

Ann White is a nineteen year old who wants to be a millionaire. But there's a problem; she lacks the drive to actually work for it. Her mother advises her to resort to seducing rich men but Ann doesn't want that either. She doesn't want a man in her life. William Brown is a rich twenty-one year old who is fighting for the position of CEO with his other two cousins, Neil and Daniel. He's cold and indifferent but when he cares about something, he makes sure to nurture it. The four get tangled in a love...square? Rectangle? Will Ann's life turn out the way she wanted it to or will she be worse off than how she started?

G_Mumba · Urban
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Ann watched Will sleeping comfortably on the bed and she continued to stare at him for a few more minutes until she realised she was running out of time for their workout.

"Wake up Will." she said to him. He turned grounding and remained on the bed until after a minute passed.

"I'm awake." he said to her in a drowsy and sleepy voice.

"Hurry up. You are already late....." she said to him,".....and you should know you have a big day ahead of you."

"A big day?" he asked confused and that was enough to wake him up completely.

"Yes, a big day. Today you're going to be the perfect boss and one that everyone will want." Ann said walking to the wardrobe to get him his clothes.

William looked at her seriously and with question in his eyes but he didn't ask her what she meant. She brought him his sweat pants and a gray T-shirt to wear and then sat down on his bed.

"What are you going to make me do?" he asked as he got off the bed.

"Ohhh.... nothing.. You'll see! I'll just keep in contact with you the whole day that's all." Ann said.

William walked into the dressing room and changed into the clothes Ann had given him. The couple went to their indoor gym where Ann went straight to the treadmill and while William went to lift his weights. After some time they switched places but Ann failed to lift any of the weights. William shook his head at her and wondered how someone could fail to lift any of the small weights in the gym. He was sure that even if he brought a child the child would be able to lift at least one weight in there.

"Are you that weak?" he asked making her turn red out of embarrassment.

"I'm not weak! I just don't want to be buff!" she defended herself.

William shook his head at her again knowing that she was lying but he didn't do anything to stop her. She started doing a series of squats and jumping jacks close to where the water bottles were kept and every after 5-minutes she would drink half a bottle of water and in twenty minutes she had finished four bottles. When the work out was done, she ran straight to the bathroom to relieve herself.

"You shouldn't have drank so much water." William scolded her.

" It's my body. Besides water is good for your health."

"Don't you know that too much of everything is bad?" he asked looking at her belly that seemed like it was protruding because of the water she had took in.

"How is it bad?" she asked tilting her head to the side.

"It's bad in a lot of ways but just know that while we're going to work the car won't stop for bathroom stops. Do you hear me?" he looked away from her and started walking to the door.

"But you're supposed to be the perfect boss and I'm sure you wouldn't want your employee to be pressed the whole day." she said smiling at him; teasing him.

William finally understood what she had meant by a big day. She wanted him to care for his employees and his only prayer was that he wouldn't run into any of his employees for the whole day. He frowned at her but she continued to smile innocently and instead of remaining upset with her he was moved by her charming smile and he eventually smiled at her.

"Why are you smiling sir?" she asked surprised by his change of mood.

"I'm supposed to be a good boss aren't I?" he asked still smiling and it made Ann frown.

"Hurry up Mrs Brown. It's already six twenty." he said to her with a light laugh.

William left shortly after to take a shower. Ann stood looking at the door whilst shaking her head shocked at how he had chosen to address her. She also left to go and bath but when she came back William was in her room standing half naked next to her bed while he was examining some of her outfits spread out on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him clasping the towel she had loosely put on closer to her body.

"In return for making me act like the best boss I want you to wear what I will choose for you."

"What? Why?" Ann asked surprised.

"Sit down." William ordered her.

Ann pouted her lips and sat down in front of the dressing mirror. William walked towards her in his boxers and he picked up the hair toner and removed her shower cap. She watched him carefully as he straightened her hair.

"I want you to wear that black dress as well as the ring and the white heels."

"Why a ring. Can't I wear a bracelet or something. It will make it seem as though I am married."

"Aren't you?" William asked looking at her reflection in the mirror. "I was thinking of making our marriage public."

Ann turned her head to have it turned again by William. He was looking at her hair with full concentration as though he hadn't said anything.

"Why do you want to make it public?" Ann asked worry evident in her voice.

"Why shouldn't I?" he asked looking at her again.


"Because?" he asked teasingly."See, you don't even have a reason."

Ann glared at him and he smiled back. She shifted her gaze to herself. She really didn't have a reason; except wanting a private life! That wasn't a valid reason to him but it was very valid to her. He had given her enough freedom but now he was asking for her to step into the lime light with him.

"I won't wear it." she said in a whisper but he heard her.

"Would you prefer I make you wear it when we reach the office and I go down on one knee?" he asked pulling her head back.

William left her to get dressed. Ann put on the dress William brought for her. She put on everything except the ring. She smirked devilishly and hide the ring under the dresser. She put on a worried look at walked out the room.

"William, I lost the ring!" she explained once she got to the ground floor.

"You lost the ring?" William asked turning to face her surprised.

"Yes." she answered panicking.

"How did you lose it?" he said folding his arms.

Of course he would ask, it was so hard to believe her.

"I left shortly after you to get dressed. Everything was there. The ring inclusive. But when I got back it wasn't there." she said.

What a stupid reason to give. William squinted his eyes and noded.


"I am really sorry." she said cutting him short."

"It's okay." he answered gesturing her to follow him into the car.

She smiled in relief and got I'm excitedly when he said,

"I'll get you a new one."

"What?!" she exclaimed alarmed.

William chuckled and got in the car making sure to lock the doors. He drove quickly and soon they arrived at a jewellery store. Ann was sulking because of what he had done and was about to do. He asked her if she wanted to chose the ring for herself but she refused and let him go in alone. After five minutes he came back with a small white box that had a red bow on it. He handed it to her and she opened it and put the ring on without looking at it too closely. Ten minutes later they were at Tiger's Company and Ann was the first to step out.

"Vi wait for me or else I'll embarrass you!" he called out to her in warning and she stopped walking.

He got out of the car leisurely and walked towards her slowly. Some of the employees who were just arriving looked at the un-anticipated couple and couldn't help but start to gossip. William possessively wrapped his arms around her waist making some people even start taking photos. She noticed how he was even waving at the people outside as they entered the large building. She wanted to take revenge and she knew exactly how to get what she wanted.

"Will?" Ann called him in a low voice while looking at the people taking photos of them.

"Yes." he answered.

"Truth or Dare?"

"What? Why?"

"Just answer."

"Mhhh....dare." William answered smiling.

An evil glint passed in Ann's eyes and she looked up at him.

"I want you to greet every employee of this company before lunch time."

The smile that was on William's face fell and he frowned down at Ann. She was smiling brightly and before he could say anything she gave him a peck on the cheek and walked away gracefully like she had done nothing wrong. She entered the elevator and pushed the button to go to the twelveth floor.

"Why?!" he shouted while she was still in earshot.

"I'm teaching you kindness!"

The elevator doors shut taking the sight of Ann away from him and he cursed under his breath. The receptionist heard what he had said and looked at him with widened eyes. He noticed her looking at him and shot her a bright smile.

"Good morning Felisi." he greeted her.

"Goo....good morning Mr Brown." Felisi answered shocked.