
Chapter 9 A secret to die for

Our family had a tradition of spending Christmas and new year events at grandmother’s place in musanze district which is in northern province of Rwanda. Even daddy who is always busy can’t miss the fun of spending holidays at grandmother’s place. Musanze was not a big city like Kigali but it was fun with its cold climate and people in Musanze were special. they were so caring and generous. It was a beautiful morning birds singing outside, hens quaking outside. I woke up to my grandmother’s voice. Knocking on the door of my bedroom.” Hannah dear, I brought you milk and bread with butter” said grandmother. My grandmother was an old woman in her late seventies but she was strong and healthier that you could think she was only fifty years old. Elena Rutamu was her name, my father was her last born. Her other two sons Cody and clayton lived in America, New York with their families. They visited her once in every two years.

I woke up and opened the door for her. She kissed my forehead handing me the breakfast she was carrying on the plate.” Good morning Hannah, I hope I didn’t wake you up” she said smiling. “good morning my sweet granny, no you did not wake me up, by the way where is everyone? it’s so dead quiet here?” I replied in cheerful tone. “Your parents went in town to buy Christmas supplies. Me and Dogo are going to do some work on the farm house you can join us if you like “said Elena. I finished my breakfast, brushed and took bath. I put on my red short with its red jacket and hurried downstairs where Dogo and grandma were waiting for me. Dogo was a short, dark skin guy with a slim face and well-built body. He was granny ‘s maid for very long which made some villagers think that he was Elena’s last born.

We left the farm house around four pm after cleaning the shed, feeding the hens and rabbits. When we reached the house we heard noise. mom and daddy were fighting pointing fingers at each other but when we entered they smiled all of sudden. “you are back, I made the dinner it’s in the dining room” mom said with embarrassed tone as she saw us.” what was all that I hear? What are you guys fighting about? I asked looking at both my parents. Dogo went to feed the dogs and granny said that she was starving as she headed in the dining room. They left the room for the three of us. “nothing honey, we were just talking you are exhausted maybe you are imagining things “daddy said cunningly. “why don’t we eat first and take rest we are all tired. We will talk about this tomorrow.” Mom added.

The rest of the evening was peaceful, after having dinner mom started decorating the Christmas tree while I was helping daddy to fix the Christmas lights. Elena was busy baking cake that will be used for Christmas. I was so happy to be with my family because we haven’t been able to spend so much time as I was busy with my studies at college and daddy busy with his business trips which made mom lonely but all of that changed the moment I heard mom’s phone rang and she told me to pass it to her. when I pick it from the cupboard the caller already hang-up. On the screen notification was a text message which made my heart sank “hey, honey, I miss you already, when are you coming back? I made the reservation in Selena hotel I hope you won’t post pone our rendez vous. Call me back when you see this.” She took it from my hand before I could see the sender. I had so many questions to ask mom but I knew that was not the right moment. I didn’t want to kill everyone s’ mood by making a scene.

Around mid-night, my father opened the wine and we had a drink watching Jesus movie. Everyone seemed happy. I wanted to tell my father about the message but I couldn’t break my own family so I decided to keep my mouth shut and wait for the right moment to ask my mother all of my questions. I went to bed around 2 a m.

Our Christmas tree was shiny, it was green decorated by red, blue and yellow balls with Santa doll in the middle and a big star on the top of it. Elena prepared fried chicken, vegetables and fried fries with matooke. Mom made salads of cabbages and onions. The lunch was so delicious and the whole house was smelling chicken because Elena’s house was very old fashion that the kitchen was in the middle of living room and dining room. After lunch my parents told me to pack my staff “Hannah pack your staff we are leaving soon. I have the important business meeting to attend tonight in Nairobi “Leonard said. Leonard was my father’s name even if many people called him Mr Rutamu.

We reached Kigali in the evening daddy kissed us good bye and hurried to kanombe airport to catch a flight to Nairobi. Mom drove me home, it was a good time to get my answers as it was only me and her in the car. “mom do you mind if I ask you something?” I asked in a serious tone.” Anything dear go on “she replied. “yesterday night I read your message, I didn’t intend to read it but it happened to be on screen notification when I was about to pass it to you after it rang. The message was…….” I was still talking when she pulled over the car and interrupted me.” Honey I know what you read but it’s not what you think. Me and your daddy are not like how we used to be everything has changed and I promise you its neither me nor his faults. it’s just happened I met someone and he is so special to me. I wanted you to know but not like this” she said looking at me with sympathy. “so, you mean to tell me that you are cheating my father and you want me to be okay with it? I replied shouting. “the thing is I am planning on telling your father but I haven’t figured out the right time yet. Just do me one favor. Don’t tell your daddy any of this. I want him to know it from not you. “she told me crying. My mother was very emotional. Anything could make her cry when she was happy she could cry and do the same when she is sad. “but you are breaking our family, how could you do this to daddy? To me, you know we trusted you so much and this is what you do?” I replied crying. “baby, I am sorry but there are things you don’t know about your father….” She was still talking when opened the door and run. “Hannah, Hannah, come back. it’s dangerous for you to walk in this street at this hour” she said running after me.” Go away, just leave me alone, I want to be alone now.” I said entering a taxi.

I reached Ngoma late round ten pm and I felt so down I wanted someone to talk to. I called my boyfriend Luka.” Hey Luka, can I come over?” I said with voice not leaving my throat.” Hey mi princess, what’s with that voice? Are you okay?” he asked with a worried tone. I did not reply instead I sobbed.” where are you? He asked. “I am in front of Economa coffee shop” I replied trying to calm myself. “stay where you are, I am coming right now” he said. After thirty minutes, there he was my prince charming on his bike, he was wearing a black leather jacket with a white T-shirt inside and a black jean trouser. He was so handsome with his smile. He hugged me “let’s go, I know a place which might cheer you up.

She drove crying until she reached home. She tried calling her new lover “the number you are calling is out of coverage area after hearing this tone press one to leave the message.” That’s all she heard, she had been calling him for hours without reply so she decided to leave the message.” Hey, this is Lisa, I wanted to tell you that Hannah knows about us. Just call me when you hear this message.” She left the message and went upstairs to change into pajamas and took a bottle of whisky which she drank until she fallen asleep on it.

Porogre bar was my favorite place and luka knew that when we reach there I will cheer up. The bar was very crowded in the weekends. It had two floors on the upper floor was VIP, many bosses liked to go there and the music in VIP was Igisope music where they performed tradional music. most of its audience were people in their mid-thirties and forties. For us we liked the non Vip bar in the lower floor, the music was very loud and Dj was mixing music. When I reached there I forgot everything which made me sad. We took two shots each, we danced for three hours and we left the bar. Luka took me to his place where he slept on the couch and I slept in his bed.