They looked around and found her walking

toward the forest. She was almost in the woods.

They called her a few times but she didn't even stop she kept walking. Carl ran towards her and grabbed her by her elbow. Her eyes were pitch black she wasn't herself is like she was sleepwalking. Her father grabbed her face but there was no response from her.

Then he grabbed her by the

arms and shook her body that's when

she lookad at her father. She was

confused. All she could remember was she fell asleep.

She looked at her dad with a confused gaze and asked him How did i get here dad he was shocked and replied "What do you mean? Why did you get out of the car? I was in the car daddy. I don't know how got here.

He angrily resorted "That's it. This place is freaking cozy and creepy. We are leaving, right now Laura made an attempt to speak "but Carl.

And he said to her "No more buts now get in the car both of you else you both are going to regret it".

Ariah was about to talk But daddy, I swear l don't know how l got out of the ca. Laura asked her "baby, have you seen someone?"

"No Mommy I as in the car" she said.Then I locked it as you both went into the

woods. Then next l was standing in the


Carl was frightened by her explainationband couldn't imagine what would have happened if they hadn't return early Enough! Both of you IN THE CAR RIGHT NOW. We are not staying any

Ionger in this creepy place.

Laura also said to her husband Carl why are yo yeling at us please calm down

"Calm down Really. I told you both,

warned you not to go into this stupid

creepy forest, You both didn't listen to

me. Now all this is happening why can't you just listen to me for crying out loud.

They all sat in the car Aria's eyes were welled with tears.

Carl told his wife and daughter "Aria is never coming back her, EVER". Mark my words. Truly Aria never came back to New Orleans again.

Seven years later

Aria came back home after a long,

tiring day at school. She was excited to

see her parents. They were out in the

Country for some business deal!

Oh Mr. and Mrs. Hunt ordered, the whole house was to be decorated. Her Nanny informed her as she headed to her room

Aria was feeling happy despite her tiredness "It's my birthday and they will be back tomorrow hope I hope they won't back down on their word". She told herself

She went to her nanny Tara and asked her.

Hey Tara. Did they tell you when they will be be here?