
Chapter 6. Kamanzi family

Everyone was curious to know the conclusion of the case Kamanzi was wearing a grey suit with black shirt inside and tie near him was his wife who was wearing a long black dress with sun glasses and black head scarf.

“All rise up the judge is entering" The man sitting on the front line said. Everyone rose up as the judge entered and sat down after the judge was seated.

“Well thank you all for coming today for the last hearing of Jacob Kamanzi case, in the last hearing the court was provided with autopsy results which showed that he died of brain injury, something hard might have hit him in the head. The investigation went on for a year. Your honor we are ready for you" The young lawyer with grey old hair said giving microphone to the high judge.

“The case is closed until a new evidence is presented," he said tapping on the table. People kept shouting but instead the judge walked out of the court room. The case was closed. Everyone got out of the courtroom and went their separate way.

Mrs. Kamanzi entered the house kicking the shoes in the TV and broke it. She started shouting as her husband entered the house behind her trying to calm her down.

"My son deserves a justice; I don't care how they do it but they have to do it no matter how many times I will keep appealing until justice is served" Mrs. Kamanzi shouting.

"But honey we talked about this, the officer said they couldn't find enough evidence to know who did it" Kamanzi said in calmed tone.

"It's their job to do the investigation until they find the culprit, I really don't buy it. I think someone is hiding the evidence and the police is not doing enough on this case" Mrs. Kamanzi said with angrily tone.

"Honey, can you at least stop that for a second. We have lost a half of our fortune on this case; can we just move on with our life? "Kamanzi replied angrily.

"The hell with fortune, even if I have to sell the house, I am ready to spend even the last penny defending my son and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying that thing over my dead son" she said raising voice.

"All I am saying is that we should move on with our life, let's go on a cruise spend some time together because there is nothing else, we can do about it. It's been year since Jacob died for heaven's sake. You no longer work, do sport or anything. All you do is go to court everyday look at you. You are all pale. This thing is destroying you; I lost my son but I don't want to lose my wife also. He said puling her close in his chest where she layed sobbing.

"I don't know how to live with this, it doesn't get better .it hurts so much I feel like he died yesterday" Mrs. Kamanzi said with tears in her eyes.

"Honey, leave it to me, from now on I am going to take care of all the court thing if it's what you want. I am hiring a private investigator who will follow everyone who went on that trip and find us the evidence they may be hiding. He is very good at what he does but meanwhile you are going on cruise with me. I want to put a smile on your face again. We are in this together I promise you I will find the killer of our son as long as you stay away from police and court because its destroying you. Okay?" he said planting a kiss on her forehead.

It was a month after the last case hearing of Jacob when the private investigator Kamanzi hired come to meet his wife. It was in the afternoon and both Kamanzi and his wife were sitting on the veranda drinking iced tea waiting for that private investigator.

"Good afternoon, Thanks for coming, meet my wife, honey this is the man I was talking about "said Mr. Kamanzi as they shake hands.

"Mr. Gatera, nice to meet you, I heard so much about you" Mrs. Kamanzi said smiling to Gatera.

"The pleasure is mine Madam" Gatera said calmly. He was a short solid guy in his late thirties. He was wearing a black suit with red shirt and tie and he was holding a silver color brief case. He looked very professional. He sat down on veranda and took iced tea also.

"Well, I have a busy day I would like it if we make it quick" Gatera said as he was sipping tea.

"At first I didn't want to tell my wife about any of this but from now on you will report to both of us .she wants to be updated on everything about the case" Mr Kamanzi said clearing the throat.

“you know me boss, I don't have a problem with that .speaking of which I have something to show, here you go" he said handing Kamanzi two pictures.

"When did you take this? Is this…."he asked shocked when Gatera interrupted him.

"Yes its Jonathan, I took those pictures last week when you gave me the list of everyone who went on that trip, I started following one by one so I caught Jonathan at morgue.

The first picture was of Jonathan giving money to the doctor who carried out autopsy at the morgue. The second picture was of Jonathan entering a car talking to someone who was hidden by the shadow in the car.

“Did you get a chance to know who was in this car? Or the name of the doctor he gave money to? What is the plate number of the car? Mr. Kamanzi asked with a wondering look.

“Sorry boss, it was too dark I could not see who was in the car or its plate number but they chatted a while and then Jonathan got out of car and left. The doctor's name is Elizabeth Ngamije. She booked a plane to Malaysia last Sunday" Gatera answered.

"So we got nothing except that now Jonathan is our number one suspect?" he said putting the pictures on table.

“I am trying to get the address of Elizabeth if I find her in Malaysia, she will answer all of my questions" Gatera answered sharply.

“I want to watch every move Jonathan make, don't let him out of your eyes"Mrs Kamanzi said handing Gatera two million in a large envelope.

“I will keep you updated madam" Gatera took the money and left immediately Kamanzi was trying to book a ticket to Mombasa since his wife said she have never been to Kenya and wanted to take a cruise in Mombasa.

I was back at campus after an eventful weekend I had. I was late twenty minutes for my lecture of finance. I entered the class shyly trying to find a place to sit when I heard a familiar voice " you can sit here" when I opened my eyes it was that stupid boy I kept bumping into " are you following me or what ? I asked him harshly. “Well you can take the seat or keep up your drama" he answered sarcastically. I was about to say something when the lecturer asked “is there a problem miss?'' I sat down as I replied quickly "no madam”.

The rest of the lecture was quiet and luckily the guy didn't give me any other trouble. After the lecture we went our separate way. When I reached at the hostel my things were turned upside down. At first I thought some thieves broke but when I looked around. I found that everything was there except for that shocking note I received when I first entered campus. I was terrified to death but I had to look calm so that no one could notice. I put everything back in order as quick as possible so that Ruth wouldn't find out. I was nearly done when I received mom's call. We talked for a while and she gave phone to daddy who told me that they wanted to adopt a child because it was so lonely for mom with me and daddy gone most of the time. Which I agreed to and hang up.at the moment I didn't care whether they adopt a child or not I had a dozen problem of mine to care.

I was lost in my thought when Joanna also called and asked how I was and said she wanted to check up on me. I kept wondering who take the notes and who took my clothes which was covered in blood on the night of Jacob's incident. For once I wanted to tell mom the truth but when I called and she picked up all said was" I love you mom, I already miss you" the words could barely leave my throat" ohh I love you too darling and don't worry your father and I want to start my own real estate office in ngoma . If it works, we will get to see each other often.