
Loved by the hybrid

Aria visited her uncle and Aunt in new Orleans city but something unexpected happened which her parents banned her never to return again. Years later on her birthday she was meet with the most shocking news of her life. Her mom and dad has died in a plane crash. What happened next when her uncle came for her and took her to the same city her parents banned her never to return to. She meet Luca Morris the alpha family's adopted son who is more to what he is but doesn't he is a hybrid. ..... What is your name?? "Aria, Aria Hunt" "Ha!" Another brat Hunt

Happy_418 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

A visit

It was still dark, Aria was sleeping peacefully in the back seat of her parents car. Her father, Carl Hunt was driving the car and her mother Laura was a conversation with him.

"Honey you know that Marie doesn't feel comfortable around those twins right.

Carl replied to her "come on sweetie, They aren't that bad you know she will one day get along well with them if not now". Laura replied again "tell that to your beloved daughter yourself I have been trying to convince her to accept but but she doesn't listen to me".

She told me that it's her condition to visit Paul and that she will has to get her private room. She's not gonna share a room with her twin cousins".

Carl replied again okay fine. I'll tell Paul and his wife to arrange a room for you. "Thank you Daddy you are the best". Aria said with a big smile on her face.

She said as she leaned back to her seat. Aria hunt is the only child of Laura and Carl Hunt. She's 10 years old, she's a very smart, sweet, cute and very obedient child. Summer vacations were about to end Aria and her parents were visiting Carl's younger brother Paul Knight.

Paul live in New Orleans and Carl lived in New York City. Marie loves her uncle and Aunt, but their two bratty daughters, they were the worst nightmare for Aria. They always find ways and means to trouble her.

To skip the long drive journey Aria slept in the car when they were almost there Carl said to his wife "wake her up honey, we're almost here.

Laura tapped on Aria's shoulder to Wake her up "wake up baby we are almost there". It took her a minute to understand her surroundings.

Aria woke up from her sleep and streached herself yeah! Can we go to the woods please? I wanna see the rising sun. Aria said to her parents and Carl replied "No baby! Uncle Paul is waiting for us and your Aunt made you lots of cookies. Do you wanna Miss that? But daddy... no buts baby we have already talked about this.

Fine Aria replied as she leaned back in her seat. After some few minutes they reached their destination. Carl parked the car and Aria was the first one to step out followed by Laura. Immediately she stepped out she noticed her uncle Paul he called her and she ran to him.

Paul knelt down on the ground, and pulled his niece in a long embrace. Aria is the youngest child of the family. She was born 3 years after her parents wedding. Because of her obedient and loving behavior, everyone loves her more than ber cousins.

" I've missed you so much my little niece." Paul said as he embrace Aria in a tight hug

"I've missed you too uncle Paul". She replied

Really, I thought you might have forgotten your uncle. No... How can I forget my uncle I never forgot you. Just like that they were having a short conversation and Paul's wife Catherine came.

Darling, you're not the only one here. Come come hug me too baby girl. Paul's wife, Catherine said as she embraced Aria. After the had embrace themselves enough Paul helped his brother with the luggage.

Catherine Invited everyone in the Villa, They all made their way to the dining room. Aria gasped as she looked at the table, which was full of all her favorite baked goods. Catherine loved baking and every time Aria visited them, will baked her a lot of things.

Catherine looked that at the girl drooling over the cakes she baked and said "I didn't know what you would like to eat, so baked a low things you like most, tell me how it tastes?

Aria took a big bite of chocolate chip cookies and moaned. "Mmmmm it's amazing Aunt thank you so much".

Catherine sat beside Aria and they had breakfast together after a long time. After they finished, they all went to their rooms. As promised, Carl ask Paul if Aria can get her seperate room and Paul didn't hesitated to arrange a room for his niece.

When she got her room she felt happy that she didn't had to share the room with her evil cousins, Lily and Lilian, Paul helped Aria to unpack her stuff, after an hour of unpacking she left her room and went out to play with her doll in the garden.

She wanted to go to the forest behind her uncle's Villa She always wanted to see that forest but her father never allowed her, saying it's not safe for her to go into that dark forest. Carl always feared that forest, but his daughter loved it.

Aria was playing peacefully when her evil twins cousins came and Lilian took her doll from her hands. Give it back to me please! Aria requested her doll back. "Come and get it". Lillian made fun of her

Aria stepped forward to get her doll back but instead of giving her doll back, they threw it in mud. Laughing happily to the work they have done, the twins left Marie with her doll. She picked up her doll and went to her room.

She bathed her doll. She put the doll on the bed and sat beside it. There was a window above her bed's head. She sat with the window, looking at the forest. She has seen so many woods and forests in New York City, but this forest, it was something else. Like it has so many mysteries hidden deep inside which always invit her to find these mystery.

It was the weekend and second last day of Aria and her parents holidays in New Orleans. After that they will be leaving for New York City. Aria secretly requested Paul to set up a picnic in the forest. Which he gladly did.

The twins didn't like the idea, but Paul said Aria visits them once a year. So it's her time to enjoy the way she wants. Twins were playing together but Aria chose to play alone. Walking here and there, looking at trees and flowers, Aria was enjoying the serene environment.

In a while she heard the evil laughter of her cousins. She followed the direction, voices were coming from. She gasped at the scenery in front of her, It was like a piece of heaven on earth, It was a beautiful and crystal clear lake.

Seeing her there, her cousins left. She came close to see what they were doing. It was a fish that they had brought out of the water, and they left it on the ground to die. She quickly grabbed the fish and ran to the lake and gently left it in the lake.

It took a few seconds, and the fish started swimming again. Aria's lips curled up in a cute smile. She stayed there for a minute or two and went back to the picnic spot.

Catherine asked her if she did enjoy her time here? Aria replied Yes. Thank you Uncle Paul and Aunt Catherine I did enjoy this stay a lot.

You are welcome dear this place has always been your second home Paul said. When you visit next, we'll go to the forest again, okay?