
Love that Spans Realms

"C'mon Kirin let me see!" "What!? No what are you doing!?" "Hey stop.. wait… don't touch that!" "Oho! Shy are we? We are both girls there's nothing to be shy about!" "Wait..Shou!.. 'splash!'... ahaha… not there!" "Ohhh ticklish in that spot? Where else hehe..." Varick … Ruishi … Ze … Jun … _______________________________________________________ Kirin is a girl who has been orphaned and left alone with a mysterious past. Even more is her link to the future. Varick comes from another realm entirely, dragged there by accident and joins the crazy fate along with others. Love rivals all in this slow but no misunderstanding love story. Join them as they span the realms and learn to fall for each other.

LadyAdhara · Urban
Not enough ratings
48 Chs


Gazing out of the window towards the vast expanse of a garden, Shou was lost in her own thoughts. The door opened and closed gently, she took no notice of it. Bleed red eyes sat staring at the girl with the most gentle gaze.

"Ahem" He cleared his throat to catch her attention, she remained unmoved though. So instead he stood up and walked near her, gently snaking his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. That woke her up! "Hey! What are you doing! Let go of me this instant you pervert! How dare you touch me!?" The more she struggled the more he held onto her, she finally looked up at him and tried to glare at the man.

What she saw instead was… Heart-ache? 'Why is he looking at me like that… I don't know this person, or do I? There was that one incident that made me lose my memories… but nobody ever told me what happened to me. I don't even know if the people I know now are people I knew before.'

He slowly placed his other hand on her cheek when he noticed her calming down again. "I'm so sorry Shou." A tear fell from his eye which made him turn quickly away from her, letting her go at the same time and walking away.

"H..hey… wait! Don.. Don't leave… How do you know me?" Pure confusion warped itself onto her beautiful face as she tried to remember his features from her memory. He only paused for a second, then resumed walking to the door.

As he reached for the door knob his wrist was caught in her grasp, he finally paused but said nothing as he waited to see what she wanted.

"How do you know me!? You took me away from my friends, brought me here without a single explanation, ...looking at me like that…" She muttered with a soft low voice while looking down at her feet, even as she was still holding onto his wrist.

"I deserve to know… I know there's a huge chunk of memory missing but nobody will tell me why or what happened…" Then she softly muttered, "I don't even know if the people I know are my enemies or not…"

That made him quickly whipped his head around to stare at her with more questions than answers. 'She lost her memories… not intentionally forgot me?' This made a small smile appear from the corner of his lips, effectively blinding the poor confused girl in front of him.

"I will be going with you when your friends come." He paused for a moment then continued, "I know you want to know… I can't answer everything now but…" Looking deeply at her once again he caressed her cheek lovingly. "Know this one thing… out of anyone you have ever met before.. I am the only one who would never hurt you, I am always on your side, I will never leave you again."

Shou's poor little heart raced at this and her mind swirled into numbness as she carried the sillies shocked look on her face and was unable to speak anymore. Her whole body felt like mush. "Hehe" Chuckling at her reaction he continued, "Shou, my goddess, you never have to fear again ok?" He placed a soft kiss on her forehead, reluctant to leave her, and left the room to welcome the guests that were on the way for her. He steeled his heart, taking one more look at her, and left the room with a dazed Shou left behind in the room.

Clenching his fists tightly he solemnly vowed since he found her again after such a long time, he would never leave her side again. A half smile appeared on his face as he recalled what she said, 'There's a huge chunk of memory missing' They kept replaying themselves in his head, making his smile broadened even further as he thought about it.

Something in the wind caused an intoxicating effect on the palace, the man raised a barrier up as he didn't want to fight with her friends, and truth be told this situation was his fault… he not only swooped in on them but growled at them and took her away in a flash. Chuckling at himself, he had to admit he did seem fairly nefarious didn't he?

Thinking about it, he really couldn't blame these friends of hers, at least he knows they care for her. "Hehe" Chuckling at himself again and shaking his head he prepared himself to receive her friends in his palace. 'This will be an interesting meeting I suspect'


"Yes Master?"

Be sure no one retaliates, this is my fault after all, be that as it may, we must leave a good impression, so prepare to receive them warmly."

"Yes Master I will make it so."

Yun bowed and left to carry out his master's orders quickly. The man with the blood red eyes stared back at Shou's room longingly once more, then retracting his gaze once again, he fixed his robes and prepared himself.

Walking to the entrance of the palace the man stood amongst his guards and palace servants in neatly lined rows, each in a position dictating a welcome not a fight. As 7 figures began to come into view from the long winding road that led to the palace, the man straightened his posture even further to radiate an air of dignity around him. In truth though, this man was so scared, honestly it felt like meeting the in-laws… he really wanted to make a good impression… if nothing else so he could tag along and protect Shou while working on her memories of him. It truly has been such a long time since he had seen her, he actually was told she was dead all those many years ago. When he saw her again, it was as if he was given a second chance and he was not about to let this chance go ever again, not after losing her for so many years.

"Where's Shou?!"