
love the real me

This story is a journey of female lead who discover her identity while facing many problems & challenges in her life. so pack your bags with her and get on with her to this interesting journey..... stay tuned to uncover many secrets....~~~

suneul · Urban
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16 Chs


Few minutes before meeting;

Everyone was ready for meeting and Steve is also cooled down and was in better mood now. "Well detective Finley you are ready for the meeting?" warren asked him cautiously to take the rain check. "Don't worry detective warren I got it." Steve said pats the shoulder of warren and went ahead for the meeting while leaving behind a dumbstruck warren. "Well you're not coming warren?" Weasley asked when he saw that warren was standing still without moving and blocking his way. Warren came back to his senses and was Weasley and said, "You were saying something? Brother". "Yes Mr. can you give me some way, I am not like someone who always gets late for a meeting." Weasley said mockingly and went ahead while giving him side push. "Hey why are you polluting my name? That was only last time okay" warren fight back to get justice and tailed behind his brother for the meeting while battering among them.

At the meeting

The meeting was held for the recent encounter between mafia "D" and police officers. Everyone was seated on their respective seats and are waiting for the captain smith and two new members. The room was very silent as it is vacant but actually there were 8 people seating there. Detective Weasley was reviewing his report, as he was the one who was presenting the case to both the units. Detective warren was playing with his pen as he was nervous about this so called meeting which can turn into a disaster anytime as his younger one in the team his very passionate about his work and out-of control one as well. After waiting for some time, the main guest also entered the room. Everyone was shocked after seeing a very handsome man, who doesn't look like a detective entered the room with captain smith. And after them there is a woman who entered the room as well she has pale skin and fragile body. She doesn't even look like a person who will be a detective.

Then captain smith introduced them, the gentleman as captain Lawrence Carson, new caption of unit 1 and a fragile little one as a criminologist Audrey Samson. They both are quite famous in their work and known as a 'genius duo'. Everyone was shocked to see them that two famous people has joined there station in limited salary. "They don't deserve this man, they are much more capable for their post don't you think so Steve" warren said while looking them pitifully but didn't notice the change in he Steve at all. "well then they are not those famous duo or we can that they are only rumours" Steve said while looking gloomy and continued "and what do you mean by deserve, we are not capable person". "ohh sorry... if you misunderstand I mean for their career...don't you know they work in NSA. Why are they joining our station specially? For this special case only?" warren said confusingly and was staring straight at them. "well warren I guess you need to hide your aura of I-want-to-all and be ready about briefing I am going to do about case" Weasley said as matter of fact to attend the attention of someone who never gives proper attention to important thing. And de doesn't want to do briefing again for an individual after the meeting.

"okay then I have done the introduction it's time to get on the main business......…as unit 1 as advantage now then the current case of unit 2 will be hand over to unit 1 for further investigation....and I don't want any hish-uish between the units. And unit 1 can ask for cooperation and assistance they want. Unit 2 will help them...…. (he observed the reaction of unit 2's team and continued) it's an order." Captain smith said in one go and give signal detective Weasley to start the briefing.

"As you can you on the day of 22 may 20XX our detectives are staking out at the alley on hideout of the "D" mafia, same like for last 4 days without getting any lead. But on this day detective warren and detective Alice was on duty. They observe that a lot of people basically young high school students are entering the building with a bunch of 5 or 6 people. After 20 people, detective Alice contact the station for the request of backup as there was a chance that they or action today and it's better to take precaution. After 10 minutes the backup team was sent out with detective Finley. But when they reached the condition over their was out of control both the detectives was hiding behind the building and detective Alice was seriously injured and detective warren was protecting her while waiting for the backup. After the backup reached their intense fight broke down between police and them. But according to the situation around 10 people died on the spot and 2 was sent with the detective to hospital and remaning 8+5 people escaped from the scene. Both of suspects didn't gain consciousness till now and what shocking is that….. all the people who died there are not because of the encounter but they were poisoned before hand. The gunshot was find on their body are not at the deadly spot because we want to catch them alive......… I am ready for questions now. Anyone?" detective Weasley ends his briefing solemnly and ask for the question if they have any doubt.

Detective Watson in unit 1 asked first question, "how did detective sure about that they are planning on fight back that time? I mean they are only high school students". "nice one, (detective Weasley smiled and continued) firstly we can't make any judgement if we saw young people in front of us that they are not dangerous. She makes right decision that time which helped her to save her life and her colleague's life. But on what basis did she take decision we can only ask her. because detective warren went to use washroom 2 minutes ago before the fight broke down and when hear the sounds of gunshots he came back and rescued detective Alice from the scene and hold his position there. But on my analysis she makes decision after seeing the gathering of lot of people there at ones. As lot o people gathered there of course they didn't came for a picnic. We all can make an assumption about it. and because of the stake out of police near their office, they were losing their potential customers. Which is creating problems for their business." Detective Weasley explained the situation and give signal for the next question. "so, if they are already in loss, why they still killed their young members? They don't come easily?

Detective mark asked. "well if I say they are trying to spread terror in the heart of citizens you all already guess this much. But I guess with this step they are giving the message to us like "don't mess up with us "or "you don't know what else we can do". because they can clearly kill our two officers or kidnap them to make a deal with us but they didn't done as. This clearly gives the message that they want to establish their business in our city and making pressure on us. So, we can't do anything against this." Detective Weasley ended his answer with the cold aura which gives Goosebumps to everyone that is present on the room.

Detective smith praise detective warren for his excellent briefing and give signal to new captain to take the platform.

The pace of the storey will be slow till 2- 3 chapters beacuse of the big case in hand. but it will pick fast pace after that...

stay tunned~~~~~~~~~~

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