
love the real me

This story is a journey of female lead who discover her identity while facing many problems & challenges in her life. so pack your bags with her and get on with her to this interesting journey..... stay tuned to uncover many secrets....~~~

suneul · Urban
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16 Chs






The way of calling them will be changing according to the storey demand. somewhere they will be called by their last name instead of first name and vice-versa

Thank you stay tunned~~~~~~~


Captain smith left the meeting room in the hands of captain smith as he have other things in hand and don't have more time to spare in the meeting. And he believed in the competence of Captain Lawrence.

"Well nice to meet you all, I will not waste time by introducing myself. Direct to the point, detective Alice did very well but she is not of any health right now until she recovers fully. (Lawrence notices everybody's reaction some agreed with him but unit2 team was not happy with his remark. He smiled to himself 'oh what a team spirit, nice one' and continued with serious tone to explain is plan) we will stakeout again in their point but this time not by hiding ourselves from them. Because know very well that they know all things about us. And at our weak point they attacked. This time we will only show them that we are fool not following our daily routine but there will be four team not one team at the stake out...…..okay so, One team will place at the same place, second one inside their casino, third one end the street as newspaper retailer, fourth one as sweepers and last one as students to add on their teams. We will start this tomorrow with first two teams then next two teams will join them after 2 days and last team will join them one after 3 days. And we were not only staking out this time. We will be being ready for the raid and after 5 days we will take action and arrest all of them without any casualties. Any question?"

He ended and ask for questions, if they have any doubt or anything. "Well is this a solo mission of unit 1 or does unit 2 is also including?" detective Watson, unit1 asked as a matter of a fact. Everyone knows that there is an invisible wall between these two units. They never eat lunch together; carry out operations together, never seen talking or standing together. No one no why is this but they are well known competitors for the position one. But everyone knows that because o their stupid child like nature unit3 always comes first. It's a big thing that both the units are seating in the room calmly or not arguing with other. Right now because captain smith are there. But the important question is that will these two new members will be successful in their attempt to join hands between two units. Well all other units were very curious about this.

Lawrence gives a short smile to the question; he was well aware about the situation and replied calmly "it's a cooperative investigation between the two units. So both the unit will take orders from me. Steve was not happy what he heard and said irritately. "Why should we take orders from you? You're the chief of unit 1, not unit 2 and we have many case at hand, not only this. Now that we have already handover the case to your unit we are not obliged to interfere with this case. And I don't even know why you use captain there is only one captain in every station, and we already have one. " He ended what he wants to say from the start and get up from seat for leaving the room. "You have quite the guts detective Finley, (Lawrence said with a cold tone after watching his attitude and release his cold aura in the room which make everyone shiver.

They all have the same thought, which is already quite rare but now detective Finley had made the new chief angry… ohhh not chief but captain….. Then Lawrence continued with a calm smile which make the room more bearable to take breath, "well you have quite the problem with me detective Finley. But you don't have any say in it. And it's a joint an investigation don't be angry that we are stealing you're case or anything else. I hope you will cooperate with us to solve this case.... Meeting adjourned" he left the room first leaving behind everyone in awe. Then everyone saw that a silhouettes following captain Carson behind him. Everyone didn't even notice the existence of her in the room until they saw her leaving.

Detective Finley was pissed off this time he left the room angrily. Who is left in the room was trying to understand that what had happened just now. Do detective Finley and Captain Carson know each other before? And what is the bad water between them… first time both the member was sitting together without any higher ups. And was feeling the same despair, they were feeling bad for each other. Because this case is going to take a toll on their health. Everyone took a deep breath and left the room one by one...…

Detective Finley went to this cabin and put his head in the table while thinking about has happened all day. He went to talk with captain smith before the meeting to hand on his resign as they don't have any chief right now. But caption smith rejected his letter saying that they are short in man power at station right now and to rethink his decision. He said that don't make any decision on impulse and wait for detective Alice to come back on duty. And take orders from the new captain and see him for the matters as he was going for a week out of town for an important matter.

Steve was thinking about what he said in the meeting room 'what was I thinking then I should not say that entire thing to him. He is new one here and we should give are full cooperation but I don't know why but I don't like him..... ahhhh I already make things a mess back there... what everyone were thinking right now about me and him ….. uhhhhh", "well we are not thinking anything about you two" warren said by intreputing the thought process of smith and smith saw him in awe while thinking ' ahhh now this monkey can do mind-read…. Great' "I don't have as such power. But if I had that would be so cool….. Right?" warren said excitedly while going towards his seat and continuing, "Everyone knows about your temper and your relation to detective Alice…. We know you will react like this, we all were thinking that if you're ill but when you react if all take a sigh of relief that you're well. But what captain said we all agreed with that. Detective Alice is suffering from amnesia. We know that she is very capable but if she doesn't gain her memories of that time. This all will become a mystery of what has really happened at that time when I was absent there and led to her call for backup and severe injuries. So, cool down let's dig up everything and arrest those assholes… okay" warren winked at him and went back to his computer to do his work.

sorry for the late updated.....

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