
love the real me

This story is a journey of female lead who discover her identity while facing many problems & challenges in her life. so pack your bags with her and get on with her to this interesting journey..... stay tuned to uncover many secrets....~~~

suneul · Urban
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16 Chs


On the other side

at VIP ward,

"Doctor, her colour of hair is back to normal but when will she regain consciousness?" Mrs. Remington asked to doctor while massaging the body of her daughter. "Madam, we are observing her condition for last two days. Her condition is stable but we can't say anything about when will she regain consciousness. We have to wait and monitor her condition. And it's a good sign that she regains the colour of her hair, she is getting better. Take care of yourselves as well. Then excuse us". Doctor explained her current condition and left the ward. "Dear, pleases wakeup…. Your mother is very worried about you….. I will let you do anything you want….but pleases wake up…." She started crying after saying this to her daughter. "madam, don't worry too much I guess miss is recovering from her past illness as well that's why she is taking long rest." Her maid Mrs. Buckley consoled Mrs. Remington. And both of them went back to their respective work.

At the violent crimes unit 2,

Steve came back to station next morning after taking rest at night. He didn't get full rest but still he get some sleep of couple of hours which he didn't expect. He saw two members of his team Detective Weasley and warren, the famous identical twins in the station. They are famous for easily recognizable who is who after being identical because of their polar opposite personality and he entered the room. Detective Warren spotted him first and said, "hey Steve, welcome back… so how is detective Alice?" while sipping his coffee. "Well you don't need to welcome me I am away for only two days detective warren" Steve replied half-heartedly because he was not ready to comeback without Alice but because of the order form captain smith he must report today. "Don't welcome him warren if he don't want to" detective Weasley said while doing his work besides detective warren. "Well Weasley why are you looking so cute today" detective warren said with the intention of disturbing him. "Well if you think I am looking cute right now. It is easy, just pull out all nighters and don't wash your face. Then you will look cute all the time." Detective Weasley said encouragingly and left to wash his face after completing his report.

Warren change his target to Steve then,"Well Steve I guess this guy need to rest. mom his very worried about him pulling out all nighters. She said sometimes she feels that she has only one son instead of two. hahhhahhhh" detective warren said jokingly and went back to his seat. "You guys need to treat this place as your office not your home. One always stay here and other one always wonder around" Steve said irritatively after hearing their battering first thing in the morning. "Oh then someone else is also not having good day... then I guess you will feel good hearing my findings" detective warren said while signal him to come towards her seat. Steve walk towards him half-heartedly because he knows very well that if detective Weasley is an ace in doing the work inside station then detective warren is an ace of the work outside. "Show me what you got only-one-son…." Steve said mockingly, "ohh someone got in the mood hmmmm…" detective warren said jokingly then went back to main topic, "….okay see this I guess the encounter this time was not suddenly….but actually full proof planned to make pressure on us stop investigation. But they failed on it because there plan backfired. They lost there all young recruits with two main old ones. And for us, our one team member got critically injured and we also didn't get any lead. So now what's the plan?". "When is the meeting" Steve asked while walking back to his seat. "Well one more thing... I think you said wait….." detective warren remembered something and didn't complete. But Steve shows him his look of don't-try-to-keep-things-from-me. Then he continued "okay-okay man��..uhfff…I think this case will be handover to unit 1 now instead of us." He completes the sentence in single breath. "How can they do this to us? We are tracking them from last 1 years." Steve said in high tone angrily. "Don't shout man… and it's from last 9 months…. (Steve give his look of seriously man is it important) okay okay… but we failed in it so it's better if we hand over this to them…. And don't worries we are assisting them on this case" Steve interrupted him in middle "what do you mean we are assisting them….. They should assist us because all this findings are our hard work not there's….. Seriously man… how you can let them do this to us…" Steve said angrily after hearing what happened in his absence. "Don't shout man….it not like we let them do this…. It's like they did this to us… they got two new recruits who are very famous for this type of work sooo…. They can do better than us…don't give me look I don't think so but the problem is…... Higher up thinks as such" detective warren said seemingly half confused how to cool down the matter because captain smith already told them that he himself will tell this to other detectives in the meeting today but now things are out of control because of his big mouth. "Okay….. so they can do what they want to do and I will do what I have to do" Steve left the station angrily leaving behind detective warren who know better that he got stuck in big problem now. Detective warren saw the Steve left angrily while coming back to station and then saw his brother face in the station. And from it he can easily makeup about what was happened in his absence and said "you messed up big time Weasley..."getting fun from his brother's distress while going back to his seat.

Few minutes before meeting;

Everyone was ready for meeting and Steve is also cooled down and was in better mood now. "Well detective Finley you are ready for the meeting?" warren asked him cautiously to take the rain check. "Don't worry detective warren I got it." Steve said pats the shoulder of warren and went ahead for the meeting while leaving behind a dumbstruck warren. "Well you're not coming warren?" Weasley asked when he saw that warren was standing still without moving and blocking his way. Warren came back to his senses and was Weasley and said, "You were saying something? Brother". "Yes Mr. can you give me some way, I am not like someone who always gets late for a meeting." Weasley said mockingly and went ahead while giving him side push. "Hey why are you polluting my name? That was only last time okay" warren fight back to get justice and tailed behind his brother for the meeting while battering among them.

Thank you for reading my book.

stay tunned~~~~~~

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