

Jonathan was taking a shower in his apartment which was big for a person like Jonathan, who was orphan with no parents. He got admitted in high school for football scholarship but after only two years he was living a luxurious life in his big apartment and a sport car. Nobody really knew what he was doing apart from studying and playing football. It was early in the morning when Jonathan received a phone call "yes” he answered. “did you do as I told you?" the man on the phone said. "Yes everything has been taken care of, she won’t say a thing and the bird has already flied" he said. “well, then make sure she won't talk because if she does you know what happens to you" the man on the phone said. “But we…. Hello, hello" he was still talking when the man hanged up on him." Shit this is all messed up" he shouted throwing the phone on the wall.

Jonas was driving his silver color Vigo in the late night when he stopped at the cemetery he had a big rock in the bag. He digged a two meter hole then put the rock which was covered in blood in that whole. He watched all sides around him to see if no one was watching and then put back the soil as if the place was never digged. Then he drove quick back to his apartment which was near the Maxwell high school. He entered without even switching on the light sat on his king sized bed arms on his forehead as if he was in deep thinking. When the girl approached him and kissed him “was it worth it babe?" he asked the girl " yes babe I promise you won't regret it" the girl answered back kissing his neck.

Hannah was sitting in the classroom doing the assignment when someone approached her "hey my name is Luke, sorry for being a jerk can we be friends? When he looked from the hands offered to her to shake up to face it was the mysterious boy. She wanted to say no but the guy seemed as if he won't take no for answer and there was something in the way he looked that made Hannah take the hands." yes friends but on one condition" she said shaking hands with him." Uhm, what is it now?" he said giggling. “You will help me with my assignment, at my place eight p.m. sharp" she said smiling. “Okay, you got it. He agreed as he was leaving he dropped a wallet and Hannah picked it up there was a picture of Kamanzi family. "Why do you have this picture" she asked curious." Its none of your business princess see you at eight" he answered leaving the class.

The rest of the semester ended with me falling for Luke. There was something in the way he talked and looked that kept attracting me more. He was so full of wonders and mystery, the more I spend time with him the more I wanted to know more about him. It was Sunday morning when I was getting ready to go to church .When I saw Luke sitting in the main hall alone .he was wearing a black short with blue t-shirt he was staring at something he was holding as I approached him from behind I saw that it was a picture of Kamanzi family, from left was Mr Kamanzi next to him was Jacob and Mrs. Kamanzi."Hey, WhatsApp looks like someone is not in the mood today "I said sitting next to him."Hey, princess, you dressed to kill what's the occasion? "He said faking a smile putting the picture in the pocket of the short he was wearing and I acted as if I didn't see what was on the picture. “I am heading to church, do you want to come by? I said offering him a hand. " no I have something really important to take care of but if you are free tonight we can go to watch a movie together, what do you say? He said starling in my eyes. He was very cute, when he stared at me, I had goosebumps. I was falling in love with him and it was too much to hide. "Is it a date? The words just escaped my mouth without even knowing I said them." Geez, a date no way but rather a best friend's night. Don't be late I will wait for you here at 8pm sharp" he said giving me a kiss on my cheek. I knew he liked me though he wouldn't admit it. I went to church thinking about him all the way.

After church I went back to the hostel, I called Joanna and told him about my date with Luke. The rest of the evening was boring. I felt like the hours were frozen. All I wanted was for 8pm to reach and go to my date.

When we reached the restaurant, it was a fancy restaurant called chicken palace. The place was on the left side of the road in hundred meters from our campus. When I entered, I couldn't help to notice that most of the people in that place were wearing suits and nice dresses. It was a well-known place for marriage proposals I couldn't find even one reason why Luke choose that place. As I was approaching the stage, I saw Luke in a dark green suit with a black tie and white shirt. When he saw me, he smiled and smiled back when I was about to sit he pulled the chair for me and said" sit please" he was a real gentleman unlike the jerk I thought him to be when we first met. "Thank you, Mr. Gentleman," I said trying to hide the nervousness in my voice. On the stage was a band playing Igisope music. Luke was staring at me. I was wearing a pink body tight dress which was short and black high heels.

A young man wearing a black tuxedo come to pick our order, we both ordered pepper steak and chips. We talked about many stuffs, family, weather and politics while drinking our sodas.in the entire conversation I kept wondering the real purpose of that date due to the place he took me it wasn't an usual hang out. As if he read my mind, He said

"The reason why we are here is because I can no longer hide my feelings, I know this might sound crazy given the way we met. I was a total jerk but I love you Hannah and if you give me a chance, I can be a better man" he said holding my hands. I was so much in love with him that I found myself kissing him already.

We left the restaurant around 11pm, we reached the campus holding hands. He kissed me goodnight and walked away. I was so excited, I wanted to call Joanna and tell her everything but when I entered the hostel all of my excitement and happiness just flied away because of what I found on my bed.