

R18+ - Mature Content. ********* Cassie falls for the baddest boy in town , Blaze Bloom. He's a rockstar and a typical bad boy , while she's just a regular teenage girl. Things between them get hot and steamy till it all turns sour. Cassie gets heartbroken and thinks her world is over until she met him... The trillionaire CEO. ************ This book is currently ongoing for the Webnovel Spirity Awards. Your votes , comments and gifts will be highly appreciated.

Megan_Immanuella · Urban
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16 Chs

4 - Making up.

Cassie didn't sleep a wink in expectations of The Rockstar's call that didn't come. She had waited all night , waited and waited and waited. But he didn't call.

Did that mean he lied last night!, She thought, Maybe after she chickened out he thought of her a wuss, maybe someone not worth taking any risks for. He'd gotten enough from her the previous night and was not going to exert himself again. Cassie bit her lip in regret as she finally had lost all her courage to get off the sheets and start a new day. She was going to miss breakfast , work , lunch {Probably eat dinner} , and just stay here and moan , wallowing in self regret.

Every time her phone rang, she flinched instantly hoping that it was Blaze but was disappointed many times. First was the guy she'd given a call to fix her bathroom, the second was her boss, He was just as well furious with her for not showing up today. She just listened to him ranting and then ended the call about ten minutes later . The last was a call from Fay which she ignored with a sneaking feeling of guilt that her friend has been right. He was a player and he had easily played her....

God, She felt terrible...

All for a guy that she'd met last night.

Cassie was knocked out of her thoughts but the gently repeated knocks on the outer door. She had locked her room from the inside making it Impossible for anyone to get in without her opening up for them.

"Cassie...Open up. It's me , Fay-Fay."

"Go away."

"I've got a hot plate of bacon and eggs with your name on it that says differently". Fay joked lightly as she rapped her knuckles on the hard wood door.

"I'm not hungry." Cassie moaned and buried herself underneath the sheets to continue her pity party.

"Well then you leave me no choice." The blonde declared. "If you do not open up this door in ten seconds Cassandra Hicks , I'm going to knock it down."




"Because I'm wicked ..." She added " I'm just going to skip to seven."



She stopped counting when she heard the latch click and the door opened. Fay shook her head as she saw Cassie snuggled up in bed, still unwilling to move. She dropped the dish on the bedside table and placed her hand akimbo. "You're a mess girl."

"I know." Cassie groaned and turned away. 'Don't look at me. I'm hideous."

"No you're not." Fay chuckled as she placed a hand on her thigh, patting it slightly. "You're just sick...sick in love."

"So is this how it feels?" Cassie sat up hugging her knees against her chest. "Like you've been run over by a five ton truck?"

"Basically half of the time." Fay grinned then turned sombre again. "About yesterday Cassie , I was out of line. I'm sorry..."

"It's not entirely your fault though." Cassie said looking outside the window ,where noise of outgoing and incoming traffic , horns of cars , trucks and lorries blared in the distance. "Maybe I acted a bit like a jerk."

"A bit?" Fay enunciated, raising her eyebrows.

"Shut up!" Cassie gave her friendly blow on the shoulder and then wrapped her in a bear hug. "Best Friends?"

"For Life." Fay completed.

"Thanks for coming around to cheer me up." She smiled and reached for the plate of bacon and eggs as she hurriedly scoffed down the entire contents. "God, I'm starving!"

"Nothing could ever shake your appetite Cassie. I'm sure you'd eat KFC even in the middle of a bloody Tsunami."

"You know it." She replied as both friends burst out laughing at once, happy that they had made up ends and could now enjoy each other company once again.


Later in the evening, The two girls were hooked on the couch watching an X rated movie , when Cassie heard her phone vibrate. It was on the lamp stand beside her and she reached out her hand and took it. Her eyes became dilated as she ran them through the contents of the message. On seeing her silence, Fay peeked over and got a shocking surprise too.

It had just been sent some seconds ago by Blaze.

Hey Cass. Its me Blaze. The guy from the other night?

I was just wondering if you'd be interested in going out with

Me? You don't have to answer now. Just take your time .

"What should I say?" Cassie asked Fay in a mixture of fright and delight , scared of going on a date with him but sincerely glad he'd reached oout Her fingers where trembling , her body vibrating..

Fay put a hand on her chest. "Calm down Cassie. First things first , you are not going to reply right now. It wouldn't be savvy of you to do so...You sent another text didn't you?"

"I'm sorry. My fingers just sorta wrote them." Cassie sighed looking down at the message she had sent.

Cassie : Hey Blaze. It's great to hear from you.

But are you talking about a DATE date or

So we could just meet up ???

"Oh my god . I'm an idiot." Cassie sighed, hitting her forehead with her palm over and over . "Now he's going to think I'm so crazy desperate girl that wants a hook up . Fay help me out of this!"

"Next time you'll listen to me." Fay gave a superior sneer. "Maybe if we can delete the message...

It was too late .

I was thinking more of Date but if you feel that's

Going too fast, we can take it slow .

Cassie decided to plod ahead on her own now. What ever happened. She would take it. She started texting back.

Cassie : A date's fine with me.

Where and when do you want to meet?

Blaze : How about you send me an address

and I come pick you up right now?

Right now??! Was he crazy! It was already 12 25pm!

Cassie: Are you for real?

Blaze: Yeah. It'll be just the two of us.

Sounds good right?

Cassie:If you do not know let me remind you...


What restaurant would be open at this late hour?!

Blaze : You sound cute when you're mad.

Cassie: Have a good night sleep Blaze.

Cass signing off.

Blaze : Come on cass. Just give it a shot .

Don't you trust me ?


Cassie stop for a second as she went deep in thought. Did she really trust him. She just met Blaze yesterday and had been outrageously attracted to what she had seen. He was daring and dashing but not without that gentle touch that made him perfect to her. He was a fairy tale prince charming cone to life. Did she want to take the risk... To find out if he could be not A one but THE one?

Cassie: I'll be ready in about ten minutes.

Wait for me at the Home and away Depot on

Third and Main Street. You can't miss it.

"You really want to do this?" Fay asked her , looking into her eyes. "What if it doesn't work out?"

"What have I got to lose?" Cassie sighed and she glanced back down to her phone. He had replied in a brief, terse message.

Blaze: I'm on my way.