
Chapter 8: Something unexpected

On my bed was laying some pictures of me and Jacob on the night he died, it was picture of him laying on me and the other picture was of me holding a rock covered in blood. The pictures were so terrifying anyone who could have seen it would hold me responsible for Jacob’s murder. The pictures were telling a different story from the real story. I looked around to see if no one saw it. Luckily there was no one in our room since Ruth was always busy with her dates on tinder. He rarely slept in our room. I immediately tore the photos down threw it in the toilets and flushed it. I kept thinking who could possibly have taken those pictures and why is he sending it to me, why didn’t he go straight to police? I had so much questions if only I could get to know who is doing this. It was as if someone was watching me in every step I take. I started to fear for my life and what could happen to me if those pictures goes to public. This secret was becoming heavy and heavier on my shoulder every day. Why did Jacob had to die on that day of all days, he was buried and long forgotten but it felt like as if his ghost was still haunting me. When he was alive, he always found a way to bully me and make me feel like a looser and now he was gone, I still felt that way. I kept replaying that night but I couldn’t see anyone except me and Jacob which made no sense how does pictures were taken.

The wind was blowing in their face; it was good time of the year in Kenya. many tourists all over the word taking a cruise around Mombasa “Honey what’s the wrong face? we are here to have fun remember so what’s bothering you?” Mr. kamanzi said holding hands with her wife. “I am thinking how we could use Gatera s’ help to obtain new evidences that we could present to court and ask for another appeal.”Mrs. kamanzi replied with worried tone. “listen honey, I will get the justice for our son, I promise you but you have to let me handle it okay? Come here” Mr. kamanzi said hugging his wife putting her head in his chest. Mrs. kamanzi nodded her head with tears in her eyes. After two days after their arrival in Mombasa, they visited fort Jesus and took some pictures.

Joanna was having hard time accepting the fact that college was no more for her since she was studying on government scholarship. She was supposed to keep up the good grades but things did not turn out as expected when she got three retakes which resulted in being expelled on government scholarship and she had to wait for another whole year to enroll again as private student this time. The whole town was in preparation for Christmas and new year events. She was at Candice coffee shop waiting for Hannah they were supposed to meet there.” hey, I will have hot chocolate tea” She told the waiter. she was checking her phone the waiter brought her order.” Would you mind if I ask you something?” she told the waiter smiling. “I won’t “the waiter replied. “where is the other boy who used to work here his name is Collins, I haven’t seen him since I got here” Joanna asked. “ ohh Collins signed up for military, he left last Monday.” The waiter told her. “okay” Joanna said with sadness in her tone. “would you like sandwiches miss?” the waiter asked. “no, I will just have this only, thank you” she replied.

Joanna and Hannah talked for almost four hours at Candice’s.” Jojo I will see you after two weeks you know Musanze and its magic in holidays” I said as we left Candice’s’. it was time for me to go home to prepare for our trip to Musanze district. My father called me last night telling me that I have to come early and pack my clothes hence we would leave in the early morning. The whole city was full of decorations of Christmas. I passed at the Robert ‘s shop there was a big balloon of Santa and a two meters Christmas tree with lights. It was very beautiful and everyone looked so happy in town. The good view of town kept me busy from thinking about the pictures I found on my bed.

He arrived in Malaysia at seven in the morning, straight from the airport he took a taxi to Marcum hotel where he booked the room. Marcum hotel was located in manila, “hey, I made a reservation on Monday” Gatera said to the receptionist. “what’s your name sir?” the receptionist asked him trying to search his name in through the desktop. “Gatera jean Baptiste” he replied. “hang on, single room 103” she said still using desktop. “here is your room key sir, enjoy your stay” she added handing him the key to his room. Gatera entered the elevator with the concierge who was carrying his bags and pressed two.

It was in the evening, Gatera kept checking his watch until someone knocked on his room and he opened for him. It was Gerard Gatera his twin brother who was also a private investigator, they used to work together from time to time. When he entered they shook hands and he offered him a glass of whisky. “so, what do we have so far?” Gatera asked his twin brother. “well, I arrived on the night she arrived and managed to follow her quietly, she is now in Pampanga sector, it’s on the northern shore of manila bay ” he replied. “I will go to Pampanga sector, first thing in the morning but I want you to go to the manila airport for the whole day , you know! just in case she may go there ” Gatera said. They chatted for hours and drank some whisky.

Pampanga was village with many poor people. Most of the villagers were farmers and fishers. When they reached Gatera looked in Magnus hotel where Elisabeth Ngamije was living but there was no sign of her. “hey, my name is Gatera jean Baptiste, I am looking for women called ngamije Elisabeth who signed in here on Saturday” he told the receptionist.” Sorry sir but we don’t give away information on our customers” she answered sharply. “won’t this change your mind?” he said putting on the desk $50. The receptionist looked around to see if no one saw and kept the money. “She signed out this morning at 7 am sir.” She told him. “okay, thank you miss” he replied leaving the Magnus hotel. He entered the small supermarket across the road. “hello Mr., I would like to see the footage your CCTV camera took this morning “ he said handing him the 30$. The supermarket keeper was a young boy in his early twenties philipino with short hair. He showed Gatera the footage of the whole morning. He watched it until he saw Elisabeth entering the white car. He zoomed to see the plate number and wrote it down and left the supermarket.

Gatera reached at the old warehouse surrounded by water near the pangasinan market around four pm. There was that white car that he saw in the video parking outside, he stood at the nearby fast food restaurant took hotdog and waited for that car to move. After thirty minutes three men wearing grey suit got out of the warehouse, started the car and left she waited for Elisabeth to move but didn’t . after two hours of waiting he decided to enter the warehouse. There was Elisabeth laying on the floor in pool of her blood she was shot in the fore head.