
Love that Spans Realms

"C'mon Kirin let me see!" "What!? No what are you doing!?" "Hey stop.. wait… don't touch that!" "Oho! Shy are we? We are both girls there's nothing to be shy about!" "Wait..Shou!.. 'splash!'... ahaha… not there!" "Ohhh ticklish in that spot? Where else hehe..." Varick … Ruishi … Ze … Jun … _______________________________________________________ Kirin is a girl who has been orphaned and left alone with a mysterious past. Even more is her link to the future. Varick comes from another realm entirely, dragged there by accident and joins the crazy fate along with others. Love rivals all in this slow but no misunderstanding love story. Join them as they span the realms and learn to fall for each other.

LadyAdhara · Urban
Not enough ratings
48 Chs


Planet Xiand two galaxies away

The crimson, raging flames of an eternal fire raged into the heavens in tall towers of flame and smoke. The destruction of crops, homes, lives… was beyond imagination. At this moment the race of lizard warriors, The Moura, were destroying yet another planet for resources. Screaming voices desperately cried out for mercy, yet, these pirates pretended as if they had heard nothing and that they were enjoying a spring day in the woods.

A young girl fell to her knees in front of the Leader, Daka, Sneered when he saw the pitiful form beneath him… he really could just crush her in one stomp, however, to amuse himself he decided to hear her pitiful pleas of mercy.

"My lord please.. I will do anything, do you… not need slaves to entertain you?" The girl was suggestive but she knew… she knew what it would take. She had been a temple slave all of her life, this was nothing new for her. Well indeed they do take captives on occasion to serve as their entertainment to the next world, this time would be no different, they choose the bravest females from each world in order to continue their race as it only produces males.

The strength of the female they choose plays an important role in this aspect as if they do not have the strength of will, mind, and body, they will never survive the birthing. It truly is a miracle that this race has managed to survive with their strange practices for reproduction however this is how it is which is why they do not have a home base, sure what they do is evil there are much better ways to go about it but in reality they simply don't care. Their hearts are frozen at birth.

Since the girl offered, he would not leave her be, "Take her!" He ordered abruptly. Two guards came up and took her away as she lowered her head and let herself be taken back to the awaiting ships. Daka held an evil smile on his lips as that would be his personal concubine for the trip. He had not produced any heirs for quite some time as the women were too weak. His power was much stronger than most as his mother was taken from a strong planet and was its princess. The lineage within his particular family line is so strong they have not been usurped in many generations.

He abruptly turned and followed his guards to begin his copulation with her until it was time to gather the resources in this world. He licked his lips in anticipation. He originally planned to take the royal family of that one world over two thousand years ago however they had escaped his grasp at that time. He never forgot that humiliation, they may have long lives in this race but, he was nearing his time and had yet to find that family's whereabouts, he couldn't wait any longer if he planned to pass on his lineage.

Moans and grunts filtered and mingled within the screams of pain and torture of the surrounding area. The girl resigned to her fate and did whatever bidding this beast wished. To her surprise he was gentle but she couldn't fathom as to why when she was only his entertainment. What she didn't understand is if he wasn't she could never carry his heir so he would never risk it.

Daka, fully satiated, left the girl within his chambers fully naked and exhausted, to continue to pillage the planet. Once this was over they would move on to the next planet. In all of these years they never found another planet again that held those crystals.

At this moment a group of warriors from the planet waited in ambush for their last stand to save their home, this group was the planet's most skilled fighters. Hidden within the bushes they waited for them to come closer.

Drawing closer to the hidden danger in the group, the Moura were unaware of the possible danger residing so close to them. Walking along to the next city to begin their operation, a sudden rustle of the bushes nearby alerted them. As they turned towards the bushes prepping for a battle, what happened next shocked even them as they tend to view all other walks of life as ants.

Suddenly behind them the group launched from their hiding places, one grabbed the left subordinate swiftly, wrapping his arms around his neck and with a swift her snapped his neck. Tossing him to the ground lifeless.

Daka immediately became alert, dashing to the side before a pair of arms could grab him, he lashed back with a swift kick tossing the person back a few steps so he could regain his stance. The sound of another groan escaped his other subordinates lips, he ignored it but he knew there was a problem and they may not survive this.

Blood began to trickle down from the corner of his lips after the last attack from the person landing on his gut which sent him back into a wall. He growled at the person and charged forward again, sending wave after wave of punching and kicking attacks at the two people who tried to corner him. Killing one he was left with only one last opponent. After his subordinates were killed he was the only one left to fight back. Slowly getting back the advantage he pressed on.

The leader of the fighters who attacked Daka was now staring him down, changing his strategy. He launched forward and attacked once again throwing a knife in the process towards Daka's throat.

Daka slid sideways to avoid the knife and changed directions and threw out his leg to crash into the attacker. Once the man was down Daka threw himself on top of him and pressed his elbow into his throat. Effectively choking him to death. Heaving his chest up and down he finally got back up and went back to his command post to regroup.

`if this happens again we may lose for once… no! I can not allow that to happen. Think… think… what else can we do we have almost the entire planet under our control. Forget it ill send out those troops instead to that city.'

With this thought in mind a new plan was formed and a cruel smile began to curl onto his gruesome scaly lips. He knew it was only a matter of time… then the thought of that family appeared in his mind and the crystal necklace that would unlock untold riches from their planet...