

Ann White is a nineteen year old who wants to be a millionaire. But there's a problem; she lacks the drive to actually work for it. Her mother advises her to resort to seducing rich men but Ann doesn't want that either. She doesn't want a man in her life. William Brown is a rich twenty-one year old who is fighting for the position of CEO with his other two cousins, Neil and Daniel. He's cold and indifferent but when he cares about something, he makes sure to nurture it. The four get tangled in a love...square? Rectangle? Will Ann's life turn out the way she wanted it to or will she be worse off than how she started?

G_Mumba · Urban
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


William went into the elevator while wearing a deep frown on his face. He swore in his heart to take his revenge on Ann when he saw her. He went around the whole building greeting every employee and giving them advice on how to do their work efficiently and even wishing them good luck for the rest of the day. The employees of Tiger's Company were beyond puzzled and confused by the ice cold boss' change of attitude but they couldn't do anything to do anything about it. Most of them remained in their respective places to avoid the overly friendly William.

Of all the people, Ann was the most concerned because William had not gone into his office the whole morning. She kept on going in and out of her own office to see if he had come back. As one part of her office wall was already tinted she didn't have to worry about having to look at Daniel but she could still see Neil. All she could do to avoid his intense stare was look down at the papers she had been given and actually do her work. Maybe this was a good time to find out more about Yelena French and her brothel.


She looked up from the documents to find Daniel standing by the door holding two cups of coffee in his hands. She smiled at him wondering when he had gone to get that coffee.

"What are you doing just standing there? Come sit." she offered him.

"Sure." he said and walked towards her desk,"New look?"

"Ahhhh that! Yeah.....I just thought I'd try something new you know."

"I like it. Now I can concentrate on the curves of your body and not the ones in your hair." he said and then he winked.

Ann frowned at him and he immediately apologized to her. He offered her the coffee and she took it but didn't drink it immediately.

"Not in the mood for coffee?" he asked her frowning.

"Nah... I'm hungry and coffee isn't really my thing."

"Let's go down then." Daniel said smiling knowing that if he was seen with Ann then people would speculate that they were dating.

If that happened then she might just accept his affection for her.

"Not yet.....I ahhh..." Ann stummered then picked up some of the documents belonging to Willi,"...I need to give these to William so we can go through them together."

"You've been spending too much time on William's work. Neil and I are also your bosses you know." Daniel said frowning at her.

"Can I tell you a little secret?" Ann said trying to figure out how to not offend Daniel.

Daniel sat comfortably in the chair and moved it in more so that he could hear the secret more clearly. His frown had long since disappeared.

"Tell me."

"I'm generally more fearful of William. Meaning I want to get rid of him faster so I can get to spend time with you guys."

Daniel's face lit up at her words and he nearly blushed.

"Who will you get rid of next then, me or Neil?"

"Neil, obviously." Ann answered and laughed.

Daniel laughed along with her and she also pretended to find it funny.

"So about that baby shower.....I still want to accompany you." Daniel said suddenly and Ann's laughter ended abruptly.

"I told you Dan, you're going to die of boredom. It's just women giving gifts to a heavily pregnant woman and acting like they all like each other." Ann said waving her hand at him like she was dismissing him.

Ann felt alarmed by the fact that he wasn't looking in the least bit amused. She made a cute face at him to disuade him from going with her but he stood his ground.

"Listen Ann, Unlike Neil who in case you didn't know is a play boy, you aren't a passing interest to me. I really like you and I want to make you mine. I don't care where you are going, I just want to be there with you." Daniel said seriously.

Ann's eyes widened when he grabbed her hands on the table and held them in his own lovingly while still looking at her face. He brought up her hands up to his lips and was about to kiss them but when his eyes landed on the ring on her finger he froze. He stared at her hands for a long time without the slightest movement.

"That's what I wanted to tell you about." Ann said finally pulling her hands away from him.

She folded her hands on her lap and noticed how Daniel still had his hands up like he was still holding hers and he was still staring at where her hands had been.

"I'm married." she.infirmed him and he finally looked up at her,"Happily married."

"Ha.... happily married? Married?!" he said and slammed his fist on the table.

Ann moved her chair backwards and stared at him cautiously. He stood up and grabbed her laptop and threw it down on the ground and it broke into two pieces and the screen was shattered.

"What are you doing?!" Ann shouted at him.

"What do you mean you are married?!"

"She means she is a married woman." William's deep voice said from behind Daniel.

Daniel turned around sharply and glared at his cousin. William was smiling brightly as he looked at Daniel's annoyed expression.

"Daniel, she is a secretary who wants to keep her private life private, okay. You breaking her laptop hinders her work as a secretary." William said pointing at the laptop.

"Stop spouting nonsense at me!" Daniel shouted then he looked at Ann,"And you.....I will not forget your betrayal! Ever!"

After saying that Daniel left Ann's office while Neil sat in his own looking slightly annoyed because now he knew Ann was married. He left shortly after Daniel leaving Ann and William alone on the twelveth floor. Ann took deep breaths as she looked at her laptop on the floor. She glared at William silently blaming him for what had happened to her property.

"Look at what your ring has done." she said pointing at the halfed laptop.

"It's on your finger so it's your ring. And besides I'll get you a new laptop; a better one."

"I don't want you to start flaunting your money at me Mr Brown. My precious k-drama was there." she said rubbing her forehead making a fake sob at the end.

"You can redownload them later. Come." William said as he extended his hand to her.

"To where?" Ann asked slightly annoyed.

"To get you something to eat dear wife." he said teasingly.

Ann squinted her eyes at him in disbelief at what he had said. Did he really expect her to eat peacefully knowing that Daniel, the psychopath was coming after her.

"Come on wife, lets go." William said looking at the door like he was getting impatient.

"I don't want to eat with you. I hate you now." she said pouting her lips.

William looked at her and then looked out at the clear blue sky.

"There is a nice restaurant that just opened nearby. I want to take you out." he said sweetly.

"Will, do I look like I am a little girl to you? I made you upset this morning so I highly doubt you could have forgiven me so easily. Are you planning an assassination?" she asked him seriously.

William chuckled softly and slowly walked to the door. He looked at her again and laughed heartily even though she was frowning at him.

"It won't be just the two of us Madam Secretary." he informed her and her frown deepened,"Come on. We don't want the perfect boss being late for his meeting.

"Meeting?" she asked blinking at him.


Ann followed him out if the room and eventually out of the building. She was surprised when she saw some other employees standing outside next to a nice bus that was ready to leave. She looked at William confused because she didn't know what he was planning or what he had planned. She spotted Sera, Lily and Larry standing there with a bunch of other people who she didn't know. She quickly walked towards them and was greeted by their looks of surprise.

"Wow! You came dressed for the meeting, ay?" Lily asked looking Ann up and down.

"I didn't even know there was a meeting today. Besides, I didn't pick the clothes." Ann complained.

Sera and Lily looked at each other knowingly and laughed at Ann. Larry continued to admire Ann in the black dress until he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Larry turned around as the laughter of the two women quickly died down.

"Mr Brown? May I assist you with anything?" Larry asked politely.

William glared at him and then looked at Ann seriously.

"No. I just wanted to have a word with my secretary but you happened to be standing in my way." William said adjusting his neck tie.

Larry stepped away with a smile on his face not understanding that William was warning him to stay away from Ann.

"You're riding with me so we can go over the details of the meeting." William said to Ann.

"Mr Brown?" Larry called out looking at William's left hand where a ring had been placed on his ring finger,"Are you married?"

Some of the other employees who heard this turned their heads to look at William; readying their cameras before he could answer.

"Why yes I am." William answered with a smile and camera snaps were heard as well as gasps.