
love the real me

This story is a journey of female lead who discover her identity while facing many problems & challenges in her life. so pack your bags with her and get on with her to this interesting journey..... stay tuned to uncover many secrets....~~~

suneul · Urban
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16 Chs


At the doctors cabin;

Captain Smith entered with the two following behind closely. Captain Smith greets the doctor and asked about the condition she is in and when will be she able to join. Doctor replied that her condition is very stable and after the rest of 1 week she can be able to join and after that doctor stared toward Steve for his questions but when he saw that he is not asking anything then he take the initiative to do so, "detective Finley, you want to ask me something before, what is it? Feel free to ask." But Detective Finley was in his wonderland and didn't hear anything what the doctor said to him. Then Lawrence gives a nudge to him, which makes him to come back from his stupor and asked, "Oh I am sorry doctor for zoning out. But I have some question. Perhaps she is having amnesia... because she is not able to recognize me and ever herself" doctor takes a minute before replying, "well don't worry detective. It is normal that after losing so much blood she is having trouble in our memory but she will be able to recall everything after complete rest." but Steve was still confused about the other things and said, "and doctor what about her hair and eyes? Why they have different colour?" this was the main question, whose answer everyone want to know. "Well, eye color is determined by two major factors….. Firstly the concentration and secondly the distribution of melanin (which is produced by melanocytes) within your iris and the scattering of light in the iris. The process of melanocyte distribution is not fully understood, but a lot of genes are thought to be involved in this process. And if I say in simple words in this case it is the later one, change in her genes. The study is still going on about all this changes. But don't worry she is completely fine." Doctor explained them completely about everything they are not completely satisfied with the answer but when they heard the research is still going on about this changes they can't do anything about it. They thanked the doctor and went towards to the Alice's ward to checkup on her before leaving.

Three of them are having the different thoughts about the condition of Alice. Captain Smith was thinking that 'this lass always create problem even after getting critically injured what is all this about amnesia and color changes, Are we shooting a movie? Well leave it, I hope she recovered soon and came back to end our peace days' and on his left side Steve was thinking that 'this entire thing are same as what happen before. But why the same thing is happening again after so much time. But I guess she doesn't remember anything about her it is a good sign but bad one as well. Okay, it's time to take action. I will try my best to make her recall everything. Heeheeee' he smiled to himself confidently. But one the other side Lawrence was thinking 'well her personality is also changed dramatically what I heard before. And if I am not mistaken she looks a lot like...…. No it's impossible. Let's wait and watch. Why I need to care about her, she is not even in my unit'. Then Lawrence said goodbye to captain smith and detective Finley and left for the station.

Captain Smith and Steve entered the ward where she was sleeping peacefully without any care. Captain Smith said to Steve, "Steve I think you should go home and take some rest….. Steve interrupts him in between "I am fine captain. And we also need someone to protect detective Alice in case those people try to do her something is this state" said with full of concern but one can easily see the condition of Steve right now. He looked haggard and his clothes still have all the sign of last night. So captain smith makes pressure on him because he knows very well about the relation between two and said, "It's an order detective. I am not giving you suggestion. And after detective Alice saw you in condition she will be …. Not heartbroken but get mad at me that as a leader of my team I am not even able to protect as well by other comrades... so go back home and help others in wrapping the case. Two officers will stand guard at the door. Don't worry too much. Now come with me I will drop you off. You're not in the condition to drive." After hearing the captain smith, smith agreed with him and went back with him but he know that he will not be able to get any sleep because the condition of Alice is in right now.


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