
Love that Spans Realms

"C'mon Kirin let me see!" "What!? No what are you doing!?" "Hey stop.. wait… don't touch that!" "Oho! Shy are we? We are both girls there's nothing to be shy about!" "Wait..Shou!.. 'splash!'... ahaha… not there!" "Ohhh ticklish in that spot? Where else hehe..." Varick … Ruishi … Ze … Jun … _______________________________________________________ Kirin is a girl who has been orphaned and left alone with a mysterious past. Even more is her link to the future. Varick comes from another realm entirely, dragged there by accident and joins the crazy fate along with others. Love rivals all in this slow but no misunderstanding love story. Join them as they span the realms and learn to fall for each other.

LadyAdhara · Urban
Not enough ratings
48 Chs


Back at the palace atop the mountain

It has been a few days and Shou had woken up in a strange room, granted this room was very luxurious with the most gorgeous items and furnishings. It had an in room bathroom as well. At this moment she walked to the door and found it locked from the outside. Shou frowned and her brows knit together instantly, "Why is this door locked? Did I really get kidnapped?" she mumbled to herself.

Just then there was a knock on the door, the door locked clicked and in walked the servant Yun. He entered with a tray of food and fresh clothes for the girl sitting on the bed with a confused look on her face. Although she said nothing she watched him intently. Once he placed the dishes down he bowed to her and exited and re-locked the door.

She scanned the room once more, her gaze fell onto the food as her stomach effectively betrayed her with a loud growl. *Sigh* "I guess I better eat or I will never have the strength to get out of here, b*stards actually locked me in this room! If they think that I'll just lay down and take this they have another thing coming! No way are they getting away with this…" She finished her food and began to devise possible scenarios on how to escape from this place.

"Sure this place was nice and all but who kidnaps a lady, let alone a Goddess Deity!? Wait, where are my weapons!? Ugh! This is the worst! Why me? I know I'm gorgeous but come on! Ruishi you better hurry your a*s up!"

A light knock resounded on the door and the person on the other side waited for her reply. "Enter, not like I can stop you anyways the lock is on the wrong side of the door!"


A slender but masculine hand gently pushed open the door and a peerless face emerged with the most enchanting blood red eyes intently gazing at Shou's figure. The emotions contained in those eyes were hard to miss, they held the most gentle look she had ever seen, Which of course piqued her interest even further…

'Why do I get the feeling her knows me?'

After the man fully entered the room he gentles closed the door behind him, the sound of a click resounded once again afterwards. Clearly the subordinate on the other end locked the door for this master.

"Shou, please don't be angry with me…" The man had the look of a bullied hubby as he gazed at her with a longing in his eyes.

He carefully drew closer towards her but then stopped abruptly when he saw her hesitancy, inwardly chiding himself, 'Of course she doesn't remember me… not since that day… *sigh* I must take this slow instead'

He turned and grabbed a chair and gently sat down as he gazed at her lovingly and with so much patience, he awaited for her questions so he could try to explain. The silence reigned in the room for quite some time as both stared at each other full of questions.

Shou turned her gaze stubbornly at this point and asked, "When will you release me? I don't hold any importance, nor do I have anything you may want… there is no gain here just let me leave!"

Sighing and shaking his head slightly the gorgeous man simply stated, "That's not true you simply forgot who you are… wh… who I am." The man was choked with emotion and he turned away to hide the look in his eyes and the tear that rolled down his face. "This was the only way, when I sensed you in the mountain… I had to take this chance… I have been so long…"

"I don't know you! 'Believe me I absolutely would remember a man like you!' Besides why kidnap me from my friends?"

"Would you have allowed me to approach? Would they?" He said in a low mournful voice while he turned to gaze at her.

Thinking this over, indeed no they would not! Who would allow a stranger to just claim they know you and whisk you away? Shou went silent for a time while gazing out of the locked window. After a while she spoke again.

"Why lock me in then? If you really had no intention of causing harm… isn't this a bit extreme? I mean seriously are you some kind of pervert?" She scoffed at him.

Inwardly laughing at himself for his lecherous actions a few days ago he did agree with her, that was kind of shameless of him. "You truly forgotten me Shou.. heh, I will leave you be for a while I will come back later. Please get some rest, I suspect your friends will be joining us soon anyway." After that he sighed once again and as he left the room he took one more longing look at her before he closed and locked the door once again.

As he left he headed to his study, his servant Yun came up to bring in a report at this time while silently worried for his master, the look on his face and the tears rolling down his face was heart wrenching. "Master, they are on the move I expect they will be here within two days… They also have new gear and weapons brought in by the Dragon Clan's Crown Prince Ao Ji."

Shocked at the name Yun just uttered he queried, "Ao Ji? He actually came down to join this party? Who are they… and what is so important for the powers from the higher realm to come down?"

"I am not sure Master we are still awaiting reports to come in however, it may be faster to ask them once they come here."

Nodding his head he silently agreed with this statement. "Yun, I will be in my study for a while don't disturb me for the time being.. I… I need to recollect my thoughts, this.. This is too hard… she forgot me…"

"Yes Master it shall be done to your order."

After entering his study he walked over to his desk once again and pulled out that old photo, gently stroking it as tears fell down his beautiful blood red eyes… he murmured quietly, "I won't give up on you again Shou… never again…"

Be ready for a mass release tomorrow!!! Vote, Comment, Review guys let me hear from you!

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