

R18+ - Mature Content. ********* Cassie falls for the baddest boy in town , Blaze Bloom. He's a rockstar and a typical bad boy , while she's just a regular teenage girl. Things between them get hot and steamy till it all turns sour. Cassie gets heartbroken and thinks her world is over until she met him... The trillionaire CEO. ************ This book is currently ongoing for the Webnovel Spirity Awards. Your votes , comments and gifts will be highly appreciated.

Megan_Immanuella · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

5 - First Date.

Cassie held her clutch purse as she stood under the bright streetlight in front of their agreed meeting point. She knew that an evening gown would have been more appropriate as customary first dates where, Cassie felt that since he sprung this on her , she would dress how she wanted in a way that would be comfortable to her.

She was wearing a red cropped top that fell just below her shoulders and stopped above her belly button. Since she had her ears pierced a few years ago , she wore three golden coated ear pins that shone and dangled from her ear. Clothing her legs were a pair of black jeans, hugging her figure giving her the perfect body shape. She didn't wear heels but settled for low stubbed boots . They have more comfort than any heel she could have worn and at the same time were gorgeous.

Cassie looked at her phone anxiously. It was already 12:50 and Blaze was still no where to be seen. She felt he was teasing her and had already begun to dislike him when she heard a revving sound approaching from a distance. Peering her eyes into the accustomed darkness, a bright headlight shone and she shielded them. When she lowered her hand , She saw that it was Blaze. He had gotten a haircut. His two tone hair worked well as it was very appealing. His shaggy black hair was shaved into an undercut,revealing blond hair on the sides making him have that rough-around-the-edges kind of look as his style reflected it. He had a facial tattoo underneath left eye and his pierced eyebrows as a ring was handsomely fitted in to the one he was raising suggestively at her. He hadn't come with a car. No , he had also decided to go against the typical-first date more of transportation. Blaze was sitting atop a Black Harley , his muscles were bunched out as he revved the handles and Cassie almost blushed remembering that they were exactly the same way when he got down beneath her thighs.

Instead of keeping an impassive smile , she said to him frostily. "You're late."

"I like to make an entrance." He replied seductively and Cassie wished she could have that mouth he was using to speak kissing her all over. "Hop on." She heard him say and she glided across the street and sat behind him.

"Don't we need helmets? Like for safety?" She asked as he started up the beast and it made harsh motions.

"What's the need of safety helmets when you've got me?" Blaze looked at her intently and she felt warm all over. "Just hold on tight."

"What if we go through some sharp turns or..."

"Then hold on tighter!" He smiled , as the Harley shot to great speed zooming through the near empty streets. Cassie clutched to him in fear as she had never done this before and he laughed. The way he swerved expertly at every upcoming turn and corner, Cassie knew she was on the hands of an expert and knew there was no need to worry. She let herself relax and enjoy the beautiful sights of the city. She had never been out this late before but now she understood the saying that night was beautiful. From her apartment , one would think that at night the world was dead and every one asleep as silence reigned supreme, but as she held on to Blaze , her jet black hair billowing in the wind , she knew the city of Crystal Lake was alive and beating, cars driving past as music boomed from every corner .

And Cassie was grateful to at last be a part of it.


The classy beast came to a stop at one of the most popular night club in all of Crystal Lake. It was called the Blue Silver and was frequented mostly by rich guys with money to burn and with their arm candies or celebrities looking for a good time.Regular people could get in too but that queue always took forever.

Blaze came off the motorcycle and helped her up, putting his hands around her waist and through this he got a whiff of the scent of her hand. He ran his hands upwards till it rested on her boobs. He clasped her to herself and squeezed them tenderly and Cassie groaned. "You have to stop that. Someone might see us."

"Who cares?" He whispered in her ear , his breath mocking her. "Anyone that sees us can go mind their Fucking business. And besides Cass You look good enough to eat. How can I resist?"

After planting a kiss on her nape, Blaze took her hand and led her to the entrance of the club where a number people where lined up, just waiting to get in. Cassie was preparing to wait when she and Blaze edged past the onlookers and headed straight to the bouncer.

The big man grinned as he and Blaze exchanged glances and then handshakes. "Hey Blaze. Another night on the town?"

"You know it." He replied casually with one hand in his pocket and the other holding Cass.

"My little girl's obsessed with you. Could I get a quick picture for her sweet sixteen?"

Blaze smiled as he let go of Cassie's hand and placed his hand around the man. "Happy to Oblige bro."

After taking a few pictures, the big man thanked Blaze profusely and let them go in and Cassie could not believe that she was in the Blue Silver! A number of people were in the dimly lit room, men and ladies gyrating their hips to the tune of the music. Blaze exchanged greetings as many men paused long enough to run their eyes through Cassie's delectable body Who was standing away.

He took her to the bar and ordered a Whiskey. Cassie ordered a club soda and they both made their way to an executive lounge and sat down, and were later joined by another people who all crowded around Blaze and soon Cassie was edged out of the group.

Not having anything to do , she decided to head back to the bar and get more soda for herself. On her way back , she accidentally bumped into a man who wanted to get by her and spilled some soda on his suit. She looked up and her eyes met with his deep blue eyes. He was wearing an Armani suit and his hair fell in an attractive fashion that depicted the cool , clean cut of a businessman. Holding on to his arm was a girl with artificially dyed pink hair and humongous breast looking at her harshly.

"I'm so sorry." She blurted out. "I wasn't watching...

"You should be sorry." Miss Pink Hair shouted at her. "You spilled you stupid drink all over him!"

"Calm down Francine." The handsome man spoke coolly to the girl beside him and turned to Cassie . "It's just a suit. Have a nice night Miss."

The clinging couple moved away as Cassie watched them while sipping her club soda.

"Wanna dance?" A thick voice said behind her making her spin around.

"I'll pass." She replied curtly and looked away. She was startled by the sudden harsh grip on her wrist and the man that had asked her for a dance was now according her. The music was booming loudly and no one would hear their heated exchange...

No one would care anyway.

"When I tell you to dance , You dance bitch!" He growled and he dug his nails in to her wrists.

"Let me go!" Cassie bit back trying to wrench her hand away.

"Hey dude." Blaze called out to the brute of man who looked at him condescendingly. "She's with me."

"Oh really? What are you going to do about it?"

Blaze drew in his fist as far as it could go and sucker punched the guy right in the nose. He fell back and Cassie seized this chance to get her purse and walked out of the club leaving them all behind .

"Wait up Cass!" Blaze shouted out to her as she walked away fuming. He held her hand and pulled her back into the shadowed alley.

"What?!" Cassie said in exasperation as her breath was laboured.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going home ." She made to move away but he had her pinned under his grasp.

"Aren't you having fun?"

"Fun?!! " She scoffed. "Maybe you were having fun Blaze but I sure wasn't. You spent all the time there with your stuck up friends , it seemed like I didn't exist."

Blaze sighed as he ran a hand through his ruffled hair. "Sorry about that. I tend to get a bit carried away sometimes. Give me another chance Cass."

She looked away but replied. "Just one do over. No more Chances, You got it?"

"Trust me. I won't mess up." He brought his head down to hers and their lips connected. He sent his tongue into her mouth on a skilled search as she wrapped her hands around his back, her body aching with pleasure.

He ended the kiss as both are breathing heavily when he did while staring into each other's eyes. They got on his Harley and he revved the engine to life as she clutched him tightly as he drove though the streets back to her home. It was a typical Good girl x Bad boy . Cassie knew she was flirting with danger...

And she loved every second of it.