
Love that transcended Time

cupid always made others fall in love but he could never make others fall for him he had tried but it never seemed to work it just wasn't fair even when he fell in love they could never love him back but he never expected that there was someone who could because he too was cursed -

Malik_druinace · Fantasy
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14 Chs

the void

when she woke up she was in a white void

this couldn't be heaven- right?

because if it was that would be disappointing

- and no she did not want to end up in hell

she already went through enough torture

but it wasn't like she was pure - there was no way she end up in heaven- this had to be some sort of limbo- she walked forward- but there was no end or anyone around-

she didn't like this at all-

"don't joke like this- show yourself!"she shouted

and that's when she appeared

she was hot

her dark purple hair the way it sparkled

her earrings were moons with stars- her eyes she could see galaxies in them- she could stare in them forever- and she wore an moon necklace and when he looked down

she saw her chest- those were quite big

she turned bright red-

she let out a laugh-

"your quite adorable- pink suits you" she replied

cupid looked up at her confused

pink? what was pink?

"Your hair it's that color because of the Lust you experienced-"she replied

cupid was still a blushing mess

she pulled her face towards hers putting her lips to hers and quickly pecked her lips

"You- why- did you?- do that?!" cupid shouted

"because you are cute-and those lips are begging to be kissed-" she replied

"Hey! that's not fair- don't play with me-" cupid replied

"why not? I thought you liked being played with?- you seemed like you were having fun until that human broke you" she replied

"You really were watching weren't you?

why didn't you stop it?" Cupid replied

"I did how else would you end up here?

and you're safe now with me-" she replied

"but why did you- save me?" Cupid replied

"because I was the reason you ended up in that time loop and the only way out of it was for you to end it yourself- so I gave you the note and knife-" she replied

"but how did you know that?" Cupid replied

"because this isn't the first time-and I know that you may not remember but- we once were lovers" she replied

Cupid's eyes widen

this was crazy how was any of this possible?

how could such a Goddess-like her

be her lover?!

"that-that-can't be true there's no way we were lovers-" cupid replied

"why do you say that? do you truly believe that you're unlovable? cupid- you are the goddess of love-and even you have someone who loves you- even if your father the God of love Eros

couldn't- as impossible as it seems I'm right here- and I promise that I'll always love you-" she replied

"but how is it possible? my curse? why aren't you effected by it?" Cupid replied

"because I too am cursed - remember the timeloop I put you in? that is apart of it- I used to be in those timeloops with you and I had lost you over and over again and the only way to end it-

was for me to kill you- and I wished that there was another way- and that I would meet you again- and I did- but I still lost you in the end-" she replied

She saw how sad she looked

she reached out and hugged her tight

she didn't care how impossible it all was

but she could tell that she wasn't lieing

"it's alright I'm here now-" cupid replied

she looked down at her confused

but her embrace was loving and warm

oh had she missed it- she leaned in and sniffed her hair she still smelt like cotton candy and she could basket in it forever

cupid looked up at her confused

"goddess what are you doing?" Cupid replied

her eyes widen

"no need to call me Goddess- and I prefer just God- oh- I forgot to tell you my name didn't I?" she replied

"Yes- and you already know mine-" Cupid replied

"sorry cupe' -and it's Cosmoaltionia

the god of time and space but you can just call me Cosmo for short" she replied

"Cosmo? and did you just call me Cupe'?" cupid replied

"Yes- it's what we called each other-

I called you Cupe' and you call me Cosmo" she replied

"You say we were lovers- I still don't understand how that's possible-and you also called me the goddess of love-

how is that possible? I can't be a God

an Goddess no less- and you even said that my father was the God of love Eros

and he couldn't love me?" cupid replied

"Yes- I know that it's hard to understand but it's possible- you are the goddess of love and we were lovers-" she replied

"then Can you show me how much you love me?" cupid replied

{sexual content-they- have cocks '-^}

she pulled her face towards hers putting her lips to hers and gently kissed her lips

and when she put her tongue in and wiggled it around she rolled her eyes back in pleasure

only Cosmo could make her feel this way

she wanted so much more-

and she pulled her top down and took off her dress and pulled down her panties

and a cock popped out-

Cupid's eyes widen

she had a penis!

why?- just why?!

Cosmo undressed taking off her jacket

her shirt and untieing her sash

and letting her skirt drop

she had a Penis too!

why just why?!

she reached in and kissed her

and suddenly there was a bed

she pushed her down

rocking her body against hers

their cocks rubbed against eachother

she rolled her eyes back in pleasure

Cosmo wiggled her tongue around

f*ck- it was amazing

-she pulled back

"Cupe' I want to do so much more- so will you let me?" cosmo replied

"F*ck- cos- do it-" she replied

"wow you're quite eager- but- I'm not going to f*ck you just yet- be patient Cupe" cosmo replied

she leaned in and put her lips on the head of her cock and began to suck down

she rolled her eyes back in pleasure

she pulled her face in deeper

deep throating her

bobbing her head up and down and licking stimulating her she rocked her hips back

cupid began to f*ck her mouth

Cosmo rolled her eyes back in pleasure

she shot her cum down her throat

she swallowed it down

and she pulled back

cupid pasted out-

she was already deep asleep-

Cosmo shrugged her shoulders

"almost forgot you were a light weight-" she replied

she petted her head and kissed her forehead

"rest well darling-" she replied