
Love that transcended Time

cupid always made others fall in love but he could never make others fall for him he had tried but it never seemed to work it just wasn't fair even when he fell in love they could never love him back but he never expected that there was someone who could because he too was cursed -

Malik_druinace · Fantasy
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14 Chs

they Love me not [M]

[sexual content violence abuse]

cupid always made others fall in love but no one would love her and it was better without feelings but she couldn't help it

but she had to keep it a secret if she had liked a costumer or costumers

she was a sex worker in a private club

she had many costumers - both men and women- and sometimes even at the same time - and that was the most pleasurable

she sucked on the woman's tits

well the man came from behind and f*cked her ass

she rolled her eyes back in pleasure

she became a complete mess

as he f*cked her relentlessly

she was used to this kind of abuse

and wildly enjoyed it alot

she roughly bit the women's tits

to hold back her moans and the woman moaned in response

he continued to rock his hips back

and pressed hard against her

her body started to shake violently

she felt her body to give out

but he didn't stop yet and pushed deeper in

she grabbed on the woman biting her tits again

she felt as if she was being split into two

but this was good- she was starting to lose Consciousness

and knees gave out and she collapsed on the woman biting her tits once again

and she still could feel him inside her

he never stopped f*cking her

even with how broken she was

he made sure that she would be destroyed

she felt her body splitting into two

it was so painful- but it was supposed to hurt right? why would she be handled with care?

there was no such thing as love

it didn't matter if she was cursed no one would love her anyway

she was a sl*t and that's all she would ever be

and she remembered that she had slipped up

she whispered "I love you" in both the woman and man's ears- and after that they shoved her down and called her a sl*t and now she was

being punished this is what she deserved right? was she really going to die like this?

she was so exhausted- and she was losing grip on her life- she felt her separate from her body and she saw it

her body was completely broken down

and she died from exertion

her body was still leaking- and she was covered in it- she was so filthy

the woman spit on her

"Sl*t! that's what you get for biting my tits like a baby it was so f*cking pathetic" she replied

"she couldn't handle it but she wanted it and she was enjoying it like the sl*t she was still a sl*t till the end- it's a shame" he replied

she watched all this and she couldn't help but sob why did she have to die like this?

why couldn't she have love?

this is what she deserved-

there's no happy ending for a sl*t

there was nothing that she could do now

she was dead-

she closed her eyes and everything started over

she was back and she saw the partners that had done that to her-

who broke her like a toy

and this was the moment everything turned for the worse

she felt unbelievable pleasure

and that's when she whispered in both their ears "I love you"

they both pushed her down

"sl*t" she replied

"you really like it that much? how about I give

you more you sl*t?" he replied

he asked the woman to help hold her up

and she bit her tits that annoyed her

but she let her keep doing it

as it grew more and more intense

she had to bit down she felt her body splitting apart again it was so painful

and she collapsed from exertion

covered in her filth- her cum

the woman spit on her

"Slut- that's what you deserve for sucking on like a baby you disgusting wh*re -"

those words were even worse than last time

but it wasn't that different

"ha a sl*t till the very end you asked for it but you couldn't hold out could you? pathetic-" he replied

those words were in the opposite order

but still the same and just as painful

she sobbed again she just wanted it to end

but it wasn't stopping

she was stuck in a unless loop

she got f*cked and it felt amazing

and then it turned for the worse and hurt

so much it was more than just her body being torn apart it was her soul and her heart

she cried so much- would it ever end?

would she be saved? or was she meant to be stuck in this endless cycle?

there was no way of changing anything

even her cries didn't save her

it just made her weak

they only thought of her as a broken toy

and they loved breaking it even more

why did it have to end this way?

why couldn't she be happy?

have love? was she this undeserving?

she had to die in the cruelest of ways

the torture and heartbreak was so painful

and she had to go through it not once but over and over again will it ever end?

will she be saved? loved appreciated?

yeah right there was no such thing for someone like her even without the curse

nothing would be different-

she even pretend that there wasn't one

that it was just meant this way

curse or no curse she couldn't be loved

who would love her anyway?

there couldn't possibly be someone out there was watching her and happened to be a cosmic being- a God

she had wanted to help her but unfortunately

she ended up putting her in this unless timeloop and it only hurt her more

but there was only one way out

and she didn't want this either but there was no other way


suddenly a knife appeared with a note

"I'm sorry things have to end this way you know what to do but don't worry we will meet in Time-" the note read

she had picked it up when she was shoved down onto the ground

she didn't care what they would think

but this was the only way

she stabbed her chest and finally ended it all